Chapter 10

Teach Me How To Love

A/N: if anything is marked blue than it means that this person is talking in english ^^


Jieun woke up and found herself in the living room. It was still dark. She looked around and suddenly saw Woohyun sleeping on her lap. While looking at him she smiled and his hair. He moved his head and looked up.

“You didn’t sleep?” Jieun whispered.

Jieun felt Woohyun shaking his head.

“Why?” She asked.

“I was just… not tired…” He whispered and got up.

Than Jieun’s phone rang.

“Hello?” She answered it.

“Jieun?” It was L.Joe.

“Joe!” Jieun immediately smiled.

“Did I wake you up?” He asked carefully.

“No… I was awake… What time is it now anyways?” She asked him.

“It’s around 4AM…” He answered.

“What? Omg… Why are you awake?”

“I couldn’t sleep…” She heard him sigh.


“I was just thinking about you… Whether you’re okay or not…”

Jieun smiled.

“Don’t worry… I’m fine and I’m at home…”

“Is L there?”

“No… He’s over at Seungyeols’…” Jieun remembered Myungsoo and got in a bad mood.

“Are you alone at home?” L.Joe gasped.

“No, Woohyun’s here…” She said and looked at Woohyun. He was looking down.

“Should I come over?”

“It’s okay… Woohyun is here… I’m safe… Don’t worry…” Jieun slightly smiled.

Woohyun looked up at her.

“You sure?”


“Okay then… Umm… Good night!”

“Good night…” Jieun smiled and hung up.

“Come on!” She said and got up as she pulled on Woohyun’s arm.

“Where?” He asked surprised.

“To bed! It’s uncomfortable here!” She smiled as she took his hand.

Woohyun looked at their hands for a moment and smiled agreeing. They ran upstairs and Jieun throw herself on the bed.

“Ahhh~ Nothing better than this!” She said as she closed her eyes.

Woohyun stood there and watched her with a smile.

“Aren’t you coming?” She pointed at the place next to her.

Woohyun laughed and jumped next to her. He hugged her and Jieun buried her face in his neck.

“I love you.” She whispered while closing her eyes.

“I love you too!” Woohyun answered while her hair. Soon both fell asleep.

-In school-

L.Joe grabbed Jieun’s hand under the table while they were in class. Jieun looked at him and smiled. L.Joe looked back and winked while smiling.
Class was boring as usual. L.Joe and Jieun were passing each other little letters because they were not allowed to talk.

Free this afternoon?

Jieun read and smiled.

Think so… Why? Dancing again? :p

L.Joe giggled quietly as he read her answer.

If you want to… I was actually thinking about a date…?

Jieun blushed while reading it.

That’s fine with me!

Okay then :D wait for me at the school gates later… I’ll pick you up ;D


L.Joe giggled and then the school bell rang. Next class was music and she wasn’t in the same class as L.Joe.

“Should I take you to class?” He offered.

“It’s fine… You’ll be late if you do so!” She refused with a smile.

“I don’t care… It's physics anyways… You know I hate science…” L.Joe said while making a funny face.

Jieun laughed.

“It’s okay… You still have to get good grades!” She said as she pushed him the other way.

L.Joe sighed and gave in at the end.

“Okay… I’ll meet you later than!” L.Joe gave her a hug and walked towards his class.

Jieun also walked into her class and sat down. Some girl she didn’t know was sitting next to her. Jieun looked at her and she looked back.

“Hey!” The girl smiled at her.

“H-Hey!” Jieun waved back and looked at the board.

Right in that moment the teacher walked in and everyone greeted him.

“Class, first I want to introduce you a new student…” The teacher looked towards Jieun’s way.

The girl next to Jieun got up and walked to the front. She didn’t have the school uniform on which girls would usually wear. Instead she had boys’ pants on and a plain white shirt. Her hands were in her pockets and her hair was short and blonde.

“Please introduce yourself…” The teacher looked at her hands.

In Korea it was really rude to have your hands in your pockets when you were in front of an elder person but this girl either ignored it or she was new in Korea.

“Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Amber Liu and I'm new here, so please take care!” She said as she bowed slightly, her hands still in her pockets.

‘Well at least she knows how to introduce herself correctly.’ Jieun thought and smiled.

“Thank you Amber… Now please take your seat again and I will do the attendance list.”

Then the teacher started the attendance list and checked everyone.

“Kim Myungsoo.” The teacher said out loud.

Jieun looked around but Myungsoo wasn’t there.

