I'm right afterall

Your Knight In Shining Armor

A/N: Sooooo, guys, this chapter will based on Yuri p.o.v, kay? And it start at the day when Yuri went out with maknae (refer to chap 12) and her feeling after she left...So, please enjoy!!!


I had been to most of the countries on Lagendia with princess to seek for help and lucky for us, all the kings were kindly gave us help by providing the best soldiers and the finest knights. I was happy, not because we were going to had a top army for war but for the princess. She smiled more frequently and she is getting fatter which was quite good for her because she was too thin and it hurt me when I saw her being that thin. She began to eat more and sleep more which I assumed was a good thing, at least it meant the princess was back to normal, had move on from the death of the king and the queen. I was impressed by princess, because she was able to move on in such short time while for me, I was in slump for a few months before i was able to move on, before she brought me to the light again, its all thanks to her, the princess, my princess, Princess Jessica, Sica.

Now we were resting in a small village in the border of Vinio, to get a quick rest and a final preparation for the upcoming war that will be held in a week.  I was now sitting directly opposite of the princess that owned my heart, cleaning my armor and my sword. I felt someone was staring at me intensely but i tried to ignore it. Finally I gave up and lifted my head, only saw the princess was staring at me.

"Princess?" I tried to call out for her but there's no response.

"Jessica?" I tried again by calling out her name and that was a rude act to do so because a knight could never call a princess's name. But unlucky for me, the princess still staring at me. I leaned forward to closened the distance between two of us. My heart was beating crazily and unstoppable when the distance between us were lesser and her fragrance was stronger than before. The sweet smell of roses from her hair was one of the reason why my heart was beating like a wild horse.

"Princess, is there something on my face?" I waved my hands in front of her while trying my best to hide my blush and creepy smile in front of my dream girl.  The princess shook her head.

'Ah nothing. I just dozing off." She said. Her voice sound like an angel's voice that sent happiness to my heart. I shrugged my shoulders in order to press my feeling down. I already knew its weird for me to love a girl, to love a person that had the same gender as me but I just couldn't help it because I was hopelessly fallen for her. I was scared that she would feel disgust when I showed to her obviously so I hid the feeling although I did confess to her a few times but thats was during her sleep. Okay, we are drifting off from topic now so I better get back before you guys felt bored. So I was leaning back and continued to clean my armor and sword. I cleaned my babies, which were my armor and sword, carefully and paid full attention to them. I felt it again, the intense staring and I knew clearly who was it. I glanced toward the princess and saw her smiling like a ert.

"Princess, sorry to be rude but you are kinda creepy right now." I said, trying to tease the princess. As expected, she reacted and pouted. I don't mean to be sadistic but her pout was more than perfect, it was too cute. I barely able to handle my mouth to curve upward and my heart to beat normally. I saw her crossed her hands in front of her chest and I knew perfectly that the princess was sulking.

"Princess, how can I stop this feeling when you being so cute?" I mumbled and told the princess I was just stating the truth. She still remained in the same position and expression. I put on my armor and walked toward the spoiled princess.

"I'm sorry, princess." I said while looking at her but she turned away. Why she must make this hard for me? I walked to the other side so that I cold face her again and brought out my final attack that no one could resisted Kwon Yul's charm - puppy eyes! I looked at the princess and pleaded for forgiveness with the famous puppy eyes that was able to melt thousands of girls' and even boys' heart.

"Did I do wrong?" I mumbled when I saw her sighed. I didn't know what to do but there's something else distracted me. I saw Taeyeon followed by Sooyoung walked into the room. Taeyeon bowed and greeted the princess. I was just focusing myself on the princess but I suddenly heard Taeyeon requested for me to accompany Seohyun go around the village. I was hestitaing about should I left my princess or not but at last I decide to accompany Seohyun since I wanted today became a memorable day for me.

I saw Sooyoung pouted and I quickly cupped his face. I had to say, his pouted face was cute and totally not suit him. If I didn't fall for princess and she didn't even walk into my life, I might fall for Sooyoung.

"Why are you still pouting?" I asked.

"Because I want to go with you." Sooyoung answered honestly. I just let out a small giggle.

