Chapter 13

Teach Me How To Love

A/N: blue means engliiiiiiiiiiiiiiish hehe


-The next morning-

“Ah my head!“ Jieun says as she gets up.

She looks around and sees that the room is a mess. Than her eyes catches a sleeping Myungsoo next to her with no top. Jieun tries to remember what had happened but then it hits her. She looks under the blanket and sees her body – .

‘No…’ She thinks and her eyes widen.

Meanwhile Myungsoo starts to move and slowly opens his eyes.

“Good morning…” He mumbles sleepy and sits up next to Jieun.

She quickly covers her body with the blanket and starts to blush. Myungsoo goes through his hair with his hand and looks around.

“Wow… Is that… Impact of a bomb?” He turns around and looks at her.

Jieun keeps quiet and bites her lower lip. Myungsoo’s eyes suddenly widen and he looks down at himself.

“Oh my god!” He says and quickly covers his lower part.

Jieun looks at him and Myungsoo looks at her. Then both turn their heads away while blushing.

“I think… I have to throw up!” Jieun suddenly says and takes the blankets with her to the bathroom.

“YA!” Myungsoo suddenly yells and covers with a pillow.

Jieun rushes into the toilet and starts to throw up. Then she gets up and washes her face and looks at herself in the mirror.

“Please don’t tell me…” She whispers while looking at her stomach in the mirror.

Suddenly Myungsoo knocks at the door and brings her back to reality.

“Jieun? Are you okay? Shall I call for a doctor?” Myungsoo asks worried.

“I-I’m fine… Can you leave the room?” She asks him behind the door.


“I want to get changed…” She says while she bites her lower lip.

“Wait I just get your stuff and you get changed in the bathroom…” He offers.

“NO!” Jieun suddenly yells.

“Jieun! I won’t leave you alone now!” Myungsoo says.

Jieun opens the door slightly and watches Myungsoo grabbing her things from the ground. He lays her skirt from last night on the sofa and gets her a short and a top from her luggage.

“I give you some new underwear…” He says while going through her luggage.

Jieun blushes even more.

“Here you go…” He reaches her the clothes.

“Thanks!” Jieun quickly says and closes the door in front of him.

After changing quickly she looks at herself in the mirror and gulps.

‘I don’t want to face Myungsoo now…’  She thinks while gulping again.

“Jieun?” Myungsoo knocks at the door.

‘What’s wrong with him this morning? Why can’t he leave me alone like he always does?’ She thought sighing and opened the door.

Myungsoo was standing in front of it while looking down. When he heard Jieun coming out he looked up. She saw the worry in his eyes.

“Did you…?” He asks her and demonstrates a person that is throwing up.

‘Should I tell him…? Better not… It might be a wrong alarm, right? It’s probably the alcohol from yesterday…’ She thinks at shakes her head.

“I’m fine…” She smiles it off and walks towards her luggage.

“Are you sure? I heard you throwing up…” He followed her.

“I thought I had to throw up but I didn’t…” She says without looking at him.

“Okay… Are you hungry?” He asks her.

“A little bit…” She says while looking down.

“Then let’s go and grab something to eat.” He says as he grabs her hand and walks towards the door.

Jieun doesn’t say anything and quietly follows him.

“Jieun… There is something wrong, right?” Myungsoo asks her again.

“No, why?” She smiles at him.

“Please, don’t lie to me…” He looked into her eyes.

“I’m not… I’m just starving!” She smiled and walked ahead.

Myungsoo sighed and followed her.

-2 weeks later-

“We have to visit the doctor when we’re in Seoul!” Jieun whispered into the phone.

“Hmm… Okay Jieun, don’t worry… I’m here for you no matter what happens… You know that!” Amber said assuring her.

“I need your hug…” Jieun pouted.

“Aww… Tomorrow you can hug me!” Amber giggled.

“But Jieun?”


“Why don’t you tell Myungsoo about all the throwing up and stuff…I mean if you’re pregnant than it’s his child… Right?” Amber asked.

“Yes… But I’m too embarrassed… Amber… I don’t know how to tell him!” Jieun sighed.

“And if I am than I have to leave school… I’m in my last year! This can’t happen to me!”

“Look the first half is almost over… And we’ll see about the second half… That’s not something you should worry about now! And now we will hang up and you will go to Myungsoo and tell him about everything… If you don’t than I will!”

“Okay, okay, I will… Wish me luck!” Jieun sighed.

“You don’t need luck… He’s your husband and you have probably his baby inside you!” She could feel the warmth in Amber’s voice.

“Okay… I see you then…” Jieun said.