“Kim Myungsoo, I said!” The teacher looked from his list.

“Myungsoo isn’t here, teacher.” A random boy in class said.

“Does anyone know why?” The teacher asked but no one answered.

It made Jieun worried so she took her phone out and started to text him under the table.

To:  Pokerface

Where are you?

Then she looked up and tried to pay attention to class.

“You can’t pay attention to class like this…” Amber said while writing the things down what the teacher wrote on the board.

Jieun looked at her confused.

“You didn’t even take out a pen…” Amber smiled and looked at her while pointing at Jieun’s phone.

“O-Oh…” Jieun blushed and quickly took a pen and started to write down.

“Someone important?” Amber asked.

“Hmm... You could say so…” Jieun nodded.

“So now we’re going to sing a little bit…” The teacher said and sat down in front of the black piano.

“Everyone stand up!” The teacher said and the class did as he said.

Jieun hated singing. She really at it. While everyone was singing she just moved without saying anything. Amber was singing really well, as if she was trained before.
After class Jieun started to pack her things and wanted to go to the canteen since she felt like starving.
She was about to go out when she saw Amber still sitting on her place.

“Umm… Amber, wanna join me for lunch?” Jieun bit her lower lip.

Amber’s head shot up and she nodded happily.

“So how old are you?” Jieun asked her.

“19, you?”

“Same…” Jieun smiled.

“Oh, we’re the same age!” Amber laughed happy.

“By the way, back in class I noticed that you didn’t sing…” Amber said as they reached the canteen.

“Well… I at it…” Jieun shrugged with a smile on her face.

“Everyone can sing!” Amber smiled.

She reminded Jieun of L.Joe.

“You remind me of my friend…” Jieun said laughing while shaking her head.

“Why? Is your friend also a singer?” Amber laughed.

“No but a dancer!” Jieun laughed and bought food.

Amber also bought food and they started to walk towards the table where L.Joe and Teen Top was sitting at. On her way she passed Infinite and noticed Woohyun sitting with them. She looked confused at him but then shook her head and continued walking.

“Hey guys!” Jieun said as she sat down and Amber placed herself next to Jieun.

“This is Amber... She’s new here. Amber this is Teen Top..” Jieun said and Teen Top started to introduce herself.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Amber Liu.” She introduced herself.

“Oh, you’re not Korean!” Changjo said with a bright grin on his face.

“I’m actually Taiwanese and I grew up in the states…” She explained.

“Wow…” Jieun said in awe.

“Your Korean is daebak!” Niel showed her thumbs up.

“Thanks! I’ve been in Korea for around 2 years now…” Amber smiled.

While talking L.Joe placed his arm on Jieun’s waist and pulled her closer to himself.

“You have a boyfriend? Why didn’t you tell me!” Amber pouted.

Jieun blushed and L.Joe smiled.

“HYUNG!” Changjo said and looked disappointed at L.Joe.

L.Joe shrugged.

“When were you going to tell us mister?!” Ricky said.

“Oops!” Amber said in English.

“Soon…” L.Joe smiled.

“When soon?” Chunji shook his head.

“But wait… L?” C.A.P asked confused.

Jieun sighed.

“Guys… We’re not dating because of that… We just like each other…” L.Joe explained.

“Aha… I can see that…” Chunji laughed.

“Who’s L?” Amber asked confused.

“Do you see these guys over there?” Niel nodded towards Infinite.


“That’s Infinite… Oh wait, where’s L?” Niel looked at Jieun.

“And isn’t that Woohyun, your childhood friend?” Chunji added.

“I know… I don’t know what he’s doing there and I don’t know where Myungsoo is…” Jieun said.

“Myungsoo? Who’s that now?” Amber was getting more and more confused.

“It’s L… His real name is Myungsoo… And well… I have to… Kinda marry him…” Jieun bit her lower lip.

“First of all why would someone prefer one letter over their name? And secondly WHAT?! You’re only 19, aren’t you?” Amber said confused.

“Yeah I am… It’s a long story… I don’t really wanna talk about it…” Jieun said and started to eat.

“Okay… But you have to tell me later, did you hear me? You HAVE to!” Amber laughed and Jieun nodded smiling.

Amber seemed very nice and like a good friend.

-After School-

“What are you going to do now?” Amber asked Jieun.

She was leaning against some locker while Jieun was organizing her books.

“What?” Jieun asked busy with her books.

“Let’s do something! I’m bored…” Amber sighed and looked around.

