
Society of Red



It was wrong.

Her feelings needed to slow down.

No, they needed to stop.

Was it the blood bond affecting her? Was that the reason behind her attraction? Was that why her skin tingled when he brushed past her or why her heart soared when he smiled or why her stomach flip-flopped when she met with his eyes?  Amongst the many questions, Madelle wondered most if Kai could be possibly having the same feelings.

Madelle was inexperienced in that area of life; the attraction, the falling and the love. She was much too busy with working to even spare a glance at an attractive stranger. It was simple really, courting just required time that she didn’t have. So, it's expected that when Kai came strolling into her life with his awkward kindness and mischievous gaze, her emotions would be unprepared.

Of course, in any other circumstance, the new feelings that arose in Madelle would most likely be encouraged. However, this, was no regular circumstance. Kai was a vampire, a vampire that would forever link their lives together if only one drop of her blood entered his system. It was frightening how easily her independence could be taken away. She couldn’t just allow the questionable emotions in her to make such a rash and life changing decision.  Until she fully had her feelings under wraps, she made the decision to keep at a safe distance. Which was definitely easier said than done, considering she was still under house arrest with Kai, her only source of entertainment. However, as nice and as accommodating as Kai was, Madelle still grew bored at times. 

One day, Madelle flicked through the television channels, hoping to find something of interest. After going through all of the channels available twice over, she rested at the weather channel. After a few minutes, Madelle felt her mood dampen. What use was it to watch the predictions of the weather when she couldn't even go outside to enjoy it? 

That's when an idea struck her. 

“Kai,” she whispered, eyes leaving the television screen. After taking a sip of his early evening coffee, Kai trained his sight onto her and motioned for her to continue. “Could we go somewhere?”

“No,” was his immediate response, “it’s too risky and you know that.”

Madelle sighed and placed her cheek against the back of the sofa. The kitchen window behind Kai displayed a mismatch of reds, pinks and oranges from the setting sun. It was beautiful sight to behold and she wished she could have seen it more often in the past. She wondered what else had she missed while working the nights and sleeping the days away.

“I just want to go outside,” she found herself murmuring, “I miss the breeze, the smell and even the chill.” She tilted her head up and her eyes pleaded with Kai’s, “Please, Kai, for just a few minutes? Can’t you just teleport us if anything happens?”

She could see it, his resolve was cracking. The longer her hopeless stare held, the looser his restraints became. When he looked away, she knew she had won.

“Fine,” he sighed, “but I get to choose the place and that’s final.”

An immense amount of joy filled Madelle as she leapt from her seat and raced over to Kai, “Really? You mean it? Are we going right now? Oh my god, I have to get ready!” Before Kai could even open his mouth, Madelle had zoomed out of the kitchen and into her room.

After quickly picking out the nicest looking outfit she had and carefully braiding her hair, Madelle bolted to the living room where she found Kai pacing.  His feet may have ceased movement once she approached, but his eyes slowly traced their way up her figure and took an indefinite amount of time on her face.

“Your…” Kai mumbled, weakly pointing to his head, “it looks…nice.” Madelle then wanted nothing more than to rip out her braid and hide behind the loose locks of hair. Instead, she ignored her rapidly beating heart and whispered her thanks back. Kai then motioned for her to move closer and she complied hesitantly. A hand reached for hers and grasped it lightly.

“You ready?” He asked.


“…You know, maybe we shouldn’t go. The others—“ Kai whispered as his hand weakened its grip but Madelle was quick to tightened her hold.

“Kai, please, you said that we could go,” Madelle pleaded again, “Just a few minutes, that’s all.”

With one more sigh escaping his lips, Kai closed his eyes and furrowed his brows. Soon the world around them swirled and morphed in a familiar fashion. Madelle closed her eyes as well and took deep breaths in and out in order to calm the inevitable nausea building in her gut. When she could feel nothing but a breeze brushing against her, she slowly opened her eyes and took in her surroundings.

“Oh my—"  Madelle muttered under her breath. Never-ending paths of sand, splashing tides with white tips and the earthy scents of salt and rock invaded her senses. She couldn’t believe it. She had only heard and seen about the sea through word of mouth and the travel books the convenience store sold.

“I figured this would be a safe enough place to relax.” Kai let go of her hands and shoved them into his back jean pockets, “Do you… like it?”  