"But Soo, princess need you to protect her. Besides, I'm totally fine now."  I turned myself in front of Sooyoung, proving that I'm totally fine so that there's no need to worry about me.

"O...kay." Sooyoung sighed and cupped my cheek and began to nag like an old lady.

"If there's anything happen, remember to tell me, okay? Don't follow strangers and avoid suspicious people."

"Soo, I'm not a little girl anymore." I smiled. Sooyoung was just being a wonderful brother for me but I'm 18 now not 8. Suddenly I felt an intense stare, or more like glare at me. I felt a cold shiver but I quickly shrugged it off.

"Princess, I'm going out now. Call for Sooyoung and Taeyeon if there's anything happen." I told princess, trying to make sure she wouldn't worry about me but I recieved a cold glare instead of a warm smile. O..kay, I guess I did something wrong again without knowing it. I wanted to say sorry to her but I knew very well that here going to turn into a war zone if I didn't step out from this room as soon as I could. I quickly walked out from the room and headed to find Seohyun.

There she is, the so called goddess although the princess was my goddess though. I walked silently as she engulfed herself in reading a book on her hand. That girl, there's not a moment when you couldn't saw her holding a book. She even holding a book when she ate and slept. I silently sneaked behind her.

" Seo! What are you reading?" I said in a slightly louder tone. Seohyun was shocked and nearly dropped her book.

"Yul, can't you call out for me normally?" Seohyun glared at me but I just smiled goofily at her. She sighed and smiled at me.

"Lets go and sorry for letting you wait too long and scaring you. But you must admit it that was fun!" I shouted because I was running away from Seohyun. Seohyun only sighed but soon running after me. Both of us ran until we reached in front of a store, and apparently this store sold medicine and herb.

"Wanna go in?" I asked since Seohyun's eyes was glued to the store. She looked at me and nodded, was being exciting. I just smiled and grabbed her hand and walked into the store. I was glad when I saw Seohyun was talking happily with the store owner. I'm glad that she was able to make friend from different countries and knew more about herbs and medicine. I just smiled at her. She looked so lively and cheerful when she talked and immersed herself into something that she interested in. I had no intention of showing that I'm bored or anything.I just happy for her. I stood at there, observing my surrounding and my brain was thinking about the king and queen death along with princess's incidient and Dark Moon. My brain began to interpret everything that I found when I'm away from the princess for the first time. I began to find connection between all.

"Yuri?" A sudden tap on my shoulder had startled me. I looked at Seohyun who was smiling at me.

'Are you finish?" I asked and she nodded.

"You can continue if you want. I don't mind." I said, knowing fully she stopped her conversation because she scared that I'm bored. I just gently caressed her cheek and smiled at her.

'I'm finish. I want to go somewhere else." Seohyun said while grabbing my hand.

'Okay. Lets go!" I said and so two of us walked toward the place that Seohyun wanted to go. At first I only could say people and hearing voices around me but as I continue to walk, I realized there's less voice and people around me and finally I arrived at a place where only beautiful flower and green grass along with blue clear sky could be see.

"Seo, this is-"

"Its nice, right? I heard it from the store owner just now. " Seohyun smiled. I ran and hugged her. I wonder did I save a country in my last life? Because having such great girl that I thought as my sister was the best gift I ever had! Both of us lied on the grass, staring at the sky. None of us were talking and instead of talking, we enjoyed this silent moment. I felt the breeze gently caressed my face and I smiled. Ah, its been a long time for me to do this. I closed my eyes and enjoyed such peaceful and wonderful moment.


"Hmm?" I respond to Seohyun.

'Thank you."

"For what, Seo?" I asked while sitting up.

"For always be by my side. Always support me when I decide to become a doctor. And being like a sister to me."

"Seo, from the day when dad brought you in, dad, mum and me had thought you as one of us. Kwon Seohyun, its nice, right?"

"Yea. I like the sound of it." Seohyun smiled. Her smile was pure , no impurity, a definite smile of an angel.

"Besides, I'm the one that need to say thank you." I said while staring at the sky.


"Well, you help me cover my true gender by nursing me when I'm hurt. You always there give me moral support and you always endure with my stubborness, All things that you did for me, there's too much until I couldn't listed it out in a whole week." I waved my hands franticlly to make Seohyun understood how much she meant for me, and of course not as much as princess meant for me, She just giggled and I smiled sheepishly.

