
My Girl

*image not mine, credits to the owner of the picture.

FLASHBACK. 2years ago.

It has been two years since Youngbae decided to live peacefully. Away from all the glitter and glamorous lifestyle of a celebrity. He felt that he had already achieved all that he wanted in his career. Almost a decade of entertaining, singing, dancing isn't bad after all. He finally called it quits after their successful world tour.

Now was the perfect time for himself, to find what he had always wanted.... his other half, the girl, his girl.

It was really such a heartbreak not only to the rest of the members but to the fans as well. Knowing Youngbae, seeing his smile and that forever sparkling eyes made everyone felt at YG Ent. that he wouldn't be gone, literally. He assured them that he'll always find time to visit them.

A week after that Youngbae bid goodbye to his fellow members, the atmosphere inside their hostel is a mixture of happy and sad. Jiyong, his bestfriend woke up with a heavy heart. Seeing his bestfriend pack up all his stuff made him wanna lock himself all day in his room. The ones who helped Youngbae finish packing his stuff where the maknaes.

"Hyung, don't forget us even if you're a million miles away from us okay?" Daesung dramatically whispers as he reached for Youngbae's trophies on top of their cabinet.

"Yah! I heard that, of course I will, and what's the use of skype, viber, etc.?" Youngbae turns to where Daesung stands.

"Me too! I've a better idea, we will visit you on our free time whether you like it or not!" Seungri butts in and all of them laugh.

A knock on the door was heard.

"I'll get it!" Seungri runs over the door and opens it cheerfully.

His smile slowly turned into a frown as soon as he saw who just came in.

"So this is it then?" Jiyong muttered and stared at all the luggage standing in front of him.

Youngbae then dropped the rest of what he was holding as soon as he saw his bestfriend enter the room.

"Ji," *he sighed, "c'mon man this isn't gonna help, I thought you were happy for me..." Youngbae put his hand on his bestfriend's shoulder.

"I know, I mean, this feeling, it just didn't sink into my mind until now... can you stay up for at least one more day?" Jiyong begged, his eyes almost teary from what just came out from his mouth.

"As much as I want to but then my flight's already in 4 hours. Why don't you guys bring me to the airport then, so we can continue all these emotional thingamajigs on the way eh?" He said as he looked at all of them then at Jiyong.

Jiyong had nothing to do but to agree to what his bestfriend said, he had to support him and at the same time stay strong in front of s.

At the living room. Daesung gets hold of the remote control and had just switched the channel when Seungri jumped into him.

"Aish! You!!!! you always ruin my "me" time!" Dae shouts and pushes the poor maknae to the floor. Seungri gets up and insists on sitting beside him.

"Mianhe, Hyung, oh by the way, where's Top hyung? I told him to be here in an hour...." Seungri said and started scanning over a magazine on top of their coffee table.

"Oh yeah, maybe he did some errand while on his way here, you know him..." Dae replied in a sluggish voice.

Both maknaes are seen sitting, and seemed at ease with the silence surrounding both of them when all of a sudden the doorbell rings.

"I got it!" Seungri, being the active child shouted and trailed his way to the door.

"You guys all set?" a manly voice spoke as he entered the place.

"oh hyung!!!! you got me worried, or so..." Seungri replied and put his arm around Top. He just grinned and ruffled the maknae's hair.

"Hey hyung! you arrived just in time!" Youngbae came out from his room with his bag in one hand and his shades on the other, Jiyong following him from behind.

"Oh! then we're all ready, I guess, you two," pointing at the two maknaes, "go and get the rest of the luggage" and follow us downstairs okay? Top commanded, being the eldest, Dae and Seungri had no choice but to follow him. Jiyong then opened the door and all three of them went out.

"Sorry I arrived late, what did I miss?" He blurted and turned his back on the two walking behind him.

"Oh, it's okay, Jiyong here, he just rant on me leaving the rest of you guys..." Youngbae started but was cut off by Jiyong.

"Yah! I was just trying if I could convince you to stay here and not...not leave us." Jiyong finished and stared hard at Youngbae.

"Enough Ji! you sound like a girl with all that dramatic words!" Top scowled as he stopped to look at both of them.

DING! the elevator door opened and both three of them enter. Silence filled the whole time they were inside and got out. Top got his phone and called his manager to pick them up in front. It was not after a few minutes when the elevator door opened again Seungri and Daesung are seen coming out, with the rest of the luggage in tow.

Youngbae approached them and joked, "I really am thankful, you guys really love me that much eh?!"

"Neeee! Of course Hyung!" Seungri replied and back hugged Youngbae.

"Okay! the car's here!" Top shouted from outside the reception area of their hostel.

Daesung and Seungri were the first one's who went out followed by Jiyong and Youngbae.

The whole ride to the airport was filled with laughter with alittle bit of tears on the side. They all reminisced about Youngbae and each of their unforgettable memories with him. They all stopped talking when they saw a large sign with "GIMPO AIRPORT" on the right side.

"Were near" Youngbae said as checked on his watch, "just in time" and winked at everyone.

"Aissshhh... this feeling, it gets getting heavier by the minute..." Daesung exclaimed and stared at the others, hoping they would support what he just said.

"I agree!" Seungri replied fast, " it all seemed like a dream, i never thought of this to happen" he sighed and looked away.

"Hey, hey! it's not as if i'm gonna die! think of it as something like.... i'm just gonna leave for a vacation, okay?" Youngbae was fast in reacting to the maknae's emotional sensitivity.

"He's right, don't let it sink and get into your system, be mature and act accordingly." Top scowled at the two.

Just then, their car stopped, they're here, finally, Youngbae was the first one who got down and turned at them who went down one by one.

"This is it, guys! cheer up! I'm gonna miss every single thing about all of you!" He shouted and hugged each one of them.

Jiyong couldn't help but to cry real hard this time. It's the first time their part ways since training days. Top on the other hand after seeing him got teary eyed turned away. Daesung and Seungri with luggages on their side looked down to refrain themselves from crying too.

Youngbae let go of his bestfriend and assured him that he'll call him as soon as he lands in Incheon. He hurriedly grabbed his belongings and took one last long at them before he entered the airport.


*thanks for reading! this chapter got me partially sad as... anyway, rest assured that the following chapters will be full of love and life. ♥





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I love this song!! The story is great too! ^^v

Update Soon!
Thanks for the comments! Next chapter coming up soon! :)
good start :D
this is a good start i cant wait for you next update :)