
Summer Trip: Untold Stories

I never believe in first love or anything that similar to that; puppy love or whatever people called it. I also didn’t really believe the existence of best friend or BFF. Ever since I was born, I always be the alone and lonely Ahn Sohee. I’m the only children of Ahn family; my mother got a problem with her womb so she couldn’t be pregnant again. Our family travelled a lot, because my father works in the embassy, so we often moved. I was born in USA and then went travelled to so many countries I barely remembered. I knew my parents tried their best to make me happy, showering me with their unconditional love and of course, money; but there’s more than that. I developed new habit of being distant and refused to be attached to certain people; because I know, I’ll go and I hate the feeling of leaving someone. That’s why when I came back to Seoul and went to the senior high school there, I didn’t put any expectation. Having my new classmates treated me well was enough for me; no need to be my best friend.

I didn’t expecting that I would be a popular kid in my new school. Some random survey suddenly nominated me as one of the cutest girl, and voila I won. Since that, I started to grow more and more friends. That felt nice, but I tried my best to keep it low so I decided to stay away from the crowd and joined the book club. I hate crowded place actually. And the book club became the place where I met my first BFF ever: Choi Jinri.

She was 2 years younger than me, and that time, she was still in sophomore of Hangang Junior High School. Our school basically mixed the junior and senior high building, so the junior and senior could interact daily. Jinri was a cute girl and she’s really nice. We had the same eye smile and somehow, I didn’t mind at all to be close with her. She’s like the little sister that I always want to have. We started to be closer each day and even spending the day at her house becoming a routine to me. In short, I was happy that Jinri becoming my best friend.


It was one of the day when I’m about to visit Jinri at her house. I wanted to buy some banana milk, because both of us like it a lot. I was about to leave the convenient store when I tripped my leg and accidentally crashed to someone in front of me. I didn’t know who she was, but I assumed she was someone in a gang; because the way she glared at me was really scary. I felt like my heart skipped a beat when she walked to my direction. She’s just stormed in and ready to slap my face with her big hand, I was just closing my eyes and praying that this was just a dream.

“What the hell are you doing?” she asked. I opened my eyes and looked at her in confused. I thought I was just close my eyes?

“I-I.. didn’t—“

“It should be my question. What the hell are you doing?”

I looked at my back, there’s someone standing there, holding the girl’s wrist so she couldn’t slap me. It was Park Chanyeol, my classmates. I rarely hang out with him because mostly he spent his time practicing with his band and we barely know ach other; except for the silly rumor that we should date together as both of us voted as best couple at school survey. Ok, and talking about this girl in front of me…

“Who are you? Her boyfriend?” she asked in annoyed.

“You should know better that harassing people is not good, especially for a student” he spoke calmly, still holding her wrist. “What is the problem actually?”

“She walked sloppily and made me fall. She needs to learn how to walk properly”

“By slapping her? Maybe it’s you who need to learn something” Chanyeol hold her wrist tighter and I could see she seemed to feel hurt.

“O-Okay guys, listen. Hi, I’m sorry I didn’t know how I got my legs tripped but really, I’m sorry for crashing into you” I bowed to the girl in front of me.

Chanyeol looked angrily to the girl, so I held his hand which held the girl’s wrist.

“And Chanyeol, cold you please release her hand? That’s hurt, you know”

Chanyeol smirked and released the girl hands. “I hope you never do this kind of things again. Remember that!” and he suddenly took my wrist, making me walking with him.

I nodded to the girl who looked blankly at us and glanced at Chanyeol. We kept walking until we arrived at the intersection. At the end of the road, he released my hand and sighed.

“That’s close Sohee. You should be careful… Several girls around here did harass other…” he said as he looked around. It seemed like something bothering him related with similar thing that’s just happened to me.

“Was there something happened previously? Were you getting harassed by someone?” I asked him curiously.

He chuckled and smiled, shook his head.