“Okay see you! Text me later!” Amber said before hanging up.

Jieun looked at her phone for a while and sighed. Then she walked out of the bathroom and saw Myungsoo sitting on the bed while reading a magazine.

“Myungsoo…” She started and he looked up.

“We have to talk…” She continued.

“What is?” He asked and put the magazine away.

“I don’t know how to start but…” She bit her lower lip again.

“Come sit down first… Why are you so nervous?” He smiled at her while patting to a place next to him.

“Myungsoo… Do you remember when I threw up…?” She asked him while sitting down.

“I do… Did something bad happen?” He asked worried.

“N-No… I don’t know if it’s bad or not…” She looked at her hands.

“Jieun, what is it, tell me!” He got eager.

‘I’m afraid you will turn to the cold Myungsoo after what I’ll say…’ She thought sad.

“I’m still throwing up…” She didn’t look at him.

“What?!” He suddenly said.

She looked up at him and saw the anger in his eyes.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!” He asked angry.

“I-I was afraid… That you might become the cold Myungsoo you used to be before we came here…” Jieun said looking down.

“Let’s go to a doctor! Now!” He got up and took her hand while pulling her after him.

“Wait!” She said but Myungsoo wasn’t listening to her.

He called for a taxi and they drove off to a doctor.
After a while they arrived there and they had to wait.

“Jieun why didn’t you tell me earlier? But it’s my fault… I never asked you again after that day!” Myungsoo went through his hair with his fingers.

“I’m sorry…” Jieun apologized.

“Anyways… I hope everything is okay…” He said and Jieun saw how he stared at her stomach.

“Mr. and Mrs. Kim?” A nurse called them.

“Room 318 please.” The nurse smiled at them.

“Thank you!” Myungsoo bowed and took Jieun’s hand again.

People in the hospital were staring at them.

“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Park, I’m Dr. Kwon!” The doctor greeted them.

“Hello!” Myungsoo and Jieun bowed.

“So what is the problem?” The doctor smiled and looked at Jieun.

“My… My wife keeps throwing up…” Myungsoo explained while looking down.

“Your wife? Okay… Mrs. Kim can you please lay down there?” The doctor got up and showed her a bed next to a little screen.

“You have to lift your shirt please…” The doctor said and Jieun did as he said.

“This might be a little cold now…” He smiled and smeared some weird thing on her stomach.

Myungsoo turned around and watched them.

“So you two are married? Since when?” The doctor started a small talk while getting the things he needed.

“It’s been around 2 weeks now…” Jieun blushed.

“Oh, so a new couple… I see… Um Mrs. Kim you know what I’m thinking might have happened, right? I mean your husband is a young man who has his needs just like you… And well when a couple is married…”

“Yes, I know…” Jieun interrupted him and blushed even more.

“Okay then… Let’s see!” He pressed a weird thing on her stomach and looked at the screen next to her.

Myungsoo got up and walked up to Jieun. She looked at him and he looked back at her with a little smile. Than he grabbed her hand and patted it with his other hand.

“Hmm…” The doctor furrowed his eyebrows.

“Interesting…” He said more to himself.

Jieun and Myungsoo were getting eager. Then the doctor took the device away and started to wipe away the thick liquid from Jieun’s stomach.

“I have to do a check-up…” The doctor said while writing down something in his papers.

Jieun sat up and pulled her shirt down while watching the doctor. He did a routine check-up on her and nodded.

“Okay…” He smiled at them.

“I think you have to try again…” The doctor smiled at them.

“What do you mean?” Myungsoo asked confused.

“Your wife caught a cold… Unfortunately she’s not pregnant…” The doctor explained.

“I’m not?!” A huge grin was on Jieun’s face.

“No… I wish you the best for the next time!” The doctor winked and smiled.

“Thank you doctor!” Myungsoo bowed and grabbed Jieun’s hand.

“I’m not pregnant!” She smiled happy.

“Congratulations…” Myungsoo said without looking at her.

“Do you know what it would mean for me to be pregnant? I had to quit school and I couldn’t meet my friends anymore like I used to…” She shook her head with a huge grin.

“Yeah…” Myungsoo said and let her go and called for a taxi.


“JIEUN!!!!” Amber yelled from afar.

“Ambeeeeeeeeer!” Jieun ran towards her.

“Welcome back baby!” Amber smiled while hugging Jieun tightly.

Teen Top was behind Amber and smiling at them. Infinite also came. Jieun hugged everyone and was happy to be back.

“Hey whaddup!” Sunggyu walked towards Myungsoo.

“Hey hyung…” Myungsoo smiled slightly.

“Hyung, why do you look so sad?” Sungjong asked Myungsoo.

