Love moves in mysterious ways.

This is our song.

No one's POV.

A couple is sitting under a shade of a tree. The girl is lying on the lap of the boy.

*conversation [boy; girl]



Do you remember what date is tomorrow?

Tomorrow? Hmmm...why? Is there any special event? can't really remember?

Wait, I'll check my cellphone...

Wait..! Don't! Do you want to play a game? To remember what really is the special thing tomorrow...

Hmm..alright..but isn't it easy to just look at my calend.....aaaarrrr....

*The boy pull the girl into his car.

It's getting late, we should head home already...

Alright. But we'll play a game while I'm driving you home. 


So...I'll ask you 3 questions,..but remember this..after we play the game, we'll meet tomorrow at our house at exactly 9 a.m. understood?, let's start the game..oohh..I'm excited..! Yah! but babe..please don't forget that you're driving..please be careful..

Arasso.. First question... what is my favorite fruit?

Your favorite fruit? ha! are you testing me? of course I knew it... it is surely and absolutely... a banana! even remember it huh... many seeds does it have?

Are you joking me? of course it doesn't have any!

You're right! You have answered the first question correctly.

Who could have not answered it?

*the girl laughed

So...what's the next question...?

Hmm..wait...hmmm... could you answer the next question?

Of course! now what?!

How many dates we had since we became a couple?

All our dates?



*the girl is counting using her fingers

Are you done counting?

Hmmm... yes... I already know the right answer...! It's 9!

Woah..! You're improving my girl! You're right!

I told you..! Now what's the last question?

Hmm...wait I'm thinking for the last question... now what?

Hmmm.... how many times we had our kisses?

Kiss? But. We. Haven't. Ki....

*the boy then kissed the girl on her lips..

It's our first...

*then they both smiled... they stared at each other for a minute. Not knowing that there is a truck ahead of them.

Nooo...! Babe....!


*the couple met an accident. The truck had caused a massive impact on their part. Their car tumbled. "Babe...Are. You. Alright.?" The boy asked the girl while cathcing his breath. But the gil is still unconscious. Knowing that in any moment, the car would explode, he push the girl outside the car. Even he cannot move his legs, he gave all his strength to push the girl away from the incident. Minutes had passed, the girl had her conscious back. She's puzzled with the situation, questions had kept bugging her, where am I? when did I get here? why am I hurt? and most especially, where is he? While looking for her boyfriend... "Babe...! Where. Are..." *BOOM* She had seen the car explode with her own two eyes.! She knelt on her knees and cry. "No.! No.! This is all a terrible dream.! Yah! Someone..! Wake me up..!" She slap her face many times, and had seen the car on fire. She tried to go near the incident but the fire hindered her. "NOOO..!" After a few minutes, an ambulance came and pickedher up. "No...! No..! my boyfriend is inside that car.. please let me stay for a while and I'll find him..!" "No Ma'am, please...come with us, we'll take you in the hospital and will give you news about the incident..." a man said. "NO...! Please..!" the girl tried to resist but the man is strong enough to take her in the ambulance. 

After it was confirmed that the person inside the car had turned into ash, she couldn't help but to burst into tears. Reminiscing all their moments together, she then remembered that they would meet at the boy's house at exactly 9 am. "I should be there. Even if he won't come, I'll wait for him, even if it takes a lifetime." the girl said to herself.

At exactly 9 am, he arrived in front of the boy's house. She then slowly opened the gate and enter the house. She looked all over, side by side, and in every corner, and then, noticed the piano. She walked slowly towards it and something had caught her attention.. "The piano had a lock?" She asked herself. She opened the lock and knew that it needs a number combination to be able to open it. She first tried to enter her birthday, then followed by the boy's birthday, but it both doesn't work. 

She tries her best to recall all the things they have done together, and hoping for a clue. After some time of thinking, she rembered the last game they had together inside the car. "There should be a clue with the help of our game!" She said. "Hmmm...first thing he did is...asked for a question...what question is it again? hmmm... oh! his favorite fruit..! but there isn't any number in there...oh! there are no seeds in a banana...!" She said in a loud voice. And then she tries to press number 0 on the lock. "Three more to go!" She said to herself. "Hmmm...what's the second question?.. it should be related with our relationship...hmm.oh! the number of dates we had.. and it's 9! Yes.! I'm right it's 9!" For the second time, she pressed the number 9 on the lock. "Yes.! 2 more to go! and his thrid the quesiton I will never forget... it's our first kiss..." While pressing the number 1 on the lock, tears started to flow... "Yes..I only need the last number...but what is it? he only asked me 3 questions..." she thought to herself while tears are still flowing. "Think. Think. Think. hmmm..." While thinking, she got a text message from her mom, and while reading the text, she noticed that it is already 9:35 am. "'s already 9:3...9 am! yes! it should be the last clue..! it's the time wherein we will meet at this place.!" She excitingly press the number 9 on the lock...

After the numbers had been set, she prepares herself to know what's behind that uncover piano..., and then, she enter the combination, and saw what's inside. She couldn't stop bursting into tears when she saw a letter and a rose inside. She took the letter, before she read it, she saw the written date: 09/19. "September 19? Is today...September 19?" After realizing, the girl became speechless. "I. Cant. Believe. It. Today's our ANNIVERSARY..!" The girl became really shocked and began to read the letter while controling her tears..but there's no way it could be possible! "It's our can't I remember it! Yah..! I'm so stupid.!" At the end of the letter it says... "After reading this play." The girl then readily look for the play button on the piano, and when she found it she quickly pressed it. Then the piano began playing...hearing the song... another bunch of tears flow in her eyes... "It's that song.." she muttered to herself. "It's the message he wanted to utter. ---Even if I die, I can't let you go." Now, there's nothing that could make her stop crying. "How? how can you leave me like this?" she talked to herself while continued listening to the song.

 "Babe..even if you're gone, you will forever stay in my heart...and this message will always be a memoir, for it was not in my ear you sighbut into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." "Remember my love... I too, can't let you go, even if I die."


 Subscribe please.. :) comments are much more appreciated... thank you for reading..hope you enjoy...and get the meaning of it.. :D







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Chapter 1: Awww I love this story!! Nice work author-nim :)
SuperJenn #2
Chapter 1: Hello~!^^ I think that considering this is your first one shot, it's actually pretty good. Are you going to name the characters? With more details about the characters, it would be better, take their names for example^^. The plot is alright,Angst is actually my most preferred genre^^. I hope with improvement, you'll be writing more fics~! Good job ;3
nice sam :D more ffs !!
This was really good, why die though :( Thanks for sharing ^_^
iamnotSsanti #5
OhmiGod! Great oneshot :)<br />
Continue to write new ideas in your upcoming oneshots! \m/
Omo ! Why :(:( <br />
This is a really sweet oneshot :) I love it. <br />
But...WHY DIE T__T I didnt even see it coming<br />
Whatever, I still love it ^_^