should i suprise him??

my tears...


i looked at myungsoo, who was practising quite hard, maybe i should just go to him and forgive him? it's christmas anyway... ' i thought. suddenly a girl came in and hugged him,

'*sigh* i got fooled again, why do i love him so much, that everytime i see him i want to forgive him, maybe i should stop loving him... it's maybe better for both of us;' i thought and turned around to leave.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY, IT CAN'T BE, SUNGJONG CANT LEAVE ME ALONE LIKE THIS HE WONT" i heard myungsoo yell. 'what's this' i thought and turned back to hear what they said "it's true oppa, sungjong left and went out with exo-K's Changyeol." she said, 'what the what is she lying about...' i thought

"i love you oppa, forget sungjong" she said as she went closer to him. 'why dont you stop her' i thought as i looked at him. finally i bursted as she trew her arms around his neck. "YAH YOU DIRTY LYING B*TCH, I NEVER LEFT MYUNGIE, I WOULD NEVER DO THAT YOU MOTHER****ER LIER." I yelled at her as i trew him of my myungsoo.


"he's already mine, sungjong, after you broke up, i confessed and date him" she said evil.

'what if they really are dating... what if he dont want me anymore....' i looked at myungsoo and kissed him,

then slowly let him go,'he didn't respond, so maybe she was right' i thought. i wanted to leave and this time for real. but a hand grabbed my arm and hold me back, i turned around to see the face of...(teehee who shall it be... the leader? keke)



"w-why are you here?" i asked, the guy in front of me just smiled and hugged me, i tried to escape, but he wouldn't let me. then he captured my face and leaned in, his lips almost touched mine. "you can't escape from me" the guy said and our lips touched, after a few seconds i gave in, not that i wanted but it felt so good.

 he let go and touched my face "dont ever run away from me ever again jaeoong!" he said and i nodded, 'i won't because i can't run away from him' i thought. and i stands on my toes and leaned forward asking for a kiss that he happilly gave it to me... '

maybe i can forget what happened between me and yunho...' i thought and melted in the kiss. "we can't go that far in public, yeobo " he said as i realise my hand already went under his shirt caressing his abs.



i'm glad between me and jonghyun is nothing, i dont want to get hurt, not when i's christmas, i thought and i packed my present for jonghyun in. i hope he's going to like it, i thougth. i packed a stuffed dino in that was holding a 'i love you' pillow.

i smiled as i saw his face in front of me, after i was done packing it, i began to cook a meal for the three of us. taemin i still living with us, that frog guy is so mean, hurting minni like that, soon the doorbell rang and i opened the door, "yeobo, your back, come in quickly. taemin dont forget to place your shoes back into the cabinet" i said as i closed the door.

~after the meal~

it was time for the gifts. i smiled as taemin opened all his gifts with a big smile, hugging all his stuffed toys. then it was jonghyun's turn, he opened my dino gift. but then his face darken, "is it so much fun to make fun of me" he yelled at me and i looked in confused at him.

"you know what, i will never celebrate any holidays with you anymore. and here take you dino back" he trew the dino in my face, like he trew my love back to me.

my eyes became watery and i stood up, i rushed upstairs to our room and locked it. 'he didn't even looked at the text' i thought and looked at the text, suddenly my eyes widen 'what if he will spend valentine with some girl' my heart it broke, i kissed the dino and let my tears fall.



'maybe i was a little too harsh for him' i thought and thought about the dino... there was something written on eyes widen when i remembered what was written on, 'i love you' " i screwed it" i whispered.

"yeah appa, you screwed it. umma made that text  on his own, a whole day long, he didn't even make food for me to finish that text, he also pricked in his fingers a few times." taemin said, i sighed "what have i done." i took key's presents and walked upstairs.

"key baby, can you please open the door, i need to tell you something" i said and the door slowly opened, key hung his head low and stepped aside. i sat on his bed and petted the bed, signing him to sit next to me. he slowly sat next to me not looking at me, just playing with his fingers.

