Stuck with Hoya

It's Fate

Hoya's POV

'' aish! So boring! Maybe I'll just leave now, No one will know. '' I headed to the door when I noticed someone talking. I followed the voice and noticed Jiyeonah crawling on the Flag poll. 

'' What the hell is she doing? '' I just stood there when I noticed that she was about to slip. 

'' ! '' I ran to catch her 

End Of POV 

Jiyeon's POV 

'' Ehhh. Almost there. Just a little bit- '' 

'' Ah!!! ' I slipped and Fell. I'm going to die! I'm going to dies! IM GOING TO DIES!!! I thought to myself. Then I hit the floor. Suprisingly, I was fine. I landed on something 

'' Bwoh!? I'm okay? '' I was confused. I didn't even noticed what I landed on.

'' OUCH! OW! Dam you're heavy. '' I heard someone talk and I was shocked 

'' Y-YOU! Why?! Wht are you here?! '' I stood up and pointed at him 

'' If it wasn't for me, You'd wouldn't be able to even move. '' He said in pain 

'' Are you okay? '' I helped him up 

'' NO! You fell on me! At least fall in my arms. Not on my head! '' He shouted. I can't believe he still has the strength to yell at me 

'' Mianhe. '' I Felt really bad. I helped him up noticed he was limping 

'' Here. Give me your hand. '' I held out my hand and he just ignored me. The Jerk ignored me. Aish. I Then grabbed his arm and swung it on my shoulders  

'' See? Isn't this better. '' 

'' Arrogant boy. '' I whispered 

'' YAH! What did you say?! '' He glared at me and I ignored him 

'' You seriously are heavy. '' 

'' Look who's talking. '' He smirked.

Aish. You're lucky I didn't fall on your pretty boy face 

'' Wait here. '' I ran to a room and took a rolling chair 

'' Here. Sit on this. I'll push you. '' He sat on the chair immediately 

'' Umm. Thank you for saving me. '' 

'' No need to thank me. I was unlucky and happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. '' He smirked

Ahem. SUUURE. Whatever you say. Don't deny it pretty boy

Out side at the front door ) 

''Hey. Wanna got grab some beers? '' security guard 1 said 

'' Uhh. Sure . Let me lock up first. '' The security guard 2 turned off the lights and locked all the doors 


'' Oh! The lights. '' 

'' It--It's dark? I can't see. I can't see! '' Hoya started breathing heavily 

'' Are you okay? '' Could it be

'' Hehe. You're scared of the dark. '' I smirked.

Good thing he couldn't see though. HEHEHEHHE. Pretty boy's Scared of the dark. 

'' NO I'M NOT! '' He started yelling 

'' Fine then. I'll just go first okay. '' I pretended to walk away 

'' Wa....wait..........'' 

'' Hm? '' I held my laughter in 

'' Please stay. '' He muttered 

'' What? I can't here you. '' I sang. It was so funny teasing him 

'' Then you're DEAF! '' He shouted in my ear

'' OW! '' This jerk. I pushed the chair as he flashed his phone making it clear for us to see. I saw the front door and opened it. I pulled on it.

'' Great. Just great. It's locked. '' 

'' WHAT!? You mean I'm stuck in here?! Even worse, with you!? '' He shouted 

'' HEY! I'm seriously going to leave you alone!. '' One more mean thing from you and you'll get it. I puched my first and my hand together 

'' What now? '' He asked me . 

'' I guess we'll just have to stay here and wait. Let's head over to the library. We can rest there. '' I pushed the chair over to the library 

I opened the door and Flicked on the lights hoping that it would turn on. 

'' YES! The lights work in here. '' I was jumping up and down swinging my hands around when I notcied him giving me a wtf look

'' What? '' 

'' God you're weird. '' He looked at me and then looked away 

Aish. Why did I do that. It was so embarassing. I seriously do the stupidess things ever

'' Here Sleep on the sofa. I'll sleep on the floor. '' I tidy the sofa for him. Making it extra comfy and clean. Good thing there's a lot of pillows here. 

'' Okay. '' He didn't hesitate to say. 

'' Aren't you going to say, ' No you take the bed. I'll take the floor. '' I asked him. 

'' Why would I say that? '' once again, he gave me the wtf look 

'' Nevermind. Have a good sleep. Not. '' I muttered the last word 

'' What did you say? '' 

'' Nothing. '' I narrowed my eyes at him 

'' Thought so. '' He smirked and turn his body facing the sofa

I took a lot of hard cover books and placed it on the floor forming a huge square. It was like a bed. I love sleeping on the floor, so I didn't mind. Although I thought he'd be a little bit gentlemen like and give me the sofa. I mean, They do that in Dramas right? 

I walked over to turned off the light 

'' Wait. Keep the lights on . '' He said. I kept the lights on. This guy is so difficult. 

I lied down and Closed me eyes and fell asleep 

( Hoya's POV ) 

I looked at my phone and noticed it was 2: 46 am. I looked on the floor and there she was,Sleeping. How can that girl sleep like that?! I wonder why she's even Nations Little sister. What's so special about this girl anyways. Most of the songs she sings are so stupid. Why can't she compose her own songs if she's so great? But then again, she's got the face. 