The only response Madelle could give was her lips flexing into a giant grin, considering how her gaze refused to leave the rolling waves, as if afraid it were to disappear with the slight turn of head.  She put one foot in front of the other and marveled at the plushness the sand gave beneath her feet. Kai called out to her, but she only ignored him. Her toes were so close to touching the receding waterline. Crouching down, she placed her hand forward and let the cool salt water glide through her fingers.

Calming was how many people described the sea and Madelle was finally able to understand why. Tracing shapes into the sand, Madelle thought of her childhood, where the times weren’t so dull and structured. She remembered the moments where she would play with her siblings and school friends in the streets. Hide and seek, tag and other games they used to play. She always knew the best places to hide, but was the slowest runner out of the neighbourhood children.

“Is that a garbage can?”

Her hands leapt forward from the shock and created a small splash from the oncoming water. Whipping her head around, she glared up at a smirking Kai, “You just had to go and scare me, didn’t you?”

“Scare you? It’s hard to scare someone when you’ve been behind them the entire time.” He bent down on the sand next to Madelle and pointed to the drawing of the garbage can which slowly faded with every wave, “So, why a garbage can?”

Madelle smiled lightly as she retold the cheerful memories of her past. Kai continued to ask her about her family, the lessons she learnt in school, what her friends were like and other details that Madelle thought she had long forgotten.

“What about you?” She asked, drawing a smiley face into the sand.

“What about me?”

“Your past, if you don’t mind me asking.” She whispered over the colliding waters in front of them. The silence that greeted her made Madelle immediately regret her question. Why did she even bother? They would have to separate sooner or later and the vampire next to her would only be a fond memory. What was the use of getting to know him?

“I don’t really remember my parents, or if I had any siblings. I simply grew up and hopped between jobs, without much purpose or direction. When I got bored of one job, I would move onto a new one. It wasn’t much, but it kept me occupied.” Madelle stopped drawing and tilted her head in order to watch Kai. His eyebrows were brought together as if he was trying hard to remember something. “I wish I could remember, but after so long and with no real effort to try and remember, a lot of my past has been lost. But, it’s not so bad. I don’t regret much and I can’t miss the people I don’t remember.”

“…are you going to forget me too?” And yes, Madelle, you had to open your big mouth and ask that, didn’t you?  Madelle bitterly thought.

“I want to,” Kai sighed, “but, I don’t think it’s possible. I hate to say this but we’re too connected Madelle. Many say blood companions are created solely for vampires and that their only purpose is to stay by our side and be our strength. I don’t believe it to that extent, but the bond….it’s unmistakably there and very real.”

The force behind his words caused a faint flush of red to dance across her cheeks. The power behind his gaze was even more breathtaking. Madelle attempted to calm herself by scratching random scribbles and lines into the sand. There was one question that floated across her mind even since from the first day she was taken.

“Why didn’t you force us to bond? If what I’ve been told is true, I’m legally obligated to—"

“Law or no law, your freewill isn’t something I, or anyone else for the matter, should take from you.”

Once again, his firm words held such earnest conviction. It made Madelle realized that she was quite fortunate to be his blood companion—No, she was fortunate just for having met Kai. He was something amazing; to protect those who once and still discriminate against him and to fight against his own kind as well.



Suddenly, a cool splash of water hit her face. The surprise forced her to tumble back and land her directly into the wet sand beneath her.  Her lips gapped open in disbelief and turned towards a snickering Kai.

“W-what?” Kai attempted to speak between his chuckles, “I had to get your attention somehow.”

“Attention? Attention? Oh, I’ll show you attention!” And with that, Madelle’s arm dove into the wave coming their way and splashed Kai with all her might. With him now being significantly more wet than her, a satisfied yet cheeky grin formed. However, that grin instantly vanished when Madelle saw the evil glint within Kai’s eyes. Madelle attempted to scramble clumsily away, but Kai was much faster than her. An arm wrapped around her torso and pushed her against Kai’s soaked body. A few more seconds passed and Madelle found herself flopped over Kai’s shoulder and getting an eyeful of his behind.

“K-Kai!” She shouted as she watched Kai’s feet venture deeper and deeper into water, “You better not be doing what I think you’re about to do! I mean it!” Vibrations shook against her abs and a lighthearted pat landed on her upper thigh. When Kai ceased movement in the deeper depths, Madelle started to panic mildly. “N-no, Kai, I’m serious I—“ and Kai tossed her into the water.

Chill immediately surrounded Madelle and soaked through her clothing. Her arms thrashed wildly as she tried to break through the surface of the water. Once free, she gasped a lungful of air and gripped onto the closest thing available; Kai’s leg. “K-Kai, help. Please” She managed to gasp out, “I-I can’t swim, I—“

“Stand up.”