"Key, i'm sorry for being so harsh just now, can you forgive me?" i said and he nodded "n-no n-need to apologize i'it m-my fault. i sh-shouldn't gi-give that as p-present, umm... i-i wont bo-bother you a-at your holidays w-with som-someone e-else" he said and sobbed a little bit, it hurts me to know that he just cried. im such a fool to make my love cry.

i hugged him tightly and whispered "mianhae, key, i would never spend holidays without you and can i have my dino back, it has your confession for me on it" he looked at me in confuse but gave it to me. i kissed the dino and said "i love you too, key...please open my presents" i said and shove the presents in his arms, i looked at him as he opened the presents, everytime he opened one he would blush 'so cute' i giggled making him blush more.

i gave him a kiss and whispered in his ear "i lub you honey,but you still need to open one christmas present" he looked around him, but all presents were already opened. but i opened all of them." he said, i grabbed his hand and pulled him toward me, making him fall on top of me.


"you forgot to open this present, me." i said as i pointed at myself and he blushed more than before, he leaned in and our lips almost touched, he's teaching me, i smirked and grobe his , he moaned and started to kiss me lightly, the kiss became wetter and full of passion. he was about to take of my clothes when taemin run in

"umma, appa, look what i go....t, oppps sorry" he said and wanted to run. "it's alright taemin come back in." i said as we both laughed at taemin. i kissed him one more time before we went to play with taemin and his new toys.

suddenly the bell rang and we went downstairs, i hold key's hand tightly,"jongie, can you let go" he asked me. "no, what if the santa steal you from me, i dont wanna" i whined making him laugh and kissed my pout away. i opened the door and there he, not the santa, the frog guy. "what are you doing here" i asked him.


"im here to talk to taemin, after that im leaving" he said. "ok, TAEMIN THE GRINCH IS HERE FOR YOU" i yelled and saw that frog guy glare at me "NO I DONT WANT TO SEE THE GRINCH, HE'S SCARY, SEND HIM BACK TO SANTA CLAUS" taemin yelled making me laugh.

"just come here taemin i'll protect you" i yelled with a smile. tamein came donwstairs and froze. "taemin, please let me speak before you run away." the frog said.

"what do you wnat minho?" taemin said as he walked downstairs. " well...santa claus is comming to town...." he sang and gave taemin a present, a kiss on his cheek and he ruffled taemin's hair making him blush. he was about to leave when taemin hold minho's jacket and said "it's cold outside, stay inside for a while." he said making minho smile.


Sorry for not updating for a long time, anyway thanks for reading, new readers, new subscribers, subscribers and the people who comment. oh and by the way, i dont hate minho, so please dont hate me. pwease!!!! * aegyo s not working*

person 1"merry..."

person 2"marry?"

person 1"no merry c..."

person 2"marry...ah marry choi minho"

person 1"noo!!!!"

say it readers tell this person 2 what it is. so marry choi minho or merry... and a happy new year keke XD

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Chapter 21: I am so happy that you are continuing your old stories. Jongkey needs more appreciation.
Also am rooting for other couples!
Hope you update soon!
Chapter 2: Oh my god the story just started and it's already hitting hard...i like strong themes+ omg it seems like you've picked up on an older fic!! Im glad you did♡ ill read this right away eheh
Chapter 11: Aww. Myung you troll!! XD I thought he was lying all this time. Thanks for this happy Myungjong ending :) Merry Christmas
Chapter 7: Omg!!! I loved it!! My baby Jongie :(
Chapter 17: Wooo This is getting exciting ^^.
Hahaha thanks for subscribing to my stories. Ill try updating soon i think ...maybe.... or not xD
Chapter 16: Lazy bum author-nim when will you updating? Tsk..
You doesnt want me to die in curiousity,right? Then update...update!!
Kpoplover1300 #8
Chapter 14: ??????????? I love the story but do I know you ?