“Someone was once being harassed… because of me. I hope it never happened again… Anyway, I’ll go first. See you around at school. Be careful, Sohee” he waved at me and went straight, crossing the street.

This was weird, but judging the way he talked to me and care for me, I felt… warm. It seemed like some part of me wanting him to stay with me. I didn’t know if I made a mistake, but I think I’ve just fell for Park Chanyeol.


“Hey Sohee, are you free this weekend?” Chanyeol suddenly sat in front of me and grinning widely.

I looked at him and smiled. “Yes, why?”

He took something from his pocket and showed two movie tickets. “Care to join watching a movie?”

I held my smile. Wait, did Park Chanyeol just asked me on a movie date with him? I wanted to immediately say yes, but I acted calmly like there’s nothing happened. I touched my bang and combed it with my fingers, pretending to think.

“Hmm… seems fun. Ok, I’ll tell you later if I can go… Thanks for the ticket anyway”

He smiled, showing his teeth. “Okay, don’t let me down!” he stood up and winked to me, walking out from the class. I’ve just get the best day ever, I guess… I should tell Jinri!


The awaited Saturday afternoon was finally coming. I chose one of my best dresses to be worn that day and even got into the salon, making my hair wavy. Actually, I wanted to ask Jinri to go to the salon too, but somehow she’s a bit distance ever since I told her that I’m in love with Chanyeol.

When I arrived at our meeting point, a coffee shop near the cinema, Chanyeol was already there. He just simply wore his jeans and a shirt and hat and done. But in my eyes, he seemed … handsome. We walked together to the cinema and during the walk I couldn’t stop looking at him. He’s so charming and nice; seriously he made me fell deeply for him. I hope he felt the same…

Once we arrived at the cinema and waiting for the movie to show, he took his phone and calling someone. I just calmly stood next to him, waiting. Suddenly there’s this senior that I barely knew; I forgot his name… He looked at us and came. He seemed to be awkward when we looked each other.

“Hi” he said to me. I greeted him back and I clearly saw his cheeks blushed.

“Sohee, do you still remember Wooyoung hyung?” Chanyeol said as he appointed Wooyoung sunbae. I slightly nodded; oh so his name was Wooyoung. “Actually, he’s the one who asked you to go watching the movie today… I hope both of you could get along well”

I immediately looked at Chanyeol. Wait, so I didn’t have a date with him but with this senior????

“So… so.. you are not going to watch it?” I asked him in confused.

He grinned. “Sorry, I’m having another plan today. Ok, have fun!” he said as he walked away and waved to us.

I was still learning to understand the situation. So he’s not really asking me to go out but he’s actually helping this senior to go out with me?

“Hi Sohee. Would you mind to get in to the cinema now? The movie is about to started” Wooyoung sunbae talked to me, snapped me back from my wandering mind. I nodded and followed him, because I felt bad if I stood him up.

I turned around once again and saw Chanyeol’s back, he’s heading out from the cinema area. That time, I knew… I have one sided first love.


“Oh, it’s really hot in hereeeee!” I said as I fanned myself with the fan that I bought earlier. I wore a short and a thin shirt, but still… I couldn’t escape the heat. This summer I visited Seoul, since I haven’t coming here for 3 years. As expected, I didn’t graduate in Seoul; I moved back to New York when I was in the second year of high school because my father had to fill the position there. It felt nice to coming back, especially when I had my beloved friends.

“Tell me again, why should we visit the amusement park during this hot summer?” Chanyeol was sweated a lot and he hasn’t stopped saying that he felt hot since we arrived here. I chuckled and playfully hit his arm. “Where is Kris anyway? What took him forever just to buy drinks?”

“Stop whining! It’s my boyfriend that you’re talking about”

“Yeah, boyfriend for a week and you’re already ditching me” Chanyeol pouted at me. We took a seat in front of the ferris wheel, the only place that seemed to have the cool and refreshing vibe.

