CHAPTER 2: Mystery Girl, where fore arth thou?

Lee Donghae's Cupid

CHAPTER 2: Mystery Girl, where fore arth thou?


By Saturday he drove his car with his sister to their house in Seoul. "Oh, my gosh. I'm so excited to meet our cousins!" Jang said, giggling.

"Yeah," was all he said to everything she said.

"Aren't you excited too, oppa?" She asked with aegyo.


"Why do you always say, 'Yeah'?" she said, mocking her brother's way of saying it.

"Yeah." And Donghae smiled.

"Argh." She pouted in annoyance. "You're so weird, do you know that? Did the SuJu oppas feed you something that made you like this?" Jang crossed her arms over her chest.

"Mian, Jang, I just--I don't want grandma making me be a bait for hungry wolves."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she wants me to get married to one of auntie's bridesmaids," he said, complaining. "And you know how much I don't--how much I hate to love someone."

"So, that means you don't love me, nor Donghwa-oppa, nor umma nor omon--"

"Ani. That's not what I meant. What I mean is that I don't have time for that different kind of love, besides I'm happy now being an idol." He smiled, but Jang only frowned, and she took her phone out and texted someone. Someone that could help her start that 'something' that she'd always wanted to happen.




An old yet elegant woman greeted the two person by the door who just came. "There they are! My handsome grandson and my big suddenly successful granddaughter!" Their grandmother hugged them, and Jang smiled and Donghae tried to smile.

Their grandma broke away from their group hug, and looked at Donghae with a wide smile. "Look at you. You've grown up so tall and handsome, just like your father."

The mere mention of his father made his heart throb. "Uh... Yeah." And he scratched the back of his head. His grandma smiled and winked at him, which made him think about the things they talked about the other day.

She turned to Jang and kissed the girl on the cheek. "You look so beautiful, Jang Mi. You look so much like a lady. And you're even taller than me." Their grandma laughed, and Jang laughed along.

"Omoni, I think it's the food my group members are giving me are making me look thus big." Jang complained with a smile.

The two walked arm in arm inside the kitchen, leaving poor Donghae behind. "Omoni, where's umma?"

"Dear, she's in the market, buying food for our big dinner tonight." And the old woman winked at Donghae.

Donghae gulped a mouthful saliva and felt scared for a while. He thinks that he knows what would happen later that night.




That night, they were all ready for the dinner and are dressed up elegantly and fashionably. Their house was cleaned spotless and everything looked so luxurious. Donghae missed having celebrations this big and luxurious. The last time he had a party this big was when his father had celebrated his birthday, and that was also the last time he've seen him.

"Hae," Donghwa, his older brother, knocked on his room's door. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, sure, hyung. Whatever you want," he said as he stared at his elegant-looking self at the mirror.

"Donghae, I just want to talk to you about your career."

"What about it?"

"Omoni talked to me about it. She told me that I should get married and have kids before she--you know--pass away." Donghwa looked down and then at his brother who had eyes open wide with concern.

"Hyung, I know what you feel. You love your career but omoni wants you to give it up and just have a happy family. She wants me too," Donghae said sadly.

There was silence that filled the air for a moment, and Donghwa broke the thickening ice that was a deafening silence by clapping his hands together. "Okay! The party's about to start, Donghae. Let's go down." Donghwa put on his black eye mask and motioned the younger one to follow him. Donghwa gave his brother another mask, which was black too, like his. It is a masquerade party, for they needed masks.

As they both walked down, Donghae spoke up, "But hyung, there's this one girl I've always dreamt about."

"Who is she? Did you meet her in that entertainment of yours?" Donghwa asked, amused all of a sudden of his brother's confession.

"Not really, I don't even know the girl. But I've been dreaming about her for months! And what's weird is that I never see her face, not even a hint of any features of her face."

Donghwa patted the younger one's shoulder blade. "That is mysterious love, my dear brother."

"What happened to you? You just suddenly talk very formal with me all of a sudden," Donghae said, feeling weird.

"It's because I'm stating a fact, a fact that Shakespeare stated, but not exactly how he said it." Donghwa smiled and the two brothers walked down the stairs, and realised how much of a crowd the house looked like. Rich-looking people were all over the place and their stares locked on the two brothers walking down the giant staircase. They caught people's attention because of how they looked. They look so alike that they looked like twins; they were almost like twins. (A/N I made the whole Shakespeare up. I'm not sure he stated that in his books)

"Look at these two." Lee Hyun Bin, their uncle, said who had his arms wide open. They didn't notice him, because of the mask. "Handsome children of their ages." He just seriously sounded like a grandmother, and it bugged Donghae.

