
Friends Forever

Sooyoung stand in front of the mirror checking her outfit while she sighed heavily. Who doesn't? She's now wearing a suit, an expensive suit exactly, courtesy of her frienemy, the el diablo.

But she doesn't have other choice since she don't have any suitable clothes for the event. Her boss, director Oh, has organizes a birthday party for his daughter and he had ordered his underlinings forced in Sooyoung's case to attend it.




She is analyzing the case's documents that she had retrieved from the database, when a handsome guy suddenly interupting her

"Hey, Sooyoung. Director want to see you" said Siwon when he's decending the stairs from Director's office

"About what? I'd already met him yesterday" Sooyoung raised up her head looking at her co-worker

"I don't know. Maybe about his daughter's birthday party. I heard all of us need to attend it. Well, not as guests but as his bodyguards" the man shrugged his broad shoulder

"Hmm..That's weird. He never asked us to become his bodyguards before. Why so sudden?"

"Don't know and don't care. I bet his daughter not that pretty, why bother"

"What if his daughter is really pretty, i meant more ier than the girls you'd ever met?"

"Yeah, right. If it's true, i'll make a fool of myself at the party"

"Are you sure? I don't want you to embarrass us more than it should be" 

"Hey, i'm not that bad. Confirmed, 100% positive"

"Heh, suits yourself. It will be entertaining. I should go now. Thanks for informing me"


Sooyoung's POV

"Yeah.. whatever" he waved and returned to his desk

-Tok, tok-

"Director Oh, it's me, Officer Choi" i said while opened up the room's door a little

"Yes, come in. I wanted to know about the case's progress" he said after i sat

"I'm already in the middle to investigate their main objectives and tracing the other group's members wherebouts, sir. I'll give it to you after i'd done"

"There's no need, Officer. Just do whatever you need to do. I trusted you"

"Uhh.. Okay, sir" i raised up my eyebrows, he's trusting me to handle the case fully, weird...

"One more thing, i want you to attend my daughter's birthday party this weekend, as my bodyguard. And also to supervise the security with your team"


"Oh, and please give this invitation card to Ms. Kwon. She's my special guest"

"Eh..Why me, sir?" i freaked out when i heard the devil's name. Who's doesn't. Everybody freaking out when they heard her name

"Well, you guys are friend, right? She always hanging out with you when she come to this office"

".....Oh, right. I'll give it to her" there's no need to argue more. 

"That's all. You can leave now. Make sure to come to the party, Officer Choi"

"Yes, sir"

"With a new suit"

"Wha-yes, sir" why did everyone hated my clothes

I can just give this card to her secretary and leave. That's what i thought but it turned out other way around.

When i arrived at her office's buliding, she's already at the front door leaving the building. Then i quickly gave her the card and tried to leave but she pulled me to her car and ask me to accompany her shopping.

She even said my clothes are not suitable for the party which is true and bought me a fashionable suit. Actually she wanted to buy me a dress but i resisted since i was invited for my duty not as a guest. I tried to reject the suit too but she strongly insisted.


So, now she's wearing the black suit with a stylish white shirt, perfectly cut pants and a new shiny shoes completing her appearance. She still brings her gun for safety precaution.

"For some reason i feels weird tonight like something big will happen. I hope it's not a bad thing" she shrugged while heading to her boss's house



Sooyoung's POV

"Wow, this is a big house. Anything can happen here" i said after i had parked my Mitsubishi car

I entered the main door and presented by the luxurious decorations along the hallway until the main hall. There's a banner write 'Happy 23th" hanging near the stage. 

"This kid sure is pampered"

"Hai, miss. Can i get your name" greeted a waiter near the entering's gate

"Choi Sooyoung. I'm here for Director Oh Ji Young"

"Oh, Mr Oh had informed me about you. Please wear this mask, Det. Choi"

"What's for?" i knew nothing about this kind of thing

"This is a masquerade party. You need to wear a mask to enter the party. Mr Oh is waiting for you near the main stage"

Ughh, like i have another choice "Thanks for your assistance"

"You're welcome"

I walked to the main stage looking fo Mr Oh, he can be easily found since he is surrounded by rich-looking guests.