"But still thank you, Yuri. Thank you." She said for the final time. I just smiled.

"I guess I should say you're welcome." I said and lied back down. Both of us talked about our childhood memories. We laughed and laughed until we couldn't stop. She shared some of the herbs that she found on the plain and showed it to me. She explained to me detailly and I nodded my head. Finally Seohyun stood up.

'Let's go back. Its getting dark." She said and reached out to me. I nodded and grabbed her hand to stand up. Both of us smiled at each other and walked back to the inn. We walked into the room. I was just thanking and complimenting her and I saw she blushed. I just smiled. Both of us saw the princess was lying her head on the table. This princess, fell alseep whenever and whereever she wanted, just like what Seohyunsaid. I walked toward the princess and carried her to the bed so that she could slept comfortly.

"Yuri, are you hiding something?" A sudden question for her had surprised me and made me nearly dropped my precious princess. Luckily I'm strong and muscular, I still managed to carry the princess. I slowly put down her and pulled a blanket over the sleeping beauty so that she wouldn't get a cold. Yuri, you must calmed down. Don't let Seohyun found out. I took a deep breath and turned around.

"What are you talking about? I'm not hiding anything." I smiled but Seohyun still fixed her stares on me.

"Yuri, stop fooling me. You're definitely hiding something." Seohyun asked again. I walked toward her and gave her a smile. I cut her off  by telling her its time to look at my wounds although I didn't want her to check on it cause I knew from the bottom of my heart that she would asked me to rest and the result its just like what I predicted.  I saw she yawned after checking up on my wound.

'Just go to sleep. I will protect you two." I said and soon she went to her dreamland. I just smiled gently and walked toward my princess. The princess was sleeping soundly with one of her arms up.

"Princess, how can you be so beautiful?" I whispered as I brushed away her hair. I leaned closer to her until I could stared at her face clearly, her small and kissable lips, with her cute nose.

"How I wish that I could kiss you now." I said and I leaned closer. I was thinking of kissing princess's lips but I was scared, scared that the princess would wake up and slapped me. So I moved upward and kissed her forehead. Although its just her forehead but this had brought me pleasure and happiness which might caused me suffered from insomia for three days three nights. I apologized and gently her face. Her smooth skin was moving under my fingers. She was just like a doll that would break if I did anything unecessary when she slept.  Such pretty and perfect girl should found someone that suit her, a prince and definitely a charming prince so me, I as a knight , must find a prince for her. At least she will be save when I'm not around. She had someone to depend on when I'm not around. She able to forget about me when I'm not around. My heart ached when I imagined she being lovey dovey with another person than me but I knew I need to let her go.

"Princes, are you awake?" I asked when I noticed there's some movement under the blanket. She sat up and looked at me.

'Are you hungy? Or do you want anything?" I asked, scaring my angel would be suffering.

"I'm not hungry and I want...you." Her answered had surprised me and honestly, in that moment, there's fireworks in my mind but I quickly came back to reality.

"Princess, its not good to joke like that. Next time don't joke like that in front of the prince." I said while feeling there's hundred of daggers stabbing my heart. I laughed it off but soon stopped when I saw princess was looking at me seriously. I waited for awhile but she was just staring at me and nothing else.

"Princess, are you okay?" I leaned closer to her.

"I-i-i'm fine. Don't stay so near to me." She said and it hurt me just like my heart was crushed.

"O...kay." I said as I stepped a few steps back. I was just standing at there, looking at her with hurt in my heart. My heart was aching but I knew very well this was what I get when I fall too hard for her.

"Anyway, I'm hunrgy now." I nodded my head after hearing what she said.

"Oh, you should be. Its time for your dinner. I will be getting the food. Please wait for awhile." I bowed and walked out from the room. A tear had escaped my eyes and I quickly wiped away, didn't want anyone to saw it. I gently slapped my face and forced out a smile before I went to the kitchen.

After I took the food and smiled at the workers as a token of gratitude, I walked into the room. The princess quickly ate the food but not for long, she began to play with her food. I was just looking at her, wondering how long would she play with her food. She is just too cute, being like that. Her eyes, her fingers, her hair, everything of her just being too cute and adorable when she was playing with her food. But I realized I couldn't let her do this. She will be wasting food and a princess or future Queen of Genovia shouldn't wasted her food.