“What?” She froze and looked up to Kai who was raising an eyebrow.  

“Stand up, the water’s not that deep.”

After a few blinks, Madelle realized and indeed felt the sandy floor beneath her feet. Slowly, she rearranged her body and stood up on shaking legs, still latched onto Kai for precautionary reasons.

“You okay?”

Looking around, Madelle took in the water surrounding them before turning her gaze to Kai. One more split second and Madelle shoved Kai as hard as she could, which pleasantly resulted with him landing first into the knee-deep water. Kai quickly flopped upright and spluttered out salt water. A hand wiped his face before eyes pierced upward to Madelle. That look spoke loud and clear; this means war.

Impulsive squeals erupted from Madelle as she attempted to run to the shore, but a hand grasped onto her ankle and pulled hard. She immediately stumbled and fell into Kai’s lap. Arms flailed and water sprayed, mixture of gasps and laughter were heard in between the constant splashing.

After what felt like glorious hours of water warfare, Madelle slumped against Kai’s chest with her forehead pressed to the top of his shoulder. In a matter of seconds, Madelle became hyperaware to her surroundings. Arms wrapped tightly around her waist, strong thighs underneath her own, puffs of air brushing against the shell of her ear. Oh gosh, how did they get that close? She should definitely move. That’s right, Madelle should move right now.

Instead, they were both frozen. Some inexplicable force made Madelle move a little further back so she would be face to face with Kai. Her hands could feel muscles tensing behind the soaked t-shirt Kai wore and she wondered if she was growing just as tense. She searched his eyes, though she wasn’t quite sure what it was she was looking for.

Hands persuaded her hips to slide a little closer and their chests met. Their noses were then only an inch away from each other. The grip she had on Kai’s shoulders tightened while Kai’s fingers traced the skin between the bottom of her shirt and the top of her jeans. 

Anything, she begged while staring into his eyes, give her something. Tell her there was some sort of mutual attraction beyond that of a blood companion. There was more, wasn’t there? There had to be.

Her eyes impulsively crept shut and shook in anticipation. When a light touch caressed her lips, the breath she unknowingly held in escaped her. The pressure against her lips increased and moved in ways that persuaded her to reciprocate. She tried to mimic Kai’s actions to the best of her novice abilities. When a warm hand aggressively caressed its way up her back, she instantly arched against Kai and gasped. 

She never thought her first kiss would be with a vampire, never mind that it wasn’t the typical innocent pecks. With her gasp, a tongue slipped past her lips and met with her own before quickly receding. Instead of shyly closing , she widened the gap and pressed harder against Kai. The tongue immediately darted back in and Madelle tried hard to place what she tasted.  In the end, it didn’t matter. Kai was a delicious flavour of his own and she only found herself wanting more of it.

It felt cold when Kai removed his lips but the heat then transferred along her jaw as his lips ventured across it. Soft pecks traveled downward to the base of before they massaged the space where her neck and shoulder met. Slick, hot and wet, thoroughly tasted the skin before . She groaned at the sudden pinch of pain when Kai too hard.

Then, her stomach flopped. And not in a good way. In the quickest instant, Kai’s head flew back but his hands gripped her back tightly. Madelle quickly opened her eyes due to the shock and was surprised to see blurs around her. Soon, her surroundings turned into the living room of the old beat up apartment. Kai moved her off of him in a not-so-gentle manner and nearly bolted out of the living room. A few seconds and she jumped at the sound of a door slamming shut.

 Well, .



So, maybe kissing Kai wasn’t the best idea.

Who was Madelle kidding, it was a terrible idea. A terrible idea that should have never manifested despite the circumstance. It was a terrible, horrible, and overall awful idea.

Then again, why did a terrible, horrible and awful idea feel so good, so natural and so right?

In summary, the seaside make-out session did nothing but confuse Madelle even more than before. She could try to tell herself that, above everything, she was a woman and Kai was a man (sort of). Was it not expected that sparks would flare when bodies pressed against each other with a romantic beach back-drop? Then again, Kai probably wanted to more than just her neck and she imagined the scent of blood would be a mood killer (never mind the whole irreversible being-a-blood-donor-for-life thing too).

One particular thought did occur to Madelle. Maybe she already knew how she truly felt, but she was purposely trying to ignore it. Instinctively, she shouldn’t fall for Kai. Everything she worked for in her life and all the expectations she made for herself would be null. An unknown future with Kai was terrifying, but a little voice in her head told her that maybe that was okay. Maybe the change would be good. Having a something like a purpose could be good.