"Good evening, Director. I hope i'm on time" i said when i reached him

"Good evening, Detective. No, you're not. I want you to meet my daughter, the one who's celebrating her birthday tonight"

He said while signalling a woman wearing an elegant red dress with a pink mask on. "Tiffany! Come here"

The woman walked gracefully to Mr Oh and a girl in suit followed behind her.

"That can't be"  the girl is familiar even with a white mask hiding her face.

"Sooyoung, this is my daughter, Tiffany" Mr Oh introduced me to the woman while i keep glancing at the girl behind her

The girl looks shocked too, i think she already recognized me.

"Hwang Tiffany, welcome to my birthday party. " the woman greeted me after i got distracted by Taeyeon's eye signal. I think she want me to ignore her

"I'm Choi Soo-"

"Hi, Miss Hwang. My name is Choi Siwon" a guy abruptly appeared and kissed the woman's hand

"Ehh.. when did he came here" i sighed when i saw his flirtarious smile. I think his sudden entrance shocking the other occupants too.

"Tiffany-dear, this is Det. Choi Sooyoung and her assistant Det. Choi Siwon. They are incharge for this party's security" Mr Oh said after he recovered from the shock

I can tell Taeyeon doesn't like Siwon flirting with Tiffany. Now i'm curious about their relationship. When her eyes meets mine, i quickly signalled her to calm down.

(Blue - Sooyoung, Orange - Taeyeon - telepathy lol)

"Calm down, Taeyeon"

"What are talking you about? i'm calm right now"

"Yeah, right. You're now shooting dagger at him"

"I hope i'm shooting him with a real one"

"Who's she, anyway? Your lover?"

"W-w-wwhat?? No!! She's not my lover! She's my mis- i mean my employer!"

"Yeah, right...Like i gonna trusted you"

"Grr.. Whatever, Choi. I don't want to fight with you in a mental conversation"

"We're in a mental conversation?? Hehe, cool"

"Soo, you better tells your long lost cousin to back off before i rip off his head"

"Chill, Tae. I'll do it"

"Then, have fun guys, Please excuse me" Mr Oh said after a guest asking for his presence

"Siwon, we have to go now. We've to check this party's security" i said, trying to distract him from Tiffany

Siwon want to answer me when a brunette suddenly hugging Tiffany out of blue.

"Happy 23th birthday, Tiff!"

"Thank you, Jess. I thought you're busy with the fashion week"

"Duuhh.. How can i missed my bestfriend's birthday party. It's in my must-attends-list" the girl said without glancing at us

"Oh, Jess. I want to introduce you to my father's co-workers. This is Det. Choi Sooyoung and Det. Choi Siwon. Guys, this is my bestfriend, Jessica Jung" Tiffany said while pointing at me and Siwon




So.. How is it, guys?

There will be more snsd members appear soon...or later xD

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Chapter 22: please update soon
To be honest, Jessica's case indeed wounded me and make me months to collect my thoughts (and still are whenever people/sones bring her up). Not to mention soshi's dating news left and right. Recently it's yuri. So it'll take a while for me to re-fuel my shipper's heart xD. I'm really sorry for the delays when I did said I won't abandoned this fic. I still hold onto it and I still am..
zeebulb #3
Chapter 19: Hi this is my first time commenting here.
I've been stalking this fic for a looong time, and I really love it I love how you mix the action and romance and I'm a SooRi shippers too,and it's hard to get some good SooRi fic.
Please update soon whenever you like it,we will wait ^^
Echimcanhcut #4
Chapter 18: Wow, you are coming back. I am so glad
Chapter 17: please update soon
DindaNda #6
Chapter 16: can't wait for the next chapter :DDD
Chapter 15: I'm getting my SooSica heart ready for a heartbreak so it wouldn't hurt that much. Haha.