Yeah finally, after a year of guessing I finally becoming Kris’s girlfriend. It’s funny how Chanyeol kept butted in to us; he’s the one who help us becoming a couple actually. Just like what he did to me and Wooyoung sunbae (although at the end we were just being friend after that movie date); Chanyeol kept matched making us. I forgot my feeling to him already when I went back to US and really fell for Kris at the first year of university. Actually, before Chanyeol met Kris and becoming friends, I already met Kris; as he’s my high school friend’s friend. It just that I didn’t think that Kris might like me.

Suddenly, I remembered Jinri. The last time I met her, somehow I felt like she’s being distant to me. I didn’t know if I made any mistake to her, but if I could meet her again, I’d love to hear from her.

“I haven’t met Jinri anyway… How is she? Is she fine?”

“Probably? I don’t know…” he answered lazily. He scratched the back of his neck and fanned himself with a paper.

“What’s with that expression? Weren’t you had a date with her last week?”

I heard from Kris that Chanyeol asked Jinri out for a movie. He said Chanyeol was just randomly asked her to watch the movie. Seriously, both of them should just confess and end up being a couple though.

“I don’t know… I mean, I’m still not sure with my feeling. And how about her? I heard she’s pretty close with Chansung hyung. I know that Chansung hyung got a girlfriend already, but Baekhyun said that it’s possible that she likes Chansung hyung. I don’t want to be a fool who confessed to a girl who doesn’t even like me…”

I shook my head and patted his back.

“Why don’t you just…ask her first? Tell her how you feel… Both of you have known each other for a very quite long time, right?”

He chuckled and broke a smile. “Yeah, even before she’s born…”

“See? You’re once a playboy—” Chanyeol glared at me. “Listen, what I mean is, you used to be that playful and easily saying greasy things to girls so they finally becoming your girlfriend, why can’t you do it to her?”

“That’s the problem, Miss Sohee. I couldn’t do it to her. Sometimes, it took me a big courage just to talk to her. Normally, I could talk well with her. The thing is, sometimes we end up fighting because I couldn’t actually say things I want to tell to her” Chanyeol sighed.

I smiled to him. He’s really into her…

“She’s special, that’s why you can’t casually tell her your feeling… You’re just really like her that much, Chanyeol”

“I’m not sure yet…” he replied as he leaned his back to the seat.

“I’m sure he felt the same with you…”

Chanyeol looked at me in confused. “You know? Did she tell you anything about me?”

I grinned to him. “Ok, don’t turn your head to the back— Chanyeol! I thought I said don’t turn your head?”

He faced me again, looking blank.

“Jinri was here, she’s somewhere near the souvenir store; watching us” I said as I look through his shoulder. Jinri was wearing Goofy hat and kept looking from the behind of the stall. Oh my God, why she’s so cute that way…

“She’s here? What on Earth was she doing here?” Chanyeol responded, about to turn his head to the back but I grabbed his shoulder so he looked back at me.

“This supposed to be the right time for you to confess to her, Chanyeol. Just tell her your feeling and—“

“I guess I should just let her know, shouldn’t I?”

I patted his back again. He took a deep breath for several times. Finally he stood up and looked at the souvenir stall. Some group of students seemed to block his view, so he had to walk there. I waved at him and smiled widely. You can do it, Chanyeol…

If my feeling was right, Jinri also like Chanyeol. I remembered I saw her watching Chanyeol sleeping at the library. During that time, I didn’t know that they’re close and I was still a new student; so I thought it was just a coincidence. But when I thought about it again…

“Where’s Chanyeol?” Kris suddenly appeared in front of me. He brought 3 cups of milk tea.

“Confessing his love” I answered as I happily sipped the milk tea.

Kris looked at me in confused. “Really? He is?”

“Let’s just wait the news from him” I winked to Kris and linked my arm to his as he sat next to me.

I looked back to Chanyeol. He already met Jinri and both of them were talking now.

Goodluck, Guys! ;)    


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Chapter 3: Kyaa now i know what is missing
Chapter 3: Kyaa now i know what is missing
thanks for writing this <3 it's really wonderful T_____T