"Princess, you are playing with your food." I said, reminding her and lucky for me, it worked. She quickly lowered her head and ate her food. Pirncess, you cuteness was just too much for me. I sighed and shook my head, hoping to shook off this thought. I saw princess had finished her food so I quickly helped her to sent the dirty plates to the kitchen, to help me get rid of these thoughts, the thoughts of wanting princess so much. Suddenly I felt a pair of hands circling around my waist when I turned around and being a smart knight, I knew those hands belong to my princess.

"Please, let me be like this for a few minutes." She cut me off before I could said anything. My heart was thumping and happiness was began to fill my heart. I shouldn't do this and I knew very well too but this, I just wanted to enjoy all this for now even though I knew it will be hard for me to left her,

"Yul, I love you." Her confession made me shocked and I suddenly didn't know what to do or how to react. I was standing there, dumbfounded. I quickly regained my composure and mentally told myself that I shouldn't had too much hope for this, maybe she was just refering as a friend or as a princess to a knight.

Princess, you shouldn't simply say those three words to other people. You should say those three words to the prince that you love." I said with a cold tone.

"I don't love prince." She replied me and this really had brought hope to me.

"You are a very special princess. There's no princess that doesn't love prince." I tried to argue with her, and also my inner self that was currenlt squealling for happiness.

"I'm special because I love a knight instead of a prince." She continued and I was getting weaker from it.

"Princess, it's not good to joke about this." I said again, trying to convince her and myself that she was only joking.

"I'm not joking. Yul, I l-" She wanted to continue but I cut her off. I didn't know how long I could handle it if I let this conversation went as she wished.

"Princess, I need to send off this dirty plates." I said and she let go of me. I just walked straight out from the room and leaned against the wall. Why she had to do this to me? My brain was full of her words and voices until my heart couldn't bear it anymore. This love hurts and it really hurt me so much. I let the tear fell out from my eyes.  I walked toward the kitchen and put down the plate.

"General Kwon!" A voice called out for me. I turned back and saw a familiar figure was standing at the back door of the kitchen.

"Sunny?!" I said and the figure nodded her head. I quickly walked toward her. She grabbed my hand and looked at our surrounding. After making sure that there's no people around us. She lowered her head and so do I.

"Yul, I had all the information that you want."

"Spit it out." I said and Sunny began to whisper into my ears.

"What you assume its true, Yul. That's all I could say."

"You had done a good job. Here's your pay." I took out a bag of gold and gave it to her but she refused.

"I can't take this. Your father treat me and my family so well. This is-"

"Hyo, just took it. You deserve it. Take this money and fled to St. Heaven with your family and gave this letter to Princess Tiffany."


"Just follow me. I guaranteed that you and your family will be save when you guys are there."

"Yul, thank you."

'No need for it. Now go before anyone see you." I quickly sent Sunny away and leaned against the wall. With what the spy, Sunny said just now, prove my assumptions were correct. I clenched my fist.

"Kwon Taecyeon. You are going down." I said as I finally decided what I should do to protect my princess. I quickly walked back to the room so that the princess wouldn't worry about me. She was still staring at the floor when I walked into the room and I couldn't find Seohyun too. But I didn't had time to care for my sister, I am worried about the angel right in front of my eyes. I kneeled down and cupped her cheek.

"Princess, I don't know what should I say but I will definitely find a prince for you, so don't you being so desperate until fall for a knight." I said in a gentle tone.

"You idiot! You think I was being desperate?!" She shouted.

"A princess is meant to be with a prince." I tried to reason with her.

"I don't care! I don't even know why I love such an idiot people! Go away!" She shouted and stood up. She stomped toward the bed and pulled the blanket over her. I knew perfectly that she was really mad. She was mad until she didn't want to see my face but I guess that's good since it would be easier for me to leave.

