The Tasty Twins


"Wake up Su Yeon, you have school today." Said mum.

"Mmmmm." I moaned.

"You'll be late, it's 6:30." She said.

I bolted up from my bed and ran past my mum, into the bathroom. I changed into casual clothes and tied my hair into a bun.

"Where's my glasses?" I asked my mum.

"Here." She said handing me my square glasses.

"Thanks." I said, grabbing them.

I took my bag from my bedroom floor and stuffed all my textbooks in it.

"You don't need to wear those glasses honey. They're don't even have real lenses in them" Said mum.

"I do, bye mum." I said before leaving the house.

I ran towards the only bus stop which was at the end of the villiage. It was quiet as I ran and no one was awake in the villiage.The closest university that was good was Seoul University, but it took an hour to get there from the countryside. I stopped to a halt when I arrived at the bus stop. I quickly hopped on and sat at the back again.

After 10 minutes of sitting by myself, a guy boarded the bus. I never payed attention to the people who got on. But this time, the guy caught my mind. It was the tall student from yesterday. He walked towards the back of the bus, where I sat. Of all the seats to sit in, he sat next to mine.

"Hi." He said. His voice was smooth and cool.

"Um...Hi." I said back. I felt the heat on my cheeks spreading all over my face.

"You get on early." 

"I live in the countryside." 

"Really? Cool." 

"Uh, yea." I pushed my glasses a bit higher.

"Oh yea, my name is Soryong, Jung So Ryong."

"I'm Su Yeon." 

"You have a cute name. It suits you."

He just said my name was cute, a hot guy is calling my name cute. I wanted to talk more with him but my mouth just wouldn't open. He smiled at me and all I could manage was an awkward one. As time passed. more and more people boarded the bus. By the time we reached Seoul, it was packed. Again, he escorted me out the bus safely.

"Thanks." I said when we got off.

"No problem." He said.

As soon as we walked into the school, hundreds of students swarmed around him.

People bumped into me and I lost track of Soryong. Since no one could see me trying to get out, it was hard to escape. So I just let myself be pushed out.

"Holy, what's with those people." I said.




The people surronded Soryong were screaming and yelling out his name. He might be handsome and cool, but what's with the crazy screaming. I walked to my classroom and sat down. Students in my class have already formed their groups and I just sat by myself, like I didn't exist. The group of girls sitting close to me started chatting and squealing.

"The Tasty Twins are so hot!"

Who are the Tasty Twins?

"Soryong is so cool."


"I like Daeryong more."

Who's Daeryong.

Just then, the teacher walked in. Everyone turned quiet and class started. Instead of listening to the teacher, my mind kept thinking about Soryong. At lunch, I decided to take a stroll in the garden. It was nice and silent there, it was 100% peaceful. While walking, I spotted an abandoned greenhouse that was hidden by tall trees. I went in and expected it to be ruined. But all the plants were healthy and watered. I explored the whole greenhouse for a while before hearing someone snore.

It was coming from the potted plants. I walked towards the potted plants cautiously. I peeked behind them and saw someone lying on the floor. It was Soryong. I accidently stepped onto a broken piece of glass and made him wake up.

"Who the hell are you?" He said.

Then I realised something, this person wasn't Soryong.He had the same face as Soryong but had pink hair.

"I'm sorry! I'll leave." I said. But wait, he can see me.

"You can see me?" I asked.

"Hell yeah, crazy girl." He replied.

He might have the same face as Soryong but he was a totally rude.


"Daeryong? Are you in here." 

I turned around and saw Soryong standing at the door. Are they the Tasty Twins?


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Please update soon :) .
InspiritBea #2
Chapter 6 New reader ^^ Hope you update soon ^_^
Chapter 6: Aww ! Cinderella ... Okay feel like the mouse in the movie seein everything from the distance ... Lloooooll... I would go for both but thats just me being a _______ ... XD but i would have to choose i would go for .... SORYONG he cute - they are twins they look the same - XD. Okay bye long stupid comment here
Chapter 5: Awww !!! Updte soooooon
Chapter 5: awww thats mean
Chapter 4: aww so cute daeryong saved her and now she is saving him
Chapter 4: aww cute moment ... update soooooon please... i like this story a lot
Chapter 3: looooooooool DELETE !!! dont delete are u crazy my fren .... XD update soon ♥
jdudlbshodjcjdysmgkxgsnbhxjhp .... tasty ..!!!! yessss .... update soon
Aswhjwshwsgwshws daeryong... Nawww I hope next week is coming fast because I cant wait your next chap!! >__<