I heard her moving around, like she was about to walk up. So i shut my eyes and pretended to sleep

Jiyeon's POV

'' Hmm? What time is it? '' I stretched my arms and yawned. I looked over to Hoya and noticed that he was shivering. I guess he's cold too. I took off my sweater and placed it on him. 

'' There. You won't be cold anymore. '' I smiled and went back to sleep shivering because it was cold, but then again, I owe him big time. 

End of Jiyeons POV

Hoya's POV

Why did she do that? Is she crazy? I mean, she's basically wearing a tank top right now. Isn't she cold or something? I looked at her once again, only this time, She was facing me, I watched her sleep for a bit. I didn't know why I was staring, but I couldn't take my eyes off her. The more I think about her, the more my stomach started feeling all funny. 

'' Hm. I must be hungry. '' I turned the other direction and fell asleep 

End of Hoya's POV 

Jiyeon's POV 

I woke up to someone breathing on me. It smells like alcohol. Gross. I opened my eyes to see a man staring right at my face, literally right at me 

'' AHHHH! '' I shouted and popped up only to headbutt him 

'' UHHHH! '' He groaned 

'' WHAT'S HAPPENED! '' Hoya woke up from all the fuse 

'' The...the man. '' I said pointed to the man rubbing his forehead

'' Sir, are you okay? '' Hoya asked 

'' Yes. Dang this missy's head sure is hard. '' He looked at me 

'' Mianhe. '' 

'' You kids aren't suppose to be in here. Rather the fact that you're sleeping in here. '' He said 

'' I'm sorry sir, but by the looks of it, I think you were having lots of fun while forgetting that we were locked up inside this hole. '' Hoya said 

'' Ah. That was my mistake. I forgot you kids were in here. You kids better get going before this place opens. '' He said 

We grabbed our belongings and headed out the door. The security guard was kind enough to piggyback Hoya and call a taxi for us. 

We arrived home to only noticed Infinite sleeping not caring of what happened 

'' Those basters. '' Hoya said and I giggled 

'' It's so cute that you guys sleep together on the floor. '' I giggled 

'' It's really annoying since L's a roller. '' He said 

I carried him to his side of the floor and laid him down on the thin mattress. 

'' Stay put, I'll be right back. '' I dashed off to the bathroom and soaked a towel with really hot water. I burned my hand. But no worries

I opened the door to notice Hoya staring at me 

'' Take off your pants. '' I said not realizing that it was kinda awkward what I just said there

'' My. my pants? '' He was shocked 

'' Unless you want to roll up them Skinny jeans. And trust me, it's really difficult. '' I told him 

'' Aish. '' He was about to take off his pants when I stopped him  

'' Wait! '' I stopped him 

'' What now? '' He said in an annoyed tone

'' Are... are you wearing boxers . '' I closed my eyes while pointing to his pants.

I peaked out one eye and notcied him smirking

'' Not . '' He said 

'' Gosh!. '' I glared at him. 

He took off his pant and I continued closing my eyes. 

'' You could open them you know. I mean, you don't want to touch things you don't want to touch.. '' He chuckled 

Things? What does he mean by------ oh. I get it. He meant that thing. Awkward 

'' THEN YOU DO IT! '' I threw the hot towel at him and walked out of the room. 

'' That was close. '' I then walked over to my room and laid on the bed for a while and closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep 

Hoya's POV 

'' How pathetic. '' I smirked. She sure is innocent. 

I placed the hot towel on my thigh and noticed it worked wonders. My leg felt not sore anymore. I could finally move them a little bit now.  . Better heal fast before tomorrow's showcase. 



Hope you like this short chapter. 

Who's going to have a next moment with her? Keep reading and find out 

T- ara fighting. Jiyeon!  



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cvbnmx #1
Chapter 36: Updateee plsss
Beauty28 #2
Chapter 36: Can't wait.
Chapter 36: uwaaa... Jiyeon's memory is back!! ppalli stop the wedding.. don't let go of your L!!!
woohyunsyoja #4
Chapter 36: Ahhhhhh omg!!!!!!! Thank you for updating unnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And yes jiyeon finally remembers!!! I'm so happy right now!! You just made my day!!
Pls update soon^^
Btw luv u unnie
jiyeonyesung #5
Chapter 36: :)myungyeon back:)
Sure. I gotchu :D
woohyunsyoja #7
Chapter 35: Omg can you pls update this story?? I am a new subbie but I can't help it but to read ur story over and over again cause it's just that good, I've read it about 4 times now and I really really need to know what happens next.... I know you haven't updated in a while because you are on hiatus....
But please.... Could you please fulfill this wish of mine...? Author nim....? Please!! This is really an awesome fic I cried everytime I read it.... It's so good!!!!! Please think about updating soon... Please!!
aynasafia #8
Chapter 35: Update soon
I wanna see MyungYoon moment
jesse_panda #10
Authornim i just started to read this and i can;t help but be happy cuz u made jiyeon half vietnamese! im vietnamese too! i swear i just love u soo much!!! haha keep up the good work with all of your fanfics! FIGHTING !!! <3