chapter 19 ;

Another Cinderella Story.


Minwoo’s point of view;

Theyre was a pounding at the door, it was still pretty early and mainly everyone is asleep. I went to open the door & no one was there. Besides a note left on the door.

Dear Boyfriend & Mina,
Your friend has been kidnapped from home. Follow these rules in order to find her. First clue is somewhere in the school. Look For it. Good Luck.

My heart stopped I banged on everyones door

“WAKE UP ! EVERYONE WAKE UP !” the doors opened.

“Minwoo what is i-” Donghyun said as I cut him off

“Read This !” I started pacing back & fourth as they read.

Everyone stood in shock after

“Stop Standing There ! Go Get your shoes on so we can look for her !” I yelled as everyone ran to their rooms. Soon we were all out the door and running to the school.

Jaszmin’s point of view;

I hid the next note on the door of the boiler room. Considering how big the school was I didn’t feel like making 10 freaking notes just so they could find her so I decided to make 4 and hide them in big places

Boiler room note;

Go to lotte world and find a worker there name YuAni. She will give you your next clue.

I then went to lotte world, and found the worker myself and gave her the message

“So boyfriend & this girl are gonna come in & look for you. If they find you then tell them their next clue is at the park closest to Yoona’s House.” She nodded

“also try to get their fans attention so they will rush to them and make them more busy” she nodded again as I left.

Next the park, I placed the next note underneath the merry go round

One final note left. Go to Yoona’s house & look around the front yard for the last & final note.

I went back to the house and crumpled the last note & tossed it in the bushes.

Shes in a place that’s dark, has been abandoned for years. Supposedly haunted too. Its not to far from here but its not as close either. It’s a place to help the dying/sick. Good luck at your contest. If you even make it.

And with that I grabbed my things I needed for my dance and went to meet up with the other girls in my group to practice.

Yoona’s point of view;

I slowly opened my eyes as I looked where I was. It was dark & glass was over the floor, shattered windows, graffiti on the walls, dried blood on the floor.

I got up & tried to open the door it was locked.

“You cant leave” the voice was sharp & in a hush tone but it was an echo

“W-whose in here? Jaszmin if this is you this isn’t funny” then I turned to see two little girls holding hands

“Play with us” the walked closer to me as I backed up into someone wearing a mask

“boo” he whispered I screamed and ran down the hall I went into an empty room. Nothing no windows no bed no chair. Just graffiti on the wall. I read it out loud

“Get out now. You wont last. Good Luck. You’ll be here forever.” I backed up into a corner and sat there starting to cry. Then I remembered my phone ! I checked my pockets. And luckily my phone was there it was already 4. Ive been asleep for that long? The show starts in 2 hours ! I checked the signal. One bar. I didn’t risk to lose signal by calling anyone so I decided to text someone instead.

To: Minwoo Oppa

Oppa ! Please come And get me ! iHave no idea where im at ! Im terrified! all I know though is its dark and theres graffiti everywhere & dried blood.  Windows are shattered & theres a lobby & a lot of doors I think it may be a hospital but please hurry !

Message sent.

I hugged my legs and cried into the scared. I hated these type of things.

Minwoo’s point of view;

It was already four and we were still looking for the last note

“FOUND IT !” mina called as we grouped in the middle of the yard.

Shes in a place that’s dark, has been abandoned for years. Supposedly haunted too. Its not to far from here but its not as close either. It’s a place to help the dying/sick. Good luck at your contest. If you even make it.

We were all thinking for a bit and my phone went off. I checked it

“ITS YOONA !”I told them

“Don’t announce it Babo ! Read It !” Mina yelled as I read aloud

“Oppa ! Please come And get me ! iHave no idea where im at ! Im terrified! all I know though is its dark and theres graffiti everywhere & dried blood. windows are shattered & theres a lobby & a lot of doors I think it may be a hospital but please hurry !”

“iKnow where she is” jeongmin said as he began running again. We all ran after soon we were infront of the building the _________ (whatever hospital name you want to use cause im to lazy to think of one) Hospital. iTried to open the doors.

“They wont open”

“lets go through a window. This one has no extra glass left over” mina pointed out as we all jumped into the hospital we checked everyroom down the hall.

Yoona’s point of view;

I could hear someone opening the doors down the hall coming closer & closer to the room I was in. I stood up. As the door flew opened I screamed & jumped

“PLEASE DON’T HURT ME !” I yelled as I felt arms around me

“YOONA !” I couldn’t recognize the voice they sounded terrified & relieved I felt more arms around me as they called my name. I hugged back I realized it was Boyfriend & Mina.

“You guys Came !”

“sorry it took so long” my brother apologized

“its fine as long as you’re here now”

“Gwenchana? Did you hurt yourself or anything?” mina said examining me like a protective older sister

“Aniyo, but we have to get going ! the contest ! we have to run through the routine still & get ready !”

“oh right !” we all ran out the building as we reached there house.

“Ive never ran so much in my life !” kwangmin said as all of boyfriend plopped on the couch as me & mina continued to run up the stairs & into her room to change.

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Puff_Michelle #1
Chapter 20: Sequel!!!!
Chapter 20: sequel plzzzz!!!!
LeeMinJi #3
3 letters... O.M.G
I like it!! hehe
Fanficsftw21 #5
yes i agree sequel! :D
Sequel preez!
Fanficsftw21 #7
oooo lala >w< cheesy momments i guess? o.o though i hope jaszmin get wat she deserves ):<
i hope u update soon! :3
Update sooooon :))

New reader :))
Kim_SaeHyun ; iPromise To Make It Better ! But Thank You For Reading!(:
Sad story:-(