Madelle supposed that she was mostly scared of forever being seen as only a food source. She may not be the most intelligent or the best looking, but her pride told her she was definitely worth more than that.

But, a relationship involves two parties. She knew Kai wanted her, but if he wanted her like she wanted him was the question. Sure, he may have kissed her to oblivion, but she could only guess the possible reasons behind it. Maybe it was because he wanted her, maybe it was because he was going with the flow or maybe it was because the blood bond dictated him to do so. 

Despite all the thoughts buzzing through her head, Madelle tried to appear calm and collected whenever coming face to face with Kai in the apartment. He may not have avoided her quite like before, but she wondered if she would favor that instead the awkward filled silence that surrounded them. Madelle wanted words to spill out and questions to be posed but her lips always refused to open.

It had been a week since their excursion to the beach. A feeling similar, but not nearly as strong as dread washed over Madelle when she awoke. Another day of pretending, another day of waiting and another day of never-ending thoughts.  She intended to stumble her way onto kitchen as she usually did, but she froze upon seeing twelve cramped figures lurking in the living room. 


“Have a seat,” Kris firmly stated, posture tense and eyes sharp.

Madelle didn’t need to know Kris well to understand that he meant business. So, without much sound, she followed Kris’ order and sat down on the empty couch. The twelve figures formed a wall in front of her and the feeling of being so very small came over her. She wanted to ask questions, no doubt, but she didn't really want to know the reason behind each of their stern expressions either.

“Madelle,” Suho spoke, “it’s time.”

Time? Time for what-oh, Madelle’s thoughts broke when an image of Malima struck her.  The hands lying flat against her knees curled up into tight fists as the sadistically beautiful vampiress flashed across her memory.

“Our sources had finally narrowed down Malima’s hideout. We all decided that we should terminate her as quickly as possible, so she wouldn’t have time to spontaneously disappear again,” D.O spoke up after clearing his throat.  

Madelle bit down on her bottom lip as she took in each of the vampire’s faces. They were mostly stone cold, void of any emotion beside maybe slight determination. Regardless, horrid images moved within her imagination and her worries built one on top of the other.

“You are to stay put until one of us, and only one of us, are to come and retrieve you, do I make myself clear?” Kris narrowed his eyes, as if expecting a challenge to be put forth. Madelle may have felt a little useless in her position, but she knew her bounds. A simple nod of agreement from her at least seemed to have relaxed Kris a bit.

“H-How long will you be?” She couldn’t help but ask, “Will you be all right?”

The glances exchanged between the twelve didn’t help settle her nerves in any way. So, with one deep breathe, Madelle stood up and made her way to the end of the line where Lay stood. She hugged him tight and whispered her encouragements into his ear. She continued with that routine with all of the members until she reached the end where Kai stood. There was a slight bit of hesitation, but with the inquiring eyes of the others, Madelle leaned forward and hugged him like she did the others.

“Stay safe,” Kai whispered into her ear before she could wish him luck.

“Shouldn’t I be telling you that?” She pulled back slowly and searched his eyes. Then, there was a spark. Hesitance. Reluctance. Kai didn’t want to leave her alone. And somewhere inside of her, there was an impulse to not let Kai go and fight, despite all better judgment.

Madelle forced herself away from Kai and turned to the others, “You all better get back in one piece, or there’ll be hell to pay.” She jokingly shook her fist at them, “Now, go on and kick some rogue like you’re supposed to.”

They all gave her a smile in return before they linked hands together. In a split second, only wisps of black smoke lingered in the place where they stood. An invisible weight finally landed on her shoulder and forced Madelle to slump back down onto the couch. Curling into a ball and with a cushion in hand, Madelle stared at the blank television across from her. Another waiting game. And she thought the ones before were bad. There wasn’t much else for her to do beside hope that everything would go smoothly.

Her eyelids grew heavy, but she tried to fight against it. No, I have to be awake in case they came back, she thought as her vision blurred. But, her fatigue won the mental battle and convinced her that a small nap wouldn’t hurt. So, with her defenses down, she allowed her eyes to firmly shut and for sleep to takeover.



The sound of rhythmic tapping slowly brought Madelle back to reality. Blinking her eyes open, she waited until her vision focused and tried to find the source of irritating noise. There didn’t appear to be anything out of the ordinary in the living room. So, after stretching out her limbs on the couch, Madelle stood up and turned toward the kitchen.

“Ah, so sleeping beauty is finally awake.”

