Chapter 5

Key and I

"YES!" I heard Grace exclaim. 

"Taemin just asked her to be his girlfriend. She's going to come running in here any second." I said to EunMi and DaeHyun, even though they were sleeping. 

"Susie! Susie guess what!" She squealed. 

"Taemin asked you to be his girlfriend?" 

"Yes!! I'm so happy!!" 

"Grace, wanna go somewhere just you and I?" Taemin asked, walking into the room. 

"Ok! See you Susie.!" She went over and kissed EunMi and DaeHyun's heads. 

"Bye. Have fun!" 

Taemin gave me a hug before he left holding hands with Grace. "Make sure to look inside the bags I gave you earlier after everyone leaves." He called over his shoulder. 

*2 hours later*

"Bye Susanne. Bye Key. Thank you for the delicious meal Key!" My mom and Jenny said as they were getting inside their car. 

"Bye! See you the day after tomorrow at the airport." I waved and smiled. 

They pulled out our driveway and Key and I walked back inside holding hands. 

"Oh! Taemin said that he wanted us to look inside the bags he left." 

"They're probably filled with candy and banana milk." We laughed. 

"That wouldn't surprise me if they were." I walked over to the couch and picked up the blue bag. "Awwww. Look at this blanket. It says 'DaeHyun, Uncle Taemin loves you!' That's so sweet!"

"In the pink bag, there's a big teddy bear. On the left paw, it says 'EunMi, Uncle Taemin loves you!'"

"That is so sweet! He loves these babies a lot too."

"Not more than me though. No one will love them more than me. Not even you." 

I giggled. "I don't doubt that. You're going to spoil them aren't you?" 

"Maybe..." He kissed my cheek. "Want to go get a tub of Ice cream and a movie? I'll stay here with the babies."

"Yay! Movie night with Key~! Ok. Does it matter what kind of ice cream or what movie?"

"Nope. Pick out whatever you want. But be careful."

"Ok. Love you." 

"Love you too baby." He kissed me right before I went out the front door. 

I deceided to walk because we don't live far from the store and its a nice evening. No clouds in the sky. A beautiful blue sky. The sun will set soon, but as long as I hurry I'll make it back before dark. 

I made it safely to the store in 15 minutes. I walked back to the ice cream section and couldn't decide what to pick. 

"Should I get strawberry? I love that kind, but Key doesn't. I want to get something he likes too." I pouted. "Ooh. I know! I'll get chocolate chip! We both love that flavor!" I quickly searched for that flavor and went to pay. 

"Thank you. Have a nice day, Miss."

"You too!" I smiled and left. 

I walked out of the store and looked around. "Let's see. The movie store is across the street...where's the nearest cross walk? Ah. I see it." I whispered to myself. "Oh goodie. I can cross the street now." I said when the light turned green for me. 

I heard a car honk its horn, but I didn't pay any mind, thinking is was someone who was in a hurry behind someone slow. But, I was wrong. The last thing I felt was a pain in my leg and head as it hit the ground. 



Hi everyone! It's been a long time since I've updated! I honestly have no excuse besides that I completely forgot about this story Dx sorry :( anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And to make up for the long time since I've updated, I'll do a double update! I'll update again in about two hours...

please please please comment! It makes me happy if you do! 

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have to be up at 5 in the morning because I have to be at school early. I'd get it up tonight otherwise. Thanks for being patient, and thanks for reading.


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Chapter 30: Update soon plz
Hi there!!! :D
I'm your new subbie!!
I notice how really interesting this is but can I make a suggestion? I think you should put more tags in your story just so people are able to find it. I hate to see a good story go to waste. :)
Chapter 25: "GDragon is upstairs screaming with Key in bed." LOL I can't believe Taemin didn't freak out when hearing that! Maybe it's a normal thing that happens? haha jk :D
Hope you feel better soon!
I can't wait until the next chapter :)
Chapter 24: Great chapter, ShineeandSJ! I really like your story.... >:3 You know, saying I'm not going to make any chapters makes me want to. XD
I'm anxiously waiting for next Tuesday....
>:3 Ruby is amazing. Just saying. She's so cool. And awesome. Did I mention awesome? All of yall better love Ruby. Shes so cool.
Yup. Loving the story. Text me when you update please.... :3
I love any story with key in it ... update soon!!!
hellobabyjulia #7
why dont u have more subscribers?! this look so good ^^
KeysLove4ever #8
Chapter 14: Best story ever !!!!!! I really wish I was part of this ! I so jealous T-T
Update soon
Chapter 1: CUTE NAMES! :D I will definitely read more of your story soon... after my homework... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 고마워요!
Chapter 12: Please update soon !!