Something We're Used To. ♥

A Fading Memory ♥

   Suho smiled at you warmly as he handed you your hot chocolate, melting your heart like butter.

Moments like this made you appreciate having him present in your life, you don't know what you'd do without him here.

" So _______ are you sure you're okay, you did fall pretty hard. " Suho said as he glanced at you.


You nodded weakly as you forced a smile on your face, you didn't want Suho to worry, even if you were in pain.


Unlucky for you Suho saw right through your fake reply.


" _____ ah, you know you can tell me anything, right ?" Suho asked sadly.

You smiled at him and pecked his cheek.

" I sure do but right now I need to go think, I'll see you tomorrow at practice, yes ?" You chimed merrily.

Suho nodded and walked you to the door.

" Be safe ______." Suho shouted after you, walking back into the cafe.

You waved back and waited for him to go back inside, turning to walk back to the hotel.

You were barely halfway there when you realized you had no money in your wallet !

How were you going to stay in a hotel if you couldn't even afford a stick of gum ?!

~Great, what else could go wrong?~ You asked as the clouds turned a dark grey.


~ Suho's POV~

I looked out the window as the sky turned  depressingly dark, the wind picking up at a fast rate.

I could only imagine the troubles _____ was having walking back to the hotel, I mean it's almost 45 minutes from here.

Maybe I should go after her, offer her a place to sleep.

I decided that it was a good idea and headed for the door.


 The wind  harshly pounded at your now pink skin, causing shivers to ripple through your body.

You really did regret not bringing a jacket with you but there was nothing you could do about it now.

If only you had stayed in the cafe, at least it was warm there.


You quickened your pace and headed around the corner where you were greeted by none other than Suho.

" Suho-ah ! What are you doing here?" You chattered.

He looked you over and shook his head, wrapping his jacket around your shoulders.


" I came to see if you'd like to come stay the night in our dorms, it's way too cold for you to go all the way back to that hotel." Suho yelled over the wind.

You felt that familiar raise in your heart rate as the questioned processed in your mind.

~ S-Stay the night !~ You screamed in your head. ~ Was he serious ?!~

Suho stared at you , anxiously waiting for your answer.

You had to admit the thought of spending the night with Suho made your heart sore but you also didn't want to burden him.

" It's okay, I wouldn't want to intrude." You shyly quivered.

Suho only laughed as he took your hand, leading you to the Exo dorm.


  " Make yourself at home." Suho huffed, shutting the door and removing his jacket.

You nodded and slowly walked over to couch, checking out the dorm as you did.

Everything was so clean and tidy, not even a book was out of place.

" Are you warm yet? " Suho chuckled, making his way over to you.

You smiled and nodded, the dorm was quite cozy.


" You know if you wanted to get warm faster you could have always cuddled with Oppa." He smiled brightly, opening his arms to you.


You felt the apples of your cheeks burn as he pulled you into his familiar embrace, why did he always have to make you blush ?


" See I can already feel you getting warmer." Suho joked, pulling away from you slightly.


Your faces were now only centimeters apart and you already knew what that meant.

" Suho I-" You were muffled by the warmth of Suho's lips pressing against yours,that feeling of butterflies once again present in your tummy.


This of course distracted you from all your surroundings,  including one very surprised D.O

" Having fun are we ? " D.O quipped from the kitchen, slowly walking towards you both.

~ How will I explain this one?!~




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Chapter 19: omygosh! I'm looking forward for it! ^^
Hey! Just wanted to ask, where'd you edit your poster? If it's okay for you to share... :)
Chapter 18: OMG OMG OMG.
BRB /dying/.
Chapter 18: Woahh!! Sharing roommm!! Hahaha, she want to keep clam but blast inside!
update soon <3
Chapter 17: Omoooo!! Kyungsoo is so cute! They're so cute!!
Chapter 17: there's still a chance. WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!
Chapter 16: KYUNGSOOOOOOOOO DON'T GET JEALOUS AND ALL. it's youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~ my goodness. I'm spazzing.
Chapter 15: "what about me?" OH KYUNGSOO! PLEASE STOP DOING THAT TO ME! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ update soon, please! :))
Chapter 15: oh my god, so sadd.. and confusing. I must be very very confused right now :/ keke :p update soon!