No, no... It can’t be. Her heart raced impossibly fast with terror. Her breath shook when she gasped at the sight of a figure casually clicking their long fingernails against the kitchen table.

“I certainly hope you don’t mind that I helped myself to some of the packets in the fridge. Not my preferred brand, if you catch my drift, but it’ll do.”

“No, you can’t be—“ Madelle choked out, taking a step back.

“Why yes, I believe I can Madelle…that is your name, correct?” Malima stood up from the chair and walked closer to her. Stopping a few meters away, the vampiress crossed her arms and surveyed her surroundings.  “Dreary place they locked you up in, isn’t it?”

 “B-But, you’re supposed to be—they went to—“

“Don’t be daft darling, your little boys aren’t the only ones working with double agents.” Malima smirked something sinister across her blood red lips. With a mane of wild black hair, a face that any girl would envy and a curvaceous figure cloaked in black, Malima was a work of art.  Although beautiful, anyone could see the vampiress was crazed.

So, the situation basically was: Madelle, a weakling human, was cornered by one insane rogue vampire, Malima. Panic was sure to be inevitable. But, if Madelle remembered correctly, Malima was supposed to be after one thing and it was Madelle’s life; so why wasn’t she dead yet?

“What do you want?” Madelle stared into Malima’s eyes, trying to appear like she had something resembling a backbone, “Why haven’t you killed me?” 

“Oh my, eager, aren’t we? No worries child, all in due time. After all, I am known for making a spectacle out of everything I do.” Malima laughed softly to herself, as if recounting the times she made said ‘spectacles’. “But, you are right. We better get going. What fun would killing you be if your boys are all dead before we arrive?”

Dead? No, they can’t be!  Were Madelle’s immediate thoughts, but as Malima stepped toward her, her thoughts ceased and her fight or flight response activated. Fighting a vampire was pretty much ruled out, but she could at least try her chances at running.  However, before Madelle could even take two steps, a hand zoomed forward and tightly gripped .

“Ah, ah, I don’t think so. Now, why don’t you look at me with those pretty eyes?” Malima cooed as Madelle clawed at the hand choking her. With their gaze meeting, something strange linked in her mind.

Finally, after a few air deprived seconds, the hand released her. “Hmm, I suddenly feel like some entertainment. How about you show me a little dance, Madelle?”

Before Madelle could even questions Malima’s words, her body twitched and begun to move awkwardly. “W-what did you do?!” Madelle frantically asked amongst Malima’s cynical laughter.

“What? You don’t like dancing? I suppose I’ll stop you then.” As soon as the words left Malima’s mouth, Madelle’s body ceased to move on its own.  “All it takes is a few seconds of eye contact and your body’s mine. I’m surprised your boys didn’t tell you.”

Yes, that would have been essential information to know, Madelle thought bitterly as she fruitlessly tried to regain control of her body.

“There there, no need for a fuss, you’ll see them soon. Now, follow after me dear.” Malima cooed as she swirled and strode gracefully out of the apartment.  Madelle’s limbs tightened and stretched as they moved to follow behind the vampiress.

Once out of the apartment building, Madelle was 'forced' to enter into a black sedan with Malima. Once inside, she was surprised to find one more person in the back seat. Tiny whimpers escaped a crying woman with what looked like fresh bite marks on her neck.

“A little snack on the way,” Malima purred toward Madelle before turning to the woman, “Shh, darling. This won’t hurt a bit. Oh! And Madelle, be a doll and sit still.”

And then Malima lurched herself onto the woman. Screams of pain echoed within the interior of the moving car, and all Madelle could do was watch as the woman’s life got away. When the cries stopped and the woman’s eyes came to a close, Malima opened the car’s door and shoved out the limp body.

“Did you see that?” Malima said after closing the door with a giant smile, “I didn’t get any blood on the upholstery this time! How wonderful!”

Madelle chose to keep her silence and refused to acknowledge Malima.  In return, Madelle heard Malima scoff her dismay and shuffle in her seat. If Malima was hoping for a reaction, she wasn’t going to get one. It was a small defiance, but a defiance nonetheless. Of course, Madelle was horrified at what came to the woman. It took the cruelest of evils to take someone, drain them of their life and leave their body to be discovered on a road. Madelle imagined that woman being someone she knew. What if it were her mother, her siblings or her coworkers?

Malima needed to be stopped. And the only hope Madelle had were the twelve, who she didn’t even know were still alive.

