Angel with an attitude

Strawberry Milk

*KRIING!* the bell rang.


It's lunch time. And it's the first day of classes here in Geongcham University. You've been here for almost your school life.

And as time passes, you felt a little bored cause your just seeing the same faces in the school. kkkk~ Good thing you have your bestfriends with you. Taeyeon and Sooyoung.

The three of you stood up immediately as soon as the bell rang then quickly ran into the canteen. 

As soon as you arrived at your shool's canteen, the three of you were still panting at the mini race you and your bestfriends had done.

"Woah! I win!" Sooyoung announced gratefully. You tapped her in the shoulder.

"Yah~ In your dreams! I was here first!" You retorted her. Then Sooyoung ruffles your hair.

"Hey girls! Before the two of you get all mushy and fight. Let's grab our lunch. The menu says they have Ice cream! So let's go!" Taeyeon churped us. We just rolled our eyes. "Aish Taeyeon. The ever number one fanatic of Ice cream!" Sooyoung and I said in unison then we both chuckled.

After ordering, the three of you ate your lunch happily.

After a few minutes of eating. You decided to go first.

"Im heading out now!" You told them When you're about to skip out of your chair, Sooyoung suddenly stopped you by your skirt that made you lose your balance. Good thing you didn't fell.

You smacked here in the head. "Ya~ what's up with you? "

"Are we.. I mean, are you going to see Hyukjae oppa? Did he came to shool?" Sooyoung asked me with her eyes wide open in curiosity.

"I think so. I guess he went to school.." you stopped at your words when suddenly you saw both Sooyoung and Taeyeon blushing. You chuckled at their sudden action.

Your brother is really famous among girls. Especially cause he's one of the Kingkas in your school and that he dances very good. Although your brother doesn't really care about the girls that are surrounding him, he makes sure that they're valued as a person and he didn't  gave them his cold treatment. He's a gentleman that's why a LOT of girls really spazzes him.

There came a time that many girls befriend you, even the ever 'fabulous' queenkas in your school. But you just let it happen. Besides, your actually used to this happenings. And the foods their bringing for your brother? It just came grumbling into your digestive track.

"As I was saying, Im heading out first" You said your words with emphasis and slapped Sooyoung's hands to let go of your uniform.

"Sungmi-ah. Say hello to Hyukjae oppa for us." They said in unison then giggled. You just stick your tounge and smiled at them. 'Aish. really, my two bestfriends are so cute' You thought to yourself.

You walked right out of your canteen towards your school ground. It was very refreshing. You have deprived of these relaxing feeling while it's summerbreak. Although you and your family did some out-of-town gimmicks. For you, nothing beats fresh air in your school grounds, and the feeling that your breathing it together with your bestfriends. kkk~

The mood was all good when suddenly,

"Boo!" someone tapped you from behind that made you jump in shock. You whipped your head and there you saw, your brother Hyukjae laughing monstrously on the grass. You narrowed your eyes as you went near him then smacked him in the head that made him stop laughing and yelped in pain.  Then it's time for you to laugh.

"OMO. It hurts!" Hyukjae pouted. still seated on the grass.

"Yah~ stop your aegyo oppa. Your not the maknae here!" You nagged.

"Hahaha. Stop being such a tyrant kiddo! You're too harsh!" Just then Hyukjae quickly stood up and kissed you on the cheek. You pushed him in disgust, but you he's strong and you just ended up letting him kiss you simultaneously. When he suddenly let out his grip, you quickly caught his hair and pushed it down that made him scream. He's so funny that you can't stop laughing. 

"Im going to tell Mom!" Hyukjae warned and gave you a 'YOU ARE SO DEAD' look. You just shrugged. You knew that when he tells your mom about your wrongdoings, he just ended up taking your side. He's always like that.

"Say sorry to oppa, and maybe I'll change my mind." Hyukjae said crossing his arms.

You just stick out your tongue and ran back to the school. "See you later oppa!" You waved back at him.

While your at the corridor, a person caught your attention. A guy standing at the corner of the Principal's Office. You were gonna walk towards him when suddenly your bestfriend intertwined their arms with yours and lead you..kinda like drag? to your classroom. When you seated, Taeyeon and Sooyoung kept asking about your brother. But their questions all went from one ear out to the another. Your mind was already preoccupied with the thought of the guy you saw earlier.

"Ya~ Sungmi-ssi! Were talking to you!" Sooyoung shook your shoulders bringing you back  to your senses. You blinked at them and they just rolled their eyes at you.

"Good Afternoon class" the teacher greeted.

You all stood up to greet him. Then seated properly.

"Today were going to have a new classmate. Please come in" The teacher said.

As the door creaked open, there you see the guy you saw earlier.


Omo! He's sooo handsome. He's cute and hansome. Handsome and cute. I just can't take my eyes off him.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Lee Kikwang imnida." He said weakly. He smirked that made me do a mini squeal.

"Okay Mr. Lee. You can sit next to Sooyoung-ssi over there" the theacher pointed an empty seat next to Sooyoung. OMO. She's so lucky.

Kikwang groaned. "Plese sir. I don't want to seat next to that girl or any other girls here" He said straightforwadly. We gaped in shock. He's amazing. Hahaha.

And then when I turn to look at Sooyoung. I laughed at her "WTF?!" expression on her face.

Kikwang then took a seat at the back. I put my hands on my chin as I look at him. Aish, this guy really. He's an angel alright

An angel with an attitude! :P



Hello there! Sorry for the  long wait!

But here it is. Finally. My debut chapter! kkk~

Hope you'll like it. And please post your comments. it would be much love.

kkk~ saranghae!


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Hehe Can't wait for the developments...