chapter 18;

Another Cinderella Story.


Iwoke up at around 7, as jaszmin unnie was already home. I tried on a lot of outfits that I thought were cute, but her reaction was all the same torwards all of them...

“TY !” she would yell & then tell me to change finally she decided to pick out my clothes.

She chose a longsleeve red&blue horizontal striped shirt & black jeans. iFelt ridiculous I would be wearing an ugly colored striped long sleeve shirt in the middle of spring.

“lets go !” she called from down stairs. Iquickly ran down & caught up with her. We were getting closer to the school.

“Walk behind me & don’t talk  to me ” she said her voice cold

“yes unnie” I said as I did what was told I could hear people laughing at how I was wearing a longsleeve shirt. I turned a shade of pink of embarrassment, I decided to lift my sleeves up to my elbows as I saw mina, my brother & 3min . At least my brother , bestfriends & boyfriend can cheer me up right?

Iran to them & jumped on minwoos back

“Oppa !” I chimed as he held on to me to make sure I didn’t fall

“yoona!” they all said as he gently set me down.

“what are you wearing?” mina asked looking at my clothes

“Unnie picked it.. she said anything I wore looked ty..”

“well I think you look cute” my brother said pinching my cheeks as he bid us goodbye & left to his classes

“ughh I don’t want to go to class ! ihave to sit next to unnie” I said dragging my feet

“don’t let her get to you” the twins said

I nodded as we went into school.

*skip class*

At lunch I went to counseling again.

Since I no longer ever thought of suicide or cutting myself she told me I didn’t have to be seeing her anymore unless I need to.

I caught up with mina as we were on our way to drama.

“Oh I almost forgot” mina said as we passed by the sign up sheet for the performance

“I never signed us up” she put down our names as we continued to walk again. And then jaszmin appeared with 4 other girls behind her.

“oh mina you signing up for the talent show? Why don’t you join us so we wont have to beat you”

She said ignoring my exsistance

“Ha ! Yeah right ! Me & Yoona here are gonna make you all regret you joined” Mina said placing her arm around my shoulder

“is that true yoona?” jaszmin said coming to my face

“N-ne U-unnie”I said looking away from her

“HEY !” I jumped

“its not polite to look away from your unnie when she is talking to you ”

“back off” mina said making Jaszmin step back

“Hey girls Get To Classs!” a teacher said as we passed by each other

“You guys are gonna regret this” Jaszmin said as we walked away

“Mina im s-scared, I don’t wanna do this anymore”

“Yoona you have too! Youll be away from her for good when we win”

“but still we have 4 more days until the show. She could do anything to me in those 4 days”

“don’t worry okay, and besides she said she dosent care if you invite people over or go anywhere so you can always come to boyfriends house or invite one of  us over you know” I nodded as we reached our class

“what took you guys so long?” the twins asked

We then explained to them our little problem.

“Pshh There not gonna win you guys will. Our Company isn’t dumb enough to pick girls like that” kwangmin said

we laughed

“Oh yoona wedensday lets go to the mall to pick out our outfits?!” I nodded as the teacher began giving new assignments.

*skip rest of the day*

I started walking home  with mina as she decided to stay with me for the day. Jaszmin Unnie would be staying until 6 practicing her dance with the followers she had.

“you don’t mind cleaning right?” I asked her

“not at all” she smiled as I unlocked the door. We entered the house as we quickly put our stuff in my room and I played music as we began to do our routines like old times soon we finished and it was 4

“ill make her dinner later, wanna watch me remix the songs it will only take a couple a minutes?” iasked mina as she nodded. I quickly remixed them as it was over in less than 5 minutes

“That Fast!?”

“Ne” I smiled as I burned it onto a CD and placed it into the Stereo

“practice time !” she chimed as we went upstairs and I lent her comfortable clothing & we changed then we practiced for an hour

“how are we gonna change into the heels?” I asked her

“easy. since we will have the heels underneath the chairs for ma boy, we’ll have them dim the lights as we take off our other shoes & put on the heels very quickly it should be easy since we’re gonna wearing slipon shoes for energetic” I nodded

“lets practice it yeah?” I nodded as I quickly grabbed some shoes & we tried it. It worked perfectly fine it was arund 4:30.

We put all the stuff away before I were to cook

“so mina” I said in a devious tone

“yes?” she said curious

“have you and my brother kissed?” I said raisgin an eyebrow even though she couldn’t see since I was stirring the food

“you need to know why?”