Myungsoo didn’t answer him but looked towards Jieun who was hugging L.Joe.

“Didn’t get close in your honeymoon?” Sungyeol asked while looking at the same direction as Myungsoo.

“I’ve missed you soooo much!” L.Joe said and placed a kiss on her neck.

“I’ve missed you too!” Jieun giggled and hugged her back.

“Hey, hey, I said, don’t do this when I’m around!” Woohyun suddenly appeared next to L.Joe.

“Woohyun!” Jieun said excited and let L.Joe go and hugged Woohyun.

“Hey baby how are you?” Woohyun smiled hugging her.

“Fine you?!” She giggled.

“I’ve been terrible… I’ve missed you way too much!” He smirked.

“EEEWWW gross!” Amber said.

“You’re the gross one missy!” Woohyun glared at her.

“Oh really who’s the one being greasy?” Amber raised an eyebrow.

Woohyun was about to answer him when Jieun interrupted them.

“Just because I can’t speak English, right?” She pouted.

“You guys are in Korea okay… Speak Korean for God’s sake!” L.Joe sighed.

“Sorry!” Amber apologized in English and everyone started to laugh.

-Next day in school-

“Where have you been Ms. Lee?” Her homeroom teacher asked Jieun.

“I’m sorry, I was sick for the last 2 weeks… Here is the confirmation from the doctor…” Jieun reached him a paper.

Thank god her father’s friend was a doctor.
Myungsoo said that he had to a business trip with his father so he got away more easy than Jieun since his father was paying too much for the school.

At lunch she wanted to sit with Teen Top and Amber when Woohyun grabbed her arm and led her to Infinite’s table.

“Ya, my friends are there…” Jieun said nodding her head towards the table Teen Top and Amber were sitting at.

“Infinite is also your friend! And we want to have lunch with you!” Woohyun smirked while walking next to her.

“We? Since when?” Jieun raised an eyebrow.

“Since you left for Jeju Island with Myungsoo… I can’t stand L.Joe you know…” Woohyun shrugged.

Meanwhile they arrived at the table. Infinite was laughing about something.

“IT’S NOT FUNNY I SAID!” Sunggyu yelled.

Jieun looked at him and saw that he had pasta on his shirt.

“Hyung what did you do?!” Woohyun asked while hiding his smile.

“He spilled his food while watching Eunmi!” Dongwoo explained while laughing.

Eunmi was the schools queenka. Every boy was falling for her. She was perfect, her hair, her body, her eyes, her nose, everything was just perfect.

“Noona come here!” Sungjong pointed next to him.

Jieun sat down and started to eat when Infinite started to play ‘Truth or Dare’.

“Are you in Jieun?” Hoya asked her.

“I skip…” She shook her head.

“Okay then leeeeeeeeeeeet’s start!” Dongwoo laughed while turning the bottle.

It stopped while pointing at Myungsoo.

“Truth or dare?” Sunggyu grinned.

“I chose truth… I still can’t go to the mall in Hongdae after the last dare…” Myungsoo shook his head.

“What happened last time?” Jieun asked Sungjong quietly.

“Hyung had to walk around in his boxers in a mall in Hongdae.” Sungjong said laughing.

Jieun joined him as well.

“Okaaaaay!” Sunggyu grinned evil.

“I don’t like the way you look...” Myungsoo gulped.

“You’re dead meat!” Sungyeol laughed.

“You two…” Sunggyu pointed at Jieun and Myungsoo.

“You two had in Jeju, right?” Sunggyu smirked.

Jieun’s eyes were about to pop out. People around them became quiet and turned their heads around to look at Infinite.
Jieun’s and Myungsoo’s eyes met.


A/N: this chapter might have a few mistakes >-< i wrote it in a rush.... anyways i hope you'll like it :D i skipped the scene cause i really in writing one =_= *mian mian* 
btw i won't be able to update regularly since i come home late from school and i have a lot of homeworks to do .-. 
what should happen next? leave me your comments and don't forget to subscribe ;D 


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Chapter 42: What happened to Mina?
elfcassopeia #2
Chapter 42: Chpt 42: wow! This story is really nice. I really liked it ♡
Danieea #3
Chapter 42: i really liked it authornim:) good good
Chapter 42: Awww the ending :')
agneth #5
Chapter 42: Actually I like u'r story.. but I'm a little annoyed with two people or maybe I say hate to charater of L.Joe and jieun.. How can she to tame timing.. Huhffthh.. Oh so unfair..
FrrrAnikaFrrr #6
Chapter 42: This story is soooo amazing! I like it like it like it! ^.^