The special night

First Glance


You're walking down the streets in Seoul. The lights looks so beautiful at night. It makes the city look even more beautiful if possible. On the right you see a loving couple looking one another with deep smile. You can't help but sigh in your mind. That's already the 7th couple you've seen. You sit at the bench next to Han river. You see the reflection of the city on the river and start to recall the things that happened last night. You start smiling. This was exact the same bench where everything started. Last night.. was one of the best nights you've ever had...


Yesterday at 12.45 AM


You're sitting at the bench next to Han river. You're staring the flow and thinking how it reminded your mind. Your mind was upside down. After you had bumped into Nichkhun during your lost-gregory store-journey, he had offered you the ride into the next open store. You laughed a little by seeing the color of his car - it was red. Nichkhun's favorite color. He opened you the door like some gentleman and you got so confused you hit your head when sitting down to the seat. Though Nichkhun said he'd drive you to the nearest store he drove over 40 minutes and talked to you the whole time. You wasn't sure did he just not noticed other open stores or was he too excited to talk about random things. Ether way, you didn't complain. You just enjoyed listening to his voice.

After you had bought your food with Nichkhun's help you called your friend. She had been worried sick and you promised her to come there by soon. But you knew she would be sleeping by then. She sounded so sleepy. At the same time Nichkhun walked you to the bench and went to bought some ice creams to you. But now you start to wonder where he is. You look at your watch. It's already 12.50 AM. Kind of late to be in the strange city, alone... Suddenly you notice the older guy sitting two benches beside you. You glanced at him and right after he stands up. Your heartbeat rises and you feel nervous. What to do? How did that woman defended herself in that movie? Should I try the same? You squeeze your hands when the guy stops in front of you. You just stare at his legs.


Guy: Annyeong. What is this young lady sitting here by herself?

You bite your lips for nervousness. You glance to the left and right and see nobody around. You really was alone.

Guy: Where are you from? I see you're a foreigner.

You smell the alcohol from his breathing. You gulp.

You: I'm from _____.

The older guy sits next to you. He touches your shoulder and laughs.

Guy: I've been there. Many times.

You don't answer and keep quiet. In your town you didn't fear drunk people. You knew how they would act and what to say to them so they'd leave you alone. But the situation was different now.

Guy: Hey, I was wondering if you would like to go out sometimes?

The guy puts his whole arms around your shoulders. You put his arm down. Right after he takes your neck and turns your face to him. Before you realize he's trying to kiss you, someone yells your name. The older guy turns his head to the sound and then you start to react. You stand up and stamp to his toes. He starts to scream from pain.

You: You! How dare you? Stop harassing younger women.

Nichkhun comes running to you and is ready to fight with the guy but you stop him. You hear him swearing but you don't want to hurt anyone. You turn to Nichkhun.

You: Just leave it. I was just..

You start to scream. You feel the guy hugging you from behind and kissing your neck. You try to get you away from him but you can't. You don't know what Nichkhun did to him but suddenly you see yourself running away while holding hands with him. You feel your tears coming but force yourself not to cry. You can't cry now, not in front of Nichkhun.

Nichkhun: This way!

Nichkhun runs to his car and push you into your seat. After sitting behind the wheel he starts to drive.

Nichkhun: Are you okay? Why did you let him go that far? Are you crazy?

You can't answer. You feel like you can't control your emosiones. Too much happening too fast. 

Nichkhun: Don't talk to stranger or even look them. It gives them hope.

You: So you aren't stranger?

Nichkhun looks at you and see your tears flowing down. The whole car fills with silence. He sighs after you turn your head away from him.

Nichkhun: You know what I mean.

Nichkhun glances at you anxiously. Your tears are pouring silently. You haven't ever felt that. You feel ashamed, you feel the sorrow and agony.Then Nichkhun stops his car and gets off. You follow him with your stare when he walks to your door and opens it. You know you have to get up but you have no power in your body. You are about to tell him you want to just go home but then you feel his warm arms around you. That was just what you needed. Someone's touch. A warm touch. You put your hands around his neck when he carries you inside this dark house. You don't know the place but you don't care. You just want to go to sleep.


You open your eyes and watch Nichkhun taking care of you. You're lying in the sofa. You're still shaking though Nichkhun had put the blanket above you. Nichkhun squeezes a warm water out of the towel and presses it against your face. You just watch his face while doing it. You feel so grateful to him doing that. You know he probably is busy with his singing duties but still there he is looking after a stranger woman.

Nichkhun: Oh, you're smiling. Are you feeling a little better?

You nod. Of course you're feeling better. You feel like you're living one of your dreams. It's hard to know if this was reality or not. You suddenly feel an urge to just touch his face and kiss him. The mood was so right for it. There were over 10 candles around of you two. You were lying on the couch and Nichkhun was kneeling down in front of you. Only light was coming from the candles. Suddenly Nichkhun puts the towel away and takes your hands. Your hearts starts to beat faster when you look at him. His eyes are looking to you and you feel it coming. You start to shake again but now it's because you feel too happy. Nichkhun comes a little forward to you. You close your eyes and wait. And wait... Then you scrunch your forehead and open your eyes. Nichkhun is looking at you and smiling widely.

Nichkhun: Seems like you're about to fall asleep.

After those words you realize that yourself. But you don't want to sleep. Not now!

You: No, I'm alright.

Nichkhun laughs and stands up. Tought you feel sad you really can't help yourself not falling asleep. You holds on to his hands.

You: Don't go.

Nichkhun hugs you and whispers to you ear.

Nichkhun: I'm still here when you wake up.

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70V3LY #1
Chapter 4: My heart dropped too! So cute! Please update! :)
AvenAcademyNichkhun #2
Chapter 4: awww!!
please let them have a good ending!! <33333333333333 cute!!!
merna8 #4
Awww! That was so cute :)
merna8 #5
SadisticSinner #6
Hey!~ If you'll ever need a poster/CC/CP/background feel free to come and request from ☆Dark Imagination☆ Graphic Request Shop~
Request from me or the other staff ^-^ Thank you.
Ohh really nice soo far update soon ok <3