

Mushroom + Piggy = 김밥사랑


Genre: oneshot, AU, lighthearted romance



It's very embarassing reposting one of my earlier works...

This is a oneshot that I did a few years ago, please excuse my bad english~

During this time I was still experimnting with my writing style so I apologise!


Another info about me, I have a soompi account, Nobuko.


Comment please!
Thank you, please do read this~~•



"To truly love is to have the
courage to walk away
and let the other person who
wishes to be free go
no matter how much it hurts. "




I've come to realize that destiny can hurt a person as much as it can bless them. I found myself wondering, Why of all the people in the world I can fall in love with, I fell for someone who can never be mine. Our school's most Stupidest && Dorkiest, Lee Tae Min.


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geudae_ #1
This is so adorably sweet. ♥
chas_ssmentrok #2
SO CUTE!!! I love the quotes u used in ur story :)