“We’re here!” Malima sung as the car stopped in front of a warehouse, “And to think they thought I would actually hold my headquarters here, laughable indeed. Come along Madelle, we don’t have all day.”

Malima exited the car and Madelle’s body helplessly trailed after. They walked around the building until they reached two large doors. The sounds coming from beyond them did not lessen any of Madelle’s fears.

“Show time,” Malima hissed and with one strong push, the two doors opened. 

The scene was horrific. Dead bodies of the tiny fanged creatures Madelle saw nights before littered the floor, along with piles of ash. Among the fight, Madelle was relieved to find that all twelve of vampire clan were still standing, though some were in worse shape than others.

“Madelle!” Some cried when they caught sight of her and started to fight more viciously than before.

“And Malima!” Malima sang right back with a chuckle, “And where is he…hmm, Oh! Found you.” Malima harshly grabbed onto Madelle’s arm and lifted it into the air. “Kai, look! I brought your blood companion, isn’t she just lovely? Or maybe I should say, doesn’t her blood smell lovely?” And sharp nails pierced several inches into Madelle’s forearm; blood escaping the injury accordingly. Madelle’s cry mixed with the cries of the decaying vampire-like beings, who she recognized from the time she was attacked in a alleyway days before. A mass of them moaned out and faced both Malima and Madelle as soon as the scent of blood drifted into the air.

 “Oh shut it, you stupid dead weights. You’ll have your share once you’ve finished them.” Malima hissed and released Madelle’s arm. As a result, the beings turned towards the closest of the twelve and advanced ruthlessly.

“She has nothing to do with this, Malima,” Kai stated firmly after appearing directly in front of them, “Let her go.”

“How about….no.” And Malima leapt forward toward Kai, nails fully grown to resemble daggers. Kai dodged one hand only to be struck by the other.

The further the fighting pair moved away from her, the more Madelle tried to move forward, backward, anywhere, but her feet refused to move. She was still very much under Malima’s control. Tears of frustration flooded her eyes. It was torture just standing and watching the events unfold before her. Every hit any of them took made her want to cringe.

“Kai!” Suho cried out, “Stop and get Lay to Madelle right now!”

Malima obviously heard the order and tried to grab onto Kai, but Kai vanished before she was able to do so. He quickly teleported to where Lay was attempting to evade five or so tiny fanged creatures and grabbed his arm. In a matter of seconds, the both of them were in front of her. Before Madelle could even say a word, Lay was shoved towards her and Kai disappeared in a puff of smoke.

“Okay, Madelle, I need you to calm down in order for me to get rid of the link between Malima and you. Can you do that for me?”

“B-but, Lay, they-" Madelle choked, panic constricting .

“Deep breaths, Madelle. Calm down, everything’s going to be okay.” Lay whispered softly.  Something caught Madelle’s eye from behind Lay.

“Lay! Beh—“ Suddenly, a sword sliced toward the decaying vampire behind Lay. It crumbled to the ground to reveal a smirking Tao, who winked to Madelle before turning around and attacking more of the creatures.

“See? It’ll be okay. Now, close your eyes and breathe.” Lay whispered again with his fingers finding their way into her hair. Madelle hesitantly allowed her eyelids to shut and her breathe shook with every intake of air. A small pulse bounced within her brain after a few moments. It grew stronger and stronger until she swore a thread snapped.

The sound of Lay gasping made Madelle open her eyes. She was relieved to find him lightly smiling, “See, everything’s going to be—“

Sharp fangs dug into Lay’s throat from behind, causing him to choke. Beady eyes stared at Madelle from over Lay’s shoulder in an almost laughing manner. Lay tried to get the creature off of his back, but with no avail. Madelle hopelessly looked around for some sort of weapon, and a wooden plank lying a few feet away was good enough for her.

After running to where the plank was and gripped it tightly within her hands, she ran back to Lay and swung the plank into the creature as hard as she could. Surprisingly, it flew off and into the air until it hit a nearby wall hard.

“H-homerun.” Lay groaned, gripping the side of his neck that bled profusely.

“Now!” Kris shouted out, catching everyone’s attention.

“Ugh, finally.” Lay muttered before ripping off the broach resistor attached to his jacket. Instantaneously, the wound on his neck healed and black markings crept across his skin. Madelle looked to the others and saw them undergoing the same sort of transformation.

“Ha ha! Two can play at that game!” Malima roared and broke a pendant off of her necklace. All of the creatures groaned out for a few moments before moving back into action, but this time with much more agility and speed.

