Chapter 5

I'll protect you



3rd POV


Seunghyun ran towards Jiyong and sat down beside him.

“ What the hell has happend!? “

He took a grip of Jiyongs hand and Jiyong looked up on him.


“ .....there were 4 guys that beated me in the bathroom....“

Seunghyun bit his lip and his took a harder grip of Jiyongs hand.


“ I’ll ing kill them! “

“ ...I have to tell you somthing...Hee.. “

“ No, We can talk later because you have to go see a doctor! “ Seunghyun interrupted and stood up.


“ This may hurt you body “

Jiyong gasped in pain when Seunghyun picked him up in bride-style. He was afraid of being dropped so he hold his arms around Seunghyuns neck.

“ Does it hurt much? “

“ of course idiot! My whole body hurts like hell “ Jiyong yelled and hided his face in Seunghyuns neck. He could feel Seunghyuns heartbeats and felt relaxed. Seunghyun started to walk down the stairs. When they walked through the corridor everyone stopped and looked at them.

“ Seunghyuuun~! There you...are “ Hee-Young stopped infront of them and glared on Jiyong. Jiyong felt her glares and hided more in Seunghyuns shirt. Seunghyun looked down on him and walked on. When they came out from the school Seunghyun walked to his car and opened the door. Slowly he sat down Jiyong and closed the door. He walked to the other side and started the car. They drove in silents and Jiyong looked now and then on Seunghyun.

“ are you okay? “ Seunghyun said and looked back on him. Jiyong looked away.


“ ...not really, it hurts like hell... “

“ Where does it hurt most? “

“ heart.... “

Seunghyun didnt know what to answer so he just continued driving. After just some minutes Seunghyun sat in the waiting room. The doctors took care of Jiyong.


“ Your the friend to Jiyong? “ A nurse said. Seunghyun looked up on her.


“ Yes, how is he? “

“ He is fine, we treated his wounds and gave him som pills. He will have to stay over the night so you can go home “

Seunghyun sighed and stood up. He bowed to the nurse and walked out to his car. It has started raining really hard now. When he opened the cardoor he saw Hee-Young walk into the hospital. ‘Is she gonna visit somone?’ He thought and sat down in the car.


Jiyong POV


I layed in the bed. My body didnt hur anymore but my heart did. I wanted to tell Seunghyun but he told me to wait. Maybe I should text him.
I took my phone that layed on the table. But when I was about to sms him someone knocked on the door.


“ Come in “ I said and putted down the phone again. My eye became wide when I saw Hee-Young enter the room.


“H-Hee-young “ I stuttered and tears started to form in my eyes. She walked over to my bed with an angry expression.


“ I told you to stay away from Seunghyun! They guys I hired didnt do much...I guess if I want somting done, I have to do it myself “ She said and took out a knife from her pocket.


“ Leave me alone! I wont talk to him anymore! Just leave! “ I begged.


“ Poor little , I will make sure you dont talk to him “ She stood beside me and hold the knife agaist my face. I gulped and felt the knife press against me.




I recogniced that voice. Me and Hee-Young faced the door and saw Seunghyun stand there.


“ Seunghyun? ....This is not what it looks like! “ Hee-Young said nervously and putted down the knife.

“ Oh really!? Well I think it does! “ He yelled angrily and walked towards Hee-Young. He took a grip of her shirt and lift her up. I saw my change and ran away without them notic.


Seunghyun POV


“ I heard everything! How could I have been so stupid...Suddenly Jiyong avoids me, after talking with you! And you keep comming to me and talked about Jiyong “ I yelled at her.


In the corner of my eye I saw Jiyong sneaking away. Good, I didnt want him to be here when I beat the crap out of Hee-Young.


“ He is bad for you! That ing will turn you gay to! “ She yelled at me.


“ Well guess what! He already have! And is that your only ing reason for threating him this way!? “


She looked at me with a disgusting expression.


“ Why! Im much better for you! I’ll kill Jiyong for this! I love you so much! I SHOULD BE WITH YOU! “ She took out her knife and pointed it at me.


“ If you dont chose me I’ll kill him and you! “

I took her wrist making her drop the knife. I leaned down and out faces where only a few centimeters from each other.


“ If you ever speak to him again I’ll kill you “ I hissed. She punched me in the face with her free hand.


“ I dont hit girl, but you are an exception “ I said and punched her in the stomach making her flinch. She fell to the floor and gasped for air.

“ Remember what I said, If you ever speak to him again I’ll kill you “


Then I left the room. The hospital were dark, did everyone just left?

“ Jiyong!? Where are you! “ I yelled. I began running, where could he be hiding?

I ran out and looked around.

“ Jiyong!? “

‘damn where is he hiding! I should have followed him insted of yelling with that ’ I thought and looked around. I tried looking up on the hospital but the rain made it hard to see. Then I saw him. On the roof there was a shadow stainding in the rain, you couldnt see who it was but I knew it was Jiyong.


“ JIYONG! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? GET AWAY FROM THERE! “ I shouted. I was shaking in fear, what he gonna jump!?

I didnt get answer so I ran inside trying to find the stairs up.


3rd POV


Jiyong stood and the edge of the building looking down on Seunghyun that shouted at him. He was soaked from the rain and you couldnt tell the rain and his tears apart.

“ Im sorry Seunghyun, It will be better this way “ He said and was about to take a step but stopped when he saw Seunghyun run into the building. He turned around and faced the door. After just some seconds Seunghyun ran towards him.

“ Dont you dare take another step! “ He yelled at Jiyong.


“ Im sorry, this is the only way...Hee-Young will never leave me alone if I continue to live “


“ No! I will make sure that wont talk to you, I’ll protect you! “

“ You dont need to protect me “

Jiyong backed and stood at the edge again.


“ I want to protect you! I love you, Please dont leave me! Let me protect you! “ Seunghyun begged and walked more towards Jiyong. Jiyong felt a blush on his face, Seunghyun love him. This was a bad choice, He should tell Seunghyun his true feelings.

“ Seunghyun I... “



A hard wind blowed at Jiyong making him lost balance and step back.


“ JIYONG! “ Seunghyun yelled and ran towards Jiyong that fell of the building. 





Dun dun duuuun! XD

Omg whats gonna happen! D: Jiyong was about to take suicide! But changed his mind when Seunghyun told him he loves him!
what will happen!? That wind blow made him fall of the building!

well you all will know in chapter 6! and that ch is the last one! :3

and finally Seunghyun knows the truth! TwT

I will soon be back with the last chapter!
If your lucky I will update tonight! ;)



BTW! Its Jiyongs birthday! :'D I think I will bake a cake after dinner owo ~

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vododoll #1
Chapter 6: Aaaaaawwwwwee that's was a super cute story hhhhhh love iiiit ❤️❤️❤️❤️
mzjonghyun #2
Chapter 6: aww I love it so cute seunghyun should of punch and kicked her but I guess the punch was good enough and the threat
Chapter 6: So glad they're together finally! Yes yes Seunghyun will protect you Ji! ; u ;
Whaaaaat?! Heisssh, I want sequeeeeel~ XDD
Hoh, glad jiyong didn't die fiuh! Thank you for sharing sweety :)
cute! :)
aaaawww! This was soo cute! I loved it!! Yaaa!!! he should kill that freaking bi*ch! but well! haha Loved the end!
LEDapplel0ver #7
sooo fluffy and cute i think i died of cuteness 0,0
LEDapplel0ver #8
sooo fluffy and cute i think i died or cuteness 0,0
So cute! I love it. ^_^
Plz don't make jiyong die. Plz.