Reminder: Remember that i only update on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays because of school...that's only when i get on the desktop unless you guys want short updates during the week from my tablet (w/ many mistakes) and on the days listed above the updates will be longer as always...thats if you don't like that i update just 3 days out of the week...

Msg me if you have any questions or concerns and/or if you want me to change the schedule to the one just proposed :)

enjoy update and comment ^_^

_____'s POV 

-2 Weeks Later-

Well this is supposed to be the week me and Eunhyuk plan everything for the wedding such as the cake, my dress, his tuxedo, the decor, and the place where everything will take place.

I've learned that being with him is kinda fun and he is a really sincere, nice, and sweet person. This wedding might not be a bad idea after all.

 Today we are looking for my dress but we are having some little complications because my mom wants Eunhyuk to come with us to get the dress but in my beliefs that causes bad luck.

"_____ HE HAS TO COME LOOK AT YOU IN WHATEVER DRESS YOU GET SO THAT HE CAN SEE HOW BEAUTIFUL YOU LOOK!!", my mother screamed in the middle of my apartment while I looking for my keys.

"NO!! He can't come with us. He will just have to wait until the wedding to see my dress and then be surprised, and plus what is he going to do when we get there? And another question is will he even want to go?"i asked curios if Eunhyuk would really want to go.

But we were going to find out whether or not he wanted to go or not when i heard the doorbell ring.

"Who is is it?", I asked already knowing who it was.

"It's me, Eunhyuk."

"Okay coming.", I replied as i headed to the door with my mother not far in front of me sprinting for the door.

As soon as I got to the door i hear my mother ask Eunhyuk if he wanted to go to find a dress with us. 

Eunhyuk's expression at the door...

"I will go if you want me to but I thought the groom wasn't supposed to see the dress until the ceremony?", he asked as if he really did know this kind of stuff, and if he did he would agree with.

"Well they aren't supposed to but I want you there to give input since she is going to be your wife then you should know what looks good on her and what doesn't", my mother added like she knew what she was talking about but I'm sure she had the smallest idea. *I just know Eunhyuk isn't going to fall for this ploy right now.*

"Okay...then if you really need me then I will accompany you.", he added as if he really wanted to go.

At the dress store..


While looking for a dress for me I was in the changing section with Eunhyuk waiting on my mother with the saleswoman.

"Hey ____ does your mother know what kind of dress you want to wear down the aisle?", Eunhyuk asked with excitement.

"Yeah but  I hope that she picks is beautiful and very very pretty because usual she is ahead of my style. Let's hope that today she is not behind." I explained as he listened with open ears. 

My mother came around the corner with tones of dresses in her hand ready to dunk them on me.

"Okay ____, are you ready to become a beautiful bride today before the wedding?", my mother asked as if she knew that if I liked the dresses or not.

"Well I don't know about the ready part but I will try them on." I said as i headed to the dressing room with all the dresses.

1 hour and 17 minutes later...

I've been through 6 different dresses already but this one is the one for but its taking me FOREVER to put on this dress. Its not big or small it just IS supposed to fit but I can't get it over my head.

"Dear, do you need some help?", my mother exclaimed as she and Eunhyuk stood outside the door.

"It seems that way..I can't get it over my head.", I explained as i tried once again. After I replied I didn't hear anyone talking anymore, so I thought they weren't going to help[, but before I could ask Eunhyuk opened the door and came in?!

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!!" I shouted as i was startled by his presence.

"Your mother told me to help you get the dress over you head, since you obviously can't do it alone." he explained as he walked towards me.

"Well......watch where you put you're hands because I barely know you and I don't want any frisky business." 

"Yes ma'am." he replied as he saluted to me?

37 minutes later...

He was supposed to be helping me but we just ended up bickering while trying to pull over the dress until my mother made a certain comment.

"Take as long as you want, just don't rip the dress because we will have to repair it."

*What in her right mind made her say that?!* But what shocked me the most was what happened next..

Eunhyuk's facial expression...

"Well in  that case-" Eunhyuk responded as he grabbed me by the waist.


Is this getting boring to anyone besides me?

How was the update? I know its short but i had to ask a question before i post the other part...

If anyone wants a lot, a little or no in future or upcoming chapters just leave a comment about it or msg me before my update depending on a response from the msg at the top of this update....

fyi I've never written before but I've read a whole lot of is so  I get the gist of it.



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Promi53ToB3li3v3 #1
Chapter 5: Please update.
hkimthegiraffe #2
Update soon pleeassseee!! I miss this story :(
Update plzzz
naue523 #4
;) wedding....
Wahh! I'm so excited for the next updates!! OMG OMG!!!!!
You're welcome! and thank you for posting this story!
please ;)
BlackMusic #7
!! update soon please!
Romantic w/ lil' plz ^^
make a or romantic scene :) update please
BlackMusic #10