
Summer Waters



Before going to the beach, we visited Taos house, got his swimming clothes and then headed down to the train station. Me and Tao caught a train to Haeundae beach. It was weird, the beach wasn’t crowded or anything, yet it was such a beautiful day. I guess it was because people were at work and school.

We made our way down to the sand and laid our towels out. I took my Shirt off and laid down, while Tao kept his on.

“You don’t want to get a tan?” I laughed, pulling out my sunglasses from my bag and replacing my glasses with them.

“It’s not that. I just… don’t really like or care about showing my body. I’m too skinny.” Tao sighed next to me and put a small towel over his face.

“Fair enough… You know, this is my first time coming to the beach without my guitar.” I don’t know why I was making weird conversation with Tao… but my whole life had been like this. I’d struggle to find things me and the other person had in common, which would lead to weirdness and eventually an awkward silence.

“Ah, really? Did you always used to bring it and play songs?” At least he actually made conversation.

“Yeah, I used to come here with friends... and then we’d hang out, maybe have a small fire if we were allowed, and I would sing for them.”

“I’ve never heard you sing.” I knew that he would say something like this eventually. But I wasn’t going to sing for him. Not today.

“Yeah… You will eventually.”

“You’re not going to sing for me?” He made a pouting face at me.


“Then how do I know if you’re a good singer or not?” He paused for a moment and then put in “Maybe you sound like dying cats or even better, a dying whale.” He laughed and I whacked him on the arm. He rolled off his towel and stood up.

“Its okay Chanyeol, you won’t have to sing for me. I don’t want to hear your cat voice.”

“Hey! You’ve never heard it, so don’t assume!” I stood up and chased after him, we ran right up to the water’s edge, where I pushed him in though, while I had pushed him, he’d grabbed a hold of my shirt which resulted in me falling on top of him.

I rolled off of him quickly and laughed.

“That’s what you get for being-

There was blood coming from Tao’s mouth.

“Dude, you’re bleeding. .” I helped Tao up, who protested and said things like ‘I’m fine’

I sat him down on his towel and put the non-sandy side of my towel on his head. I dried him a little bit before pulling out tissues from my bag and wiping away the blood. But he spat, and a whole lot of blood came from his mouth.

I gripped both sides of his face with my palms and looked him in the eye.

“Can you see, hello, Tao?”

“I’m fine, you idiot.” He blinked and stared blankly. “My stomach hurts… Lay me down.”

“No, what the , Tao. I’m taking you to a hospital.” I tried to make him stand but he pinched me.

“I won’t go. I’m fine. It’s just because you fell on me too hard.”

“I don’t-

“That’s the reason, and there is no need to go to the hospital, alright.”


Tao lied, and I was going to let him lie to me. I shouldn’t have let him. But I did.

And I don’t even know why.

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Chapter 45: Tanned daughter or son..
SanaKe #2
Chapter 50: Great story and I'm so glad you stay with Tao and Kris. I wish you had written an after story. It would interesting part of the story but then again I just like a good story to keep going. Lol! Thank you for sharing your story.
Chapter 50: This is a very good story and easy to read (I finished in an hour and a half)
WrightBaby #4
krodri08 #5
Chapter 50: Wahhhh! ~ this was good even with all the drama. Kris's parents are messed up here ! >.< i enjoyed the ending ^.^ great story author-nim . the whole love triangle was just painful.., mianhe chanyeol but tao belongs with kris
Mmmm sound good ,,
I will read it soon promise .. I'm a big fan of TAORIS ....

Thank you ,,,
Chapter 50: Holla^^~ I love it make after story of them. I like the whole story.I read it from chp1 to chp50 haha so awesome...