
Five Six, Seven Eight

Your eyes fluttered open as you woke up from your nap. You were about to get up when you realized that there was someone with you.

You were leaning on Lay, and he was leaning onto the wall. His arm was wrapped around you, and he was sound asleep, looking like an absolute angel. But, it wasn't like he wasn't angelic enough when he was awake.

You were still half asleep when your eyes landed on a figure in the dark. 

He was sleeping like how you first saw him. Arms crossed with cap pulled down, sleeping. Or at least you hoped he was sleeping. You didn't want any deja vu from that day.

Lay moved in his sleep a bit, and you immediately froze. You wanted to check your phone to see what time it was, but you didn't want to wake anyone up.

Since the power was still out, you reached out onto the floor until you felt a cold rectangular object. You weren't sure who's phone it was, but it felt like yours.

You found the power button, and pressed it once to wake it up.

It wasn't your phone.

It was Kai's.

You were just going to look at the time, you weren't going to snoop around his phone like a paranoid girlfriend...

As tempting as it was, you weren't that kind of person. You shook off the idea and focused on the time.

You thought the three of you only slept for maybe an hour or so, but Father Time decided speed things up a bit with Mother Nature.

HOLY IT'S 9:45?!

You couldn't, and wouldn't believe that you slept in Lay's arms for around seven hours. You planned to be home at like four, and you were way past that. Your mom was probably sipping a cup of tea, watching TV, hoping you were getting freaky with Lay or something. Okay, not like that, but yeah...

The thunder was now distant, but it was still raining outside pretty hard.

"Guys! Wake up!" you said urgently.

Lay heard the tone of your voice and woke up immediately. He checked to make sure you weren't harmed, which you weren't.

"Kai! Get up! It's late!"

"The hell..." he mumbled, waking up only halfway.

"We're late, we've been sleeping and, oh my god why isn't the power back on?" you panicked.

"What time is it?" Lay asked, taking his arm away from you, looking for his own phone.

He looked at it, and he looked alarmed.

"It's almost ten...what are we going to do?"

"Where's my phone?" Kai asked, blindly looking in the darkness for it.

You realized that you were still holding on to it. 

"Sorry, I couldn't find my phone, and I needed to see the time." you said, handing him back the device.

"You didn't look at anything, did you?"

"No. What kind of person do you think I am?"

A beautiful person.

Lay found your phone a few meters away by crawling around for it.

You found one text from D.O., but nothing from your mom, while Lay got five missed calls, and Kai got seven calls and eight texts.

You phoned your mom, knowing she'd be awake.

"Hey, where are you?" she asked, not sounded the least bit concerned.

"I'm still at the studio. The power is out, and we all fell asleep until now..."

"Ohh? You fell asleep...with two boys in the room...both very--"

You covered the speaker with your hand, knowing it was loud enough for the other two to hear.

"MOM CAN YOU PICK US UP?" you said really loud to change the subject.

"I can't. The power is out everywhere, and streets are flooded. The studio closed at nine today too."

"S-so...we're stuck here..overnight?" you asked nervously, hoping for a "no" response.


Oh my god. No.

Your mom had to go because her phone was dying. You ended the call, and explained the situation to Lay and Kai.

". My photoshoot is at ten tomorrow..." 

Your stomach growled. You hadn't eaten since two, and you were starving.

Lay used his phone as a light and pulled out a bad of chips from his bag.

"No, I'm okay." 

"No, I brought them for you. I'd knew you'd want them at one point." he said, handing the green bag to you.

You were beyond touched by the fact that Lay remembered about how hungry you got, and brough snacks for you. Were you really on his mind that often?

Somehow, he had gotten your favorite; sour cream and onion. You opened the bag and smelled the aroma of the onion-y salty goodness.

You forced yourself to eat one chip at a time, and made yourself not your fingers.

"Um...can I have some?" Kai asked, swallowing.

"No. You're on a diet remember? And you can't look bloated for the shoot."


You felt bad, even for Kai, so you used phone light and held out the back to him.

He took a handful of chips and ate them with pleasure.

"Lay, do you want any?"

"No. I'm not hungry."

After eating a little, and awkwardly talking, the three of you decided to go back to sleep for the night.