“Hmm… I don’t have to do anything anyways, so why not?” Jieun closed her locker and got her bag.

Amber and Jieun started to walk out of school when they saw L.Joe at the gates.

“Joe? What are you doing here?” Jieun asked confused.

“Waiting for you~!” L.Joe sang and grabbed her hand.


“Did you forget? We have a date now!” L.Joe pouted.

“Oh-uh…Jieun-ah I better leave now…” Amber said and hugged Jieun.

“I’m so sorry… Let’s do something tomorrow!” Jieun waved at Amber as she was leaving.

“Ok!” She said in English and started to run towards the bus station.

“Where are we going?”  Jieun smiled at L.Joe.

He didn’t answer her and started to walk still pouting. Was he angry?

“Ya, Joe!” She said but he didn’t turn around.

“Don’t make me kiss you!” She pointed at him with her index finger.

L.Joe turned around and smirked at her.

“Try it!” He said.

“Really?” She walked towards him.

L.Joe nodded.
Jieun walked towards him step by step. He was still standing there still. Wasn’t he going to move back? Will he let her kiss him, here in public?
Jieun took another step and L.Joe’s grin became wider.

“Okay, you win!” Jieun took a step back and shook her head.

“Too bad, I want to kiss you now!” L.Joe said and walked towards her.

He put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. They were looking at each other and L.Joe bit his lower lip smirking a little bit. He leaned in. Jieun held her breath and closed her eyes. Than he placed a kiss on her cheek and let her go. Jieun opened her eyes.

“Y-Ya…!” Jieun blushed and looked down.

L.Joe chuckled cutely and Jieun started to chase him.
After a while they became tired and L.Joe bought ice cream for them. They sat down on a park bench nearby.

“Jieun?” L.Joe asked her.

“Yes?” She looked at him while eating her ice cream.

“Did something happen… between you and L?” L.Joe asked while looking away.

You could see that he was feeling uncomfortable talking about L.

“No…” Jieun shook her head and looked down still eating her ice cream.

She didn’t want to tell L.Joe about her talk with Myungsoo outside of the restaurant. She couldn’t hurt him for someone like Myungsoo.
While they were sitting quietly on the bench, Jieun’s phone rang. She looked at the ID and quickly answered it.


“Jieun, where are you?” Her dad asked.

“I’m with a friend right now…” She looked at L.Joe.

“Get Myungsoo and come over to the company… We have to talk!” He said and hung up.

Jieun gulped. What had happened? Did her father know about L.Joe and her fight with Myungsoo?

“What happened?” L.Joe asked.

Jieun typed in Myungsoo’s phone number and called him.

“It’s my dad… He wants to talk to me and Myungsoo… He sounded pretty stressed…” Jieun bit her lower lip.

The phone was ringing and ringing but Myungsoo wasn’t going to pick up.

“Damn you!” Jieun said angry and hung up.

Then she called Sungyeol. He picked up right away.

“Sister-in-law?” He answered his phone.

“Where’s Myungsoo?” She asked.

“Umm… Away…?”

“Sungyeol, please don’t lie to me… I know he’s with you… I have to talk to him…” She said.

Then she heard him sigh.

“Yes?” It was Myungsoo’s voice.

“Were you going to ignore me forever?” Jieun said angry.

“Is that why you called?”

“No… My dad called… He wants to talk to us at his office… He sounded pretty stressed…”

“Okay, I’ll be there… Let’s meet at the entrance…” He said and hung up.

“Like I want to see you!”  Jieun hissed and put her phone back into her bag.

“I have to go…” Jieun said as she got up.

“I’ll take you there!” L.Joe also got up and grabbed her hand.

Jieun looked at their hands and nodded. Then they started to walk towards the bus station to take the bus to downtown Seoul. 


A/N: subscribe and commeenntttt~ :DDDDDDD <3333333333333

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Chapter 42: What happened to Mina?
elfcassopeia #2
Chapter 42: Chpt 42: wow! This story is really nice. I really liked it ♡
Danieea #3
Chapter 42: i really liked it authornim:) good good
Chapter 42: Awww the ending :')
agneth #5
Chapter 42: Actually I like u'r story.. but I'm a little annoyed with two people or maybe I say hate to charater of L.Joe and jieun.. How can she to tame timing.. Huhffthh.. Oh so unfair..
FrrrAnikaFrrr #6
Chapter 42: This story is soooo amazing! I like it like it like it! ^.^