Hyun Bin braced his arms around the two. "Awkward," Donghae muttered his breath, and Donghwa mouthed an, "I know, right?"

Hyun Bin released the two boys from his hug and stared at them. "So, boys how's life going on? Donghae, is being an idol tough for you? How about you, Donghwa, is military life easy?"

"Uhm. Yeah, being an idol is hard, with fangirls following you around," Donghae said, looking down, and gave out a light laugh.

Donghwa cleared his throat and said, "Military. Uh, yes. You know we have to serve the country and it makes me feel some kind of a hero in training, you know. It's been very tough though." Hyun Bin smiled of gratitude to the brothers.

Their uncle put his arms around the two younger boys and said, "Listen I've been told by your omoni to show you around the bridesmaids." Donghea shifted in his position. No. There's no way his grandmother was serious about that!

"What's wrong, Donghae-ssi?" Hyun Bin felt the way Donghae shifted in his place.

"Ani--Oh, nothing's wrong," he stammered. "Procede with what you're saying please." He seriously wanted to get out the place now before anything he doesn't want to happen.

"Come, you two," their uncle extended his arm to show the two the way to the bridesmaids. Donghae was nervous. He was rarely nervous, except when Super Junior was coming up on stage for a sing and dance number--that is different.

Soon, he was face to face with ladies and women dressed in semi-formal attires and masks too. "Good evening, ladies. May I present to you my handsome nephews."

The ladies giggled and approached Donghae and Donghwa. "Oh, you're Lee Donghae from the group Super Junior, right?" One of them, who had chinky eyes and a tiny nose, asked. She had a big smile on her face. Not so much pretty.

"Uh, yes," he said, nervously. Does he look so familiar that anyone would notice who he is? "I am Lee Donghae of Super Junior." 

"You're so handsome in real life. I never knew you were the grandson of Mrs. Lee." The ladies were all gigling. Donghae noticed his brother's gaze at him, Donghwa was very quiet. He felt like his brother was feeling out of place.

"Ladies, my brother, Lee Donghwa," he introduced. Donghwa nodded in approval.

"You both look so much alike," one said, a girl with silky black hair and a fierce look in her face. "But, Donghwa-ssi is much taller." Donghae let out a silent laugh.

"Yeah," Donghwa said. The ladies were soon engaged in conversation with Donghwa. Donghae was not in the mood to talk with ladies who are ready to throw theirelves to him. Which he doesn't want to happen.

Due to his silence, he noticed a pretty young brunette girl staring at him. She looked so utterly familiar. But due to the fact that she was wearing a white and glittering mask, he was not really sure if he really knew her.

He didn't know what he was feeling, but he felt drawn to her. "Excuse me," he excused himself from his brother and the giggling bridesmaids. He walked towards the lady.

But she turned and walked away out of the ball room.

Donghae's pace quickened. He followed the brunette lady. "Hey, wait," he called. The girl looked back at him, and she looked nervous. She quickly turned away and ran out of the place.

Donghae ran to her, but she was faster. Once he was out of the room, she was nowhere to be seen. But he's not going to give up looking for her. He looked around his grandmother's mansion. He sought the open big windows and the different rooms. And a glimpse of a brunette caught his eye in the flower garden of his grandmother. He ran quietly towards her.

"Gotcha," he whispered in her ear.

The girl quickly let out a surprised gasp. Donghae tighted his grip on her arm. "You're not going anywhere," he said, out of the blue.

The girl glared at him through the holes of her mask. "Let go of me!" Her familiar voice echoed through the open garden. Who is she?

Donghae had the urge to take off her mask to know who she really is. "Why are you hiding your face from me? Who are you? Why are you so familiar to me?"

But the lady only struggled to take his grip off her. "Let go of me!"

Donghae didn't really had a choice, and he wasn't really feeling so gentlemanly lately, so he took off her mask. The girl closed her eyes.

Donghae's eyes widened in surprise.














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Chapter 3: Haesica moments please.
Chapter 3: WHO'S THAT GIRL?
Chapter 3: So unexpected......
Chapter 2: JESSICA!!!!
Chapter 2: The most pretty girl in the party that cought his eye......
sujusone24 #6
Chapter 2: PRETTY SICA!!!!! Update soon!!!^^
SwiftSwiftSwift #7
Chapter 2: Cliffy!!!! Can't wait for your next update :)
linaaak3 #8
Chapter 2: hehehe it's the girl from his dreams, isn't it?! :D
Chapter 1: I think the girl is Jessica. LOL. Exciting cliffhanger~!