“so you did !?” I asked facing her

“yah pay attention to your cooking yoona!” her face was a little pink

“When!?Where?! How!? Why!?” she jumped at the questions

“aigoo! Calm down! It was when we went to the zoo, we leaned in and kissed & then he asked me to go out with him & I said yes” she said calmly but I knew she was freaking out on the inside

“have you & minwoo?” she asked

“well uh not when we were dating..”

“the Cinderella kiss dosent count”

“yeah but even before that”

“Jin Jah !? When !?”

“before we practiced the Cinderella scenes ” isaid facing back to the food

“it was an accident though”

“so other than that you haven’t at all?”

“nah“ I said calmly as the door opened

“Im Hungry food better be rea- Oh Hi Mina” Jaszmin said as I started to set out her food

“Hi” main gave her a fake smile

“I didn’t know you would be here”

“that was kinda the point I was hoping to leave before you got here so I didn’t have to see you anymore today, but I lost track of time. But Ill be going now” she grabbed her bag and headed out the door

“Bye Yoona!” she called to me as I waved bye

“ugh” jaszmin said as she went to her room and came back she sat at the table

“well Yoona you know you have to quit the talent show right?” she said as she smiled evily at me and sat down

“N-no.  No I tired of being scared of you. You can hit me all you want but I cant wait until me & mina win that Deal & I wont have to live with you anymore” I told her she stood up from her chair & slapped me. I had it coming

“Just wait. You’ll regret what you said.” She sneered at me

“Go Upstairs! You will not eat today”

“I don’t care” I said as I walked up the stairs

“oh gosh ive become so mean” I said as I was at the staircase. I shrugged it off & walked to my room as I would text minwoo oppa. I looked at my screen saver I had changed it to the picture of me & minwoo. I smiled

“Im happy I got you before she did” I smiled as I fell asleep.

*Skip to friday*

3rd person point of view;

Mina&yoona had already gotten their outfits Mina had kept them at boyfriends house incase Jaszmin would take it from Yoona as for the CD with their songs on it.  it was now Friday the day of the show. The school had given all the students no classes today as they would set up for all the performances that would be preformed. In the week our little friend Jaszmin has been planning things for yoona. She decided she would play a little scavenger hunt with boyfriend & mina. She would take Yoona & hide her in an abandon hospital that is supposedly Haunted. She would hire actors to scare her while she was there. She thought this was the best revenge especially since She is afraid of the paranormal  & anything scary, & a bonus would be if boyfriend could never find her they would be late to the show & that would give Jaszmin a greater chance of winning the deal.

Jaszmins point of view;

It was 7 & yoona was still asleep I decided I would drug her inorder to get her to knock out so I could take her to the abandon Hospital. I quickly went to the fried & grabbed one of her juice bottles. I put the pill inside as it dissolved. She came downstairs.

“Oh yoona no cleaning today I decided to let you also have to day off so you can get ready & what not” she nodded and went to the fridge she pulled her juice out &went to her room. I waited a few minutes & checked on her she was knocked out cold. I called some guys over so they could help me lift her. We got to the hospital I layed a blanket down as they set her down. Then i placed a blind fold around her eyes.

“Karmas A ” I said as we walked out of the hospital & I told the actors to not start until she woke up. I also had them make sure everything was locked so she couldn’t get out unless someone saved her.

“Next step.” I dismissed the guys & went home I grabbed a piece of paper & began to write.

Dear Boyfriend & Mina,

Your friend has been kidnapped from home. Follow these rules in order to find her. First clue is somewhere in the school. Look For it. Good Luck.

I went to their house & pounded on there door I left the note on the door & hid behind the bushes.

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Puff_Michelle #1
Chapter 20: Sequel!!!!
Chapter 20: sequel plzzzz!!!!
LeeMinJi #3
3 letters... O.M.G
I like it!! hehe
Fanficsftw21 #5
yes i agree sequel! :D
Sequel preez!
Fanficsftw21 #7
oooo lala >w< cheesy momments i guess? o.o though i hope jaszmin get wat she deserves ):<
i hope u update soon! :3
Update sooooon :))

New reader :))
Kim_SaeHyun ; iPromise To Make It Better ! But Thank You For Reading!(:
Sad story:-(