You used folded up sweatshirts as pillows, but since your hoodie was thin, it was hard to sleep on. Lay laid next to you, while Kai was off in the corner, snoring away.

You kept on twisting and turning because you hated sleeping on the floor without something underneath.

"You okay?" Lay whispered.


He sighed, frustrated you were saying you were finr when you really weren't.

He stretched his hand, and put it under your neck, and pulled you to him, so that your head rest where it did before. 

"You're not going to sleep if you're not comfortable," he said closing his eyes.

You were comfy in laying down like that.

You listened to his heartbeat again, and fell asleep....


Your phone rang with the SHINee ringtone you downloaded.


You went to pick it up, and it was your mom.

"Hey kiddo! I have to work over time today, so Kai's mom will pick you up at 9:20. Okay?"

"Oh, okay."

"Bye, I hope you had fun!"

"Oh my god. Bye mom. Love you."

"Love you too, Sarang."

You noticed there was something wrong. You sat up without struggling to get free. You looked over, and Lay wasn't there like he was the night before. 

You looked around the room, and his stuff was gone too.

Kai was still in the corner, sprawled in an awkward position with his head facing away from you.

Your phone buzzed with a text from Lay.

*Sorry, I had to leave early because my dad needed me. You make it through the night alive? :p*

You were about to reply when Kai woke up.

"What time is it?" he asked, wiping his eyes.



He sprung up and ran to his bag and stuffed everything into it.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" 

"MY SHOOT (anonymous, anonymous)!"

"Your mom is picking both of us up in five, you said, also packing."


You exited the building, recieving strange looks from the people in the office. The power was back up and running, and the streets seemed to be drained. Minus the broken branches everywhere.

Mrs. Kim's car was parked in the front, and she motioned you two over.

You got in the back as Kai went in the front.

"Sarang, your mom isn't home, so I'm just going to bring you to Kai's photoshoot too, okay?"

You nodded.

Oh my god. I just slept on the floor and the last thing I ate were chips like ten hours ago. I'm not about to be a room full of models.

No, I don't want my girlfriend and the girl I like to be in the same room.

The ride was only about ten minutes, and before you knew it, you were about to walk into a professional photoshoot set in your workout clothes and unmade hair.

"Kai! Here you-oh..what happened to you?" said a woman with blue hair.

"Long story. Let's just get this over with. Where's Ami?" 

Ami? She's going to be in this shoot?

You suddenly felt anxious. You felt so...underdressed and small compared to all these fasion forward people.

"About her...she's sick, and she can't make it, and we don't have a replacement...." she said, avoiding Kai's eyes.

". What are we going to do now?" he asked, ruffling his hair.

The woman's eyes landed on you. You were behind Kai, trying to attract as little attention as possible. It didnt' work.


You looked around then pointed at yourself.


"Yes you. Woo! Get over here! I think I found someone!"

A bald man in eyeline who you assumed was "Woo" came in, looking stressed until he saw you.

"And this is...?" he asked, raising a drawn in eyebrow.

"Kai's friend? I dunno, she came in with him."

Woo bent down, and looked at your features, examining them.

"Double eyelids, fair skin, nice nose...jawline.....Would you mind filling in for Ami today?"

ME?! A replacement for a model?


A/N: Yooho! This is a longer chapter, and I know it's a little...skippy, but I didn't want to spend like three chapters just in the practice room. Time for more Kairang!

Warning: I may not be able to update because my laptop is going to be getting fixed in freaking California. I'm on the other side of the country. The screen is cracked and part of it is may take two weeks or so. TT.TT

Thank you for putting up with me!


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Chapter 29: Updaaaate pleaasee ;AA; I'm already rotting away ~.~
Chapter 29: Authornim; where are you now? ;A; Please update.
Chapter 29: Oh my goodness, what's going to happen now? Sobs >O< saranglay is so cuuuute ~ (he's my bias xD) but poor Kai...Ami you little--- omomomo this is sooo good, please update soon!
exo_1219 #4
NEW READER HERE! great fic :)) love it! Can't wait for updates xD <3 LAY FEELSSSSS
Raghad #5
Chapter