Lay’s suddenly clawed hand took a hold of hers and pulled her behind a large crate, “Stay there while us vampires play, but feel free to use this in case of emergencies.”  And he pointed to the wooden plank still within her hand. With one last fang-filled smile, Lay turned and left her.

Any other heroine in a novel may have ignored Lay’s words and 'fought', but Madelle was no typical action heroine. With no previous training and so many potential attackers, it was better to be out of their way. They shouldn’t have to worry about attacking those creatures and protecting her. So, she remained behind the crate, eyeing the corners in case any demon would sniff her out and attack.

And sadly, a few very well did. With luck she didn't know she had, Madelle managed to bash in the creatures' heads before they realized it. They were fast and good fighters, but not very smart.

The sounds of battle behind the crate decreased with every passing moment, but Madelle remembered that meant that the twelve was close to dying as well.  She wasn’t sure how long they would be able to go before the elemental bond claimed all their life force, but she definitely hoped that they would defeat them in time.

A gasp was heard from behind Madelle and made her whip around and lift the plank above her head. Instead of swinging the plank down, Madelle let it fall out of her hands.

“Kai,” she whispered as she took in his rugged and beaten appearance. Several wounds were scattered about his body, but one on his shoulder bled more heavily than others.

“M-Madelle, what are you still doing here?” He rasped out, coughing up some blood, “You n-need to get out of here.”

The words hit deaf ears as she immediately rushed down beside him, her hands hopelessly hovering over his shoulder injury.

“Madelle, pl-please,”  He said pleadingly, “go while you still can.”

“You’re dying,” She whispered to herself, lightly touching his cheek. It was much cooler than she ever remembered it being.

“Oooh, Kai! Come out, come out wherever you are!” Malima cooed from across the warehouse.

“I don’t matter right now.” Kai responded, eyes shutting as he leaned into her touch, “Please, Madelle. Go. Go and live for me.”

“Kai…” She managed to say through her cracked voice, “How am I supposed to leave you like this?”

“Just th-think of your life before you met me.” Kai whispered, “You were much better off.”

 In the past, Madelle would have agreed with Kai’s words. Her simple life was just that, simple. She didn’t used to have a constant threat hanging above her and she didn't have to worry about being confided to a dreary apartment.

Then again, before Kai, she also didn’t have much of anything. Her only worth was to help out her family. And who knew how long would that have lasted. What would happen to her when her siblings would grow as independent as her? What would happen if her mother found someone else to take care of her? What would happen to her then?

Would she have found something like the laughter Kai brought her through his jokes? Would she meet someone who dealt with her tantrums and her ever-changing emotions like Kai did? Would she ever come face to face with someone who would make her heart race, her thought mangle and stomach flip as Kai effortlessly did?

No, she though. There was no one like Kai for her. Kai was the something her life always craved and needed.

With one long and deciding stare at the blood caked injury on her forearm, Madelle brought her arm closer to Kai, “Do it,” She said. “Drink.”

Kai’s nostrils flared, catching her blood’s scent. His pupils dilated as they zeroed in onto the wound. “No!” He hissed, and backed away from her, “No, I won’t do it Madelle. You don’t understand what you’re doing.”

“I fully understand what I’m doing and I accept the consequences, now drink it.” She shoved her arm forward but Kai’s hand weakly stopped it from touching his mouth.

“Ma-Madelle, you can’t. You’d be sacrificing too much.”

“And I would be sacrificing more if you aren’t in my life,” she hissed harshly.

“Y-you don’t mea—“

Madelle growled with frustration and placed her two hands firmly on his cheeks. Her lips met with his and she attempted to pour all the feelings she couldn’t put properly into words. It wasn’t as pleasant as the previous kiss they shared, but all that really matter was that the feelings were there.

After what she considered to be a sufficient confession through lips, she pressed her injury to Kai's lips. Finally, his mouth opened and the hardened blood.

A few more and it felt like a wave hit her at full blast. The bond, it was completed and boy, Madelle never realized how empty she was before.

A small pain pinched her arm as Kai’s teeth pierced the wound. Slurps and moans escaped his mouth while his hands gently cradled her arm. A few more moments and Kai pulled back. A hand trapped itself into her hair and brought her closer. Another kiss connected their lips and Madelle was relieved to feel warmth coming from it.

They pulled away from each other and lightly knocked foreheads together. Kai stared deeply into her eyes, words formed behind his gaze and Madelle somehow understood what was being said. With one more peck, Kai stood up.

“I’ll be back.” And with a wolfish grin, Kai vanished.

Madelle quickly stood up and sprinted around the crate. Fortunately, many of the creatures and zombie-like vampires were either dying or turned into heaps of ash. The twelve, however, were no longer in their elemental forms and looked nothing short of exhausted.

No!” A shrill voice screeched throughout the warehouse. Madelle whipped around until her sight was set upon a crumbling Malima on top of a large cargo crate. Hovering over her injured body stood Kai, who glowed in a way that Madelle had never seen before. There was a small exchange of words and sharp glares before Kai raised a bloodied knife. Madelle quickly looked away; the vampiress was better off dead, but Madelle still didn’t find joy in seeing anything killed.

Once her gaze was diverted, she was surprised to see the change that occurred in the creatures and decaying vampires.  One moment, the small amounts of them were continuously attacking her barely conscious vampire companions. The next moment, their attacks had all stopped instantaneously. The glazed eyes of the smaller creatures became confused as they dumbly took in their surroundings. Before long, the creatures squealed and fled the warehouse as fast as they could. The decaying vampires, on the other hand, began to crumble and eventually their remains piled down into small ashes.


“Malima,” Suho rasped, limping his way to her, “Her control kept the demons unaware and the dead bodies of vampires from disintegrating.”

Without much thought, Madelle rushed over to the injured Suho, but froze once she reached him. It looked like just a small touch would cause him pain based off the damage she could see. Slowly, the rest of the group made their way over, some more worn for wear than others, but what mattered was that they were all okay.

“Madelle,” a voice whispered from behind her. Instantly recognizing the rasp and feelings behind its tone, Madelle whipped around and embraced Kai tightly. “Thank god.” He breathed into her hair, holding her just as tightly as she was to him.

Suddenly, a tense bubbling sensation filled her gut and tightened. Before she realized it, tears fell down her cheeks and her body trembled.

“Shh,” Kai whispered, “It’s okay. Everything’s over now.”

The feeling of warmth spread throughout as different hands lightly patted her shoulders and her back, attempting to give her comfort. Still locked in Kai’s arms, incoherent whispers were voiced behind her.

“Madelle, I think it’s time for you to rest.” Kai told her softly after the whispering ceased. The words caused a small amount of outrage in her. Her? Rest? Out of all of them, she was the one who least needed rest!

But, before Madelle could pushed Kai away, a warm hard touched the back of her head. Her eyes grew heavy and her body’s strength slowly left her. Madelle cursed Lay under her breath before her consciousness left her. 





I'm back. I kind of took an unannounced writing hiatus near the end of my school year. Now, I'm all done school and have four months off. WOO. 
Thank you all for waiting out this story. I didn't dream that I would have written this much for this story but hey, it happened. 

An epilogue is next. Wait-what? YES. I said this story would be four chapters + possible epilogue, which is now a for-certain epilogue. I'll come out with it quickly enough (coughcough not after a few months).

Okay, I want to release this chapter already, no more rambling. So many words. Longest chapter I've ever posted of anything. Hoped you enjoyed. Now, here's Kai:

You're cute, dear sir. 


Let me keep you.

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Chapter 5: This is that kind of story that makes you crave and need more.
Chapter 5: Niceeee!!!!
144 streak #3
Chapter 5: This was such a well-written story! I really liked the character interactions and the ending.
pinkyshellyexotic #4
Chapter 5: Awesomeness overload!!!!
Chapter 5: the shortest supernatural fic i've ever read yet this one is so beautiful. thank you for writing this~
Chapter 5: Author-nim ~~~ i'm back again ~~ !! The story still interesting even though i had read it many times !!!
Chapter 5: ohemgeee!!!! this is the best story ive read after a while! its just five chapter,well maybe 4 and a half because the epilogue is too short for my liking(LOL) buuttttt it felt ive read + chapters,because its so amazing,so complete,the plot,the setting,the characters,and dont even mention the romance parts (omooo~ tugged my heartstring),all of it fit perfectly only in 5 chapters! honestly,i rarely..very rare,sometimes avoid reading vampire and supernatural story,but this one is exceptional..i really dont regret anything while reading this story! its worth it! its soo good authornim!
please keep writing lots of stories in the future..but,i wanna make a confession,i didnt read story,i tried,but i really cant =.=',this is the only story written by u dat i can read,but like i said before,its worth it!! thank you and fighting! :)
Chapter 5: TTnTT Finish already TT3TT aigoo, i want more Vampire stories !!
Btw, Great story you got ther Author-nim !! Good Job (y)
Chapter 2: this seems amazing I can't wait to finish it!