"Princess, its for your own good. You need a prince to be by your side when you rule your kingdom. You need a guy to give you children so that your children can rule the kingdom in the future." I sighed and sat down at the table. Both of us remained the same position for the whole night, even when Seohyun walked into the room. I just smiled at her and asked her go to sleep. As innocent as she was, she didn't suspect a thing and went straight to sleep. I stood up and opened the door, looking for the sign of my two best friends and there was no sign of them. They must be eating their late night snacks, especially with that shikshin around.

I walked toward Seohyun and found out she was soundly asleep. I just smiled and walked toward the table. I took out a few papers and envelope along with a quil and ink, I began to write letters. Not for anyone, its for the four of them, the four most important people in my life, which were my dependable cousin, Kim Taeyeon, my loving and caring shikshin that I treated as my brother, Choi Sooyoung, my innocent and smart sister, Kwon Seohyun and last but not least, the light that lead me to the right path, the one that gave me happiness and comfort , the one owned and lived in my heart until the world ends, Jessica.

"Awm why are you crying? Kwon Yuri! Stop!" I scolded myseld in a low voice so that I wouldn't wake those two girls up. Tears kept falling from my eyes and a few of them had landed on the letter. I quickly wiped away the tears as I wrote the letters.

"Ah, which prince shoukd I recomend to princess?" I mumbled and looked at the sleeping princess. Princess Nickhun? Nah, he was famous of being a player. Prince LeeTeuk? Nah, he already had Princess Victoria. Prince Onew? Nah, he was too nice and weak. Prince Siwon? Ah! I guessed he would be the best candidate. He was tall, handsome, polite, and also good in sword since I had sparred with him when I was in tha castle of Vinio. I can see that he had a crush on princess so I think he would be able to protect her when I'm not around. So Prince Siwon then!

After I wrote the letter I put it under their pillow and lucky for me, that time, Sooyoung and Taeyeon were not in their room so all these made my mission easier. After I put the letter, I walked toward the sleeping princess. She was lifting one of her hands up and it was a prrof that she had sleep soundly and nothing would woke her up.

"Princess, sorry." I whispered as I leaned in to kiss her lips. I apologized for the rudeness by kissing her lips and by the meant of breaking the promises.

'I love you. Please don't forget that, Jessica." I whispered and stood up. I wiped off the tears that streaming down my face. Argh! Its been four years since I last cry and I didn't know why after four years, I would be crying like a baby today. I promised myself that I wouldn't cry anymore but then again, promises are meant to be broken. I opened the window and saw my horse, Lightning was standing there. As if it understand my true motive, it stood still, like it was waiting for me to jump on its back. I looked around once again, scaring Sooyoung and Taeyeon might be back but luckily there's no one. I took my sword after I wore my armor. I stepped on the window and before I jumped down, I turned my head back and looked at the room, Seohyun and lastly her, Jessica.

A lot of things was going on in my mind as I remember back the day when I promised her that I would be by her side forever.

"Goodbye. I guess we wouldn't meet again. I love you, Sica." I said and jumped from the window. I successsfully landed on top of Lightning. I gently patted it as a reward of being a good horse.

"Let's go before someone caught us." I said as I charged toward my enemy, to seek for my revenge, to protect Jessica, to ensure Grados will lose and last but not least to settle this between two of us, between Kwon Taecyeon and Kwon Yuri.


A/N: WALA!!! Yuri pov..Do you guys like it?? I might make another part of her pov ....Please comment and subscribe. Thanks a lot!!!

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Chapter 20: Me gusto
Chapter 7: Siempre se desmayan...
seopimp #3
this should have gotten more upvotes
newauthor #4
Chapter 20: I miss this story so I reread it since the 1st till last part XD
I miss Yulsic too T^T

But I support both of them respectively. I just can't help but miss them. And this story is just beautiful ~
And I'm kinda craving for this royal family concept with knight and princess story. So here I am blessed with the story that I'm craving for >//<
Chapter 20: I reread it kekeke
Chapter 20: That a great story author. . I love this story
thank you for the story
Coolchris #7
Chapter 20: WOW, AWESOME!!! Thank you for the story... It's so sweet...
Chapter 20: Omg! I enjoyed this fic alot! The ending is just SWEET! I like this:) thanks for your hard work:)
soneplaygirlz #9
Hello there! xD i enjoyed reading this fanfic..thanks author :)
Chapter 20: Love this fic so much. Cant wait for u to update your other fic.