chapter 9;

Another Cinderella Story.


Great iShould know this well Since Ive Been living the role of cinderella my whole life. Gosh.
"we got Cinderella. " i said walking to them
"Oh Great. We Should Know This Yoona Weve Been Living The Story Our Entire Lives." she said annoyed
"can you like not talk about that?" minwoo oppa said 
"Oh Yeah Sorry Minwoo" Mina said coldly i nudged her
"Uhm Okay Who Will Be Who?" Youngmin said
"we have to have 4 people acting & one person directing"
"we need cinderella, the step sister, her step mother, & the prince" kwangmin said
"For the twist why dont we have there be a step father since we dont have another girl." we all nodded
"i wanna direct" we all said
"to be fair lets all pull names, Ill be back" Youngmin said
he came back with the hat our teacher was using. then he put 5 strips paper in there. 
"okay, Mina you first"
she pulled 
"Step Sister. Her name should Be Jaszmin" minwoo oppa looked at her
i elbowed her in the rib she winced abit. ifelt bad that i kept on hurting her for saying stuff about jaszmin but i didnt want to make minwoo feel bad or anything.
"Yoona?" Youngmin said pointing that hat to me. i looked This Is The BEST First Day Of School Ever.
"cinderella." i looked down
"Kwangmin ?" 
"Step Father"
"Prince." Just Got Better. Minwoo Is My Prince. 
"& Im Directing ! Yay!" Youngmin beamed
"lucky " we all mumbled. 
"Okay Well Now That Most Of You Know Your rolls & stories i just want to let you know you have until the end of the week to hand in your video or preform your act. You have until Thursday to tell me if you choose the video or not. So with that i dismiss you."
we returned the hat & left. It was now the end of the day & we all gathered outside & started walking home. 
"well little sister how was your day?" Jeongmin asked placing his arm around my shoulder
i shrugged it off
"it was fine" it wasnt. Again i told another lie im a horrible person. i looked at my arm. i looked around the neighorhood.
"Blue House. Roses. Lillies. Trees."
"Yoona What are you talking about?" mina asked
"my counseler told me to describe things when i have negative thoughts." i told her as she nodded we got home as jeongmin oppa opened the door. Donghyun oppa & hyungseong oppa were both home & cooking lunch. Goodd because i was starving since i didnt eat anything.
"Why Hello Dongsaengs" donghyun said
"how was your day?" hyunseong added
"fine." we all said
"do you guys wanna start practicing lines? & then we'll shoot some scenes" youngmin asked obviously taking his place as a director
"its fine with me" mina said we all nodded
"ill go get the camera"
i walked up the stairs to get the camera minwoo oppa lended me. i grabbed it & when i turned i crashed into minwoo oppa, making our lips touch really quickly. Amazing The guy that thinks im a liar, was my first kiss
"Yoona can we talk now?" he ignored the fact that we just kissed, good thing because i felt really awkward
"we have to get going theyre waiting" i said heading out the door when he grabbed my wrist
"Your Kuri" oh nuts.
"your kuri. You sound alike when you sing & you both have a cast on the same arm"
"you keep track of casts on peoples arms?" i asked raising an eyebrow trying to change the subject
"not the point. your kuri. "
"we have to get going now. "
i started walking down stairs
"i got the camera" i said while raising it in the air trying to keep youngmin from grabbing it but since hes taller than me it didnt really work
"just practice your lines for now yeah?" youngmin asked
we nodded as kwangmin started
"you will wipe the windows, clean the floors, wash the clothes & dishes, clean all of the rooms & then cook. You have until we get back. If not you wont eat dinner" his voice was cold, hes really good
"yes step  father"
"Oh & here this is my dress for the ball it has to be perfect ! It better be perfect . " mina said as she pretended to throw a dress at me
"yes step sister"
"why are you just standing  there?! Get To Work !" kwangmin shouted
"Dude ! Why are you yelling at my sister!?" jeongmin oppa said as he came down the stairs
"relax Oppa, were just reacting Cinderella as an assignment for class" i said
"Oh, well resume !" he said while going back to his room
"uhm lets practice the fairy god mother scene, oh crap, we forgot the fairy god mother, Mina can you play that role too?"
she nodded
"okay and act !" 
i kneeled on the floor starting to fake cry, but i was able to make real tears appear. 
"Oh dry those tears darling, You have to get to the ball"  i looked up& wiped my tears
"who are you?" i asked
"well im your fairy god mother of course ! stand up child ! You must be going to the ball!"
"fairy god mother i cannot go to the ball"
"Of course you can look at your Beaut- Ooo your right you cant go like that. No No no Your dress wont do , i know" she flicked her finger at me as i pretended to have a new dress on
"Oh My gosh its beautiful ! Thank you so much!"
"No problem dear, noow get going" she said pushing me to the couch which was my carriage
"also you must be home before 12 ! thats when the spell ends"
"& cut ! You guys are really good !" we smiled
"okay now the dancing scene with the prince & cinderella"
kwangmin put on ballroom music as me & minwoo oppa got closer to each other this is going to be the most awkwardest scene ever..
 i stood in the middle of the room looking lost like in the movie. then minwoo oppa tapped my shoulder, i smiled
"Excuse me would you like to dance?" he said while grabbing my hand & kissing it
"Oh Sure " i smiled
"Dong !"
"Dong?" i asked
"Hush Im A Clock ! " kwangmin said
"Oh," i nodded
"Oh My Its almost 12, Im sorry but i must be off, " 
i said while pulling my hand away
"Oh wait what is your name?"  we were at the top of the stairs so i would be able to run down them. i ran down the stairs leaving my slipper behind i looked at it as minwoo was catching up, then i walked all the way down the stairs
"CUT !" Youngmin said
"Something wrong?" i asked 
"No It Was Great"
"Now The Kissing Scene"
"No " i said as i sat on the couch
"its going to happen eventually" kwangmin said
"yes but we dont have to rehearse it " i said
"Just once " youngmin said 
"No "
"Cmon Yoona !" the twins both whined
"Fine ! Hurry Up" i called to minwoo
kwangmin & mina pretended to throw confetti as me & minwoo quickly kissed.
"okay were done" i said while going to my room. i closed the door and plopped on my bed thinking about my day but then i stopped, i think way to much. maybe thats why i have so many problems. The door opened and i sat up 
"Hellooo" it was my brother
"you okay?"
"yeah? Waiit This isnt like some plan to watch me every time im alone is it?"
"im not going to do anything, besides Mina hid my razors & The pills."
He sat down next to me
"istill cant believe i have a sister" i smiled
"i know, i woulda never thought you out of all people would be my big brother since you are famous, & most of the population of seoul is made up of  bestfriends" he smiled
"well Yoona, iPromise that nothing will ever happen to you & that you will be under my care." he smiled
"Pinky?" he nodded as we did a pinky promise & then we hugged
"i love you big brother" i said while adjusting my head
"i love you too little sister" we broke apart & he got up
"well lets go down stairs yeah?"
i nodded as we headed down stairs
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Puff_Michelle #1
Chapter 20: Sequel!!!!
Chapter 20: sequel plzzzz!!!!
LeeMinJi #3
3 letters... O.M.G
I like it!! hehe
Fanficsftw21 #5
yes i agree sequel! :D
Sequel preez!
Fanficsftw21 #7
oooo lala >w< cheesy momments i guess? o.o though i hope jaszmin get wat she deserves ):<
i hope u update soon! :3
Update sooooon :))

New reader :))
Kim_SaeHyun ; iPromise To Make It Better ! But Thank You For Reading!(:
Sad story:-(