You had me worried

Five Six, Seven Eight



You made your way to the gymnasium, hoping that there was a substitute and the class activity was to walk around the track. Those were the classes that you seemed to do better at. You were a Lever 99 Master Slacker when it came to physical education. You were always one of the last people to finish the mile run, and you came in second to last the other week in the sit up test.

There was a white board in front of the changing rooms displaying the activity. Your heart dropped to the floor when you saw the words "Soccer" displayed written in large block writing.  


You walked into the changing room and headed over you your mini locker. The gym uniform was mid-thigh length navy blue shorts, and a white t-shirt with the school’s logo on it.

Facing the wall, you stripped down to your underwear and threw on the clothes as quickly as possible. It wasn’t because you were fat; it’s just that you hated it when the others just stared at you in only a bra and . You were always one of the first to be dressed because the other girls would chatting, spraying on fancy body mists, re-applying concealer, putting ribbons in their hair, the usual. Today it was more excessive because of the new students.

You made your way past a few changing classmates and walked out the door to the gym. The guys were all changed and waiting for the girls on the other side of the floor since the changing rooms were on the opposite sides of each other. You knew that at least half the guys were imagining a touch fest in the girls’ changing room.

You were hoping that Kai wasn’t there, but to your dismay, he was. He looked nice even in the shorts and t-shirt. Your spirits lifted a bit when you saw Lay and Luhan. Lay looked over, and gave you a nod. You smiled back.

Kai was talking to a few other guys. They seemed to get along well, and he was actually smiling instead of that usually smirk face he wore.

Soon enough, the other girls filtered out of the changing rooms in order from most natural, to desperate. Those that were in there longer had more work to be done in order to look appealing. You just wanted to get out of there A.S.A.P.

“Alright. You are to pick partners, take a ball, and walk out to the field. Spread out and practice passes and dibbles.”


Girls were giggling over the chance that Luhan, Lay, or Kai might pick one of them as partners. Luhan chose a kid whose name you were pretty sure was Min Seok. Pair by pair, the amount of those in need of a partner declined until it was only you and Lay left.

“I guess we’re partners.” He said, walking over to the cart to get a ball. You were so glad he chose one of the squishy ones, rather than the real soccer balls that could knock a few teeth out.

You and him headed out to the  grass field. Other pairings had already begun to practice. You saw that Kai was with Min Hee, one of the last girls to come out of the locker room. She was the one who always stole your pencils back in elementary.

He was smiling, kicking the ball back and forth, obviously going easy on her. She returned it with a girly kick, faking clumsiness to look cute. You knew what real clumsiness looked like.

“Are you ready?”

“Yep. I’m warning you, I’m a safety hazard around balls.” You joked. You surprisingly found it east to talk to him. There was a feeling of calmness that took over when you were around him. It wasn’t like when you’re with Kai and all you could do is walk in silence.

He laughed to himself.

What did I say? Did I mispronounce something?

You quickly ran the sentence over again in your mind, and realized that it sounded wrong if you thought about it another way.

Very smooth, Sarang.

Luhan and Min Seok were basically having a mini one on one soccer match. You couldn't help but notice out Luhan's hair fluffed as he moved. Kai and his partner were still having a flirt session.

You and Lay just kicked the ball back and forth while talking. In five minutes, you learned that he loved to dance, he loves to play pranks, and he can play guitar and sing. He somehow managed to get one of your fear, rats, out of you. No one knew this much about you in so little time.

Mr. Hwang, the gym coach walked over to the two of you and said, "Pick up the slack! Sarang, your gym grades are suffering from the lack of participation."

It was as if Lay understood because he said, "How about we dibble and pass now?"


Your really didn't want to, but for your grade, you had to. He picked an empty area in the shadows and you began to dribble side by side, passing it back and forth. Just as you thought that you were getting the hang it it, you stepped on the ball as you were running and tripped, landing on your hard on your but.

Alarmed, Lay jogged over to check up on you.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Can you walk?"

"Yeah. I'm a clutz. That's all, I should be okay."

"Okay... you had me worried."

He was worried about me...

You knew him for so little time, yet he seemed to be genuinly worried about you and your small accident.

He reached down, and you grasped his hand. He pulled you back up with no trouble at all. You always thought you were heavy for your height and age.

Gym went by with only a few more trips, and more Lay. He was the nicest guy you knew besides D.O. 

One thing that bothered you was the fact that he was one of the last people left. He's a hot Chinese student with an ideal face and body. Kai didn't have a problem getting a female partner. But why was Lay last? 

When you were thinking, you heard someone shout your name.


You turned and *SMACK*. A ball hit your cheek hard, and you fell down from the impact. Unfortunately, this wasn't a squishy ball.


A/N: Hello again! I'm sorry for not updated the past couple of days. I was busy. TT.TT Before I say goodbye, I want you all to check out this fanfic a good friend of mine is writing:

Please go comment and sub her! :D 

Buh Bye for now!

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Chapter 29: Updaaaate pleaasee ;AA; I'm already rotting away ~.~
Chapter 29: Authornim; where are you now? ;A; Please update.
Chapter 29: Oh my goodness, what's going to happen now? Sobs >O< saranglay is so cuuuute ~ (he's my bias xD) but poor Kai...Ami you little--- omomomo this is sooo good, please update soon!
exo_1219 #4
NEW READER HERE! great fic :)) love it! Can't wait for updates xD <3 LAY FEELSSSSS
Raghad #5
Chapter 29: Nooooo i hope she's okay :0

ehm, finally I cought with you ^^'
Omg, this is really cute~ Keep up the good work author-nim! <3 I can't wait for your next updates and I'm anticipating on more Kairang~~ (: DAEBAK! <3
Chapter 29: what happened to his mom? O_O Btw, new reader here. :)
rainae #8
allb1a4 #9
Chapter 29: Bwwwwwwwwoooooooo?????? Dude, cliffhanger!!! Updateeeeeeeeeee!
Chapter 29: Oh sh*t. Kai's mom?!
Better be not part of Ami's plan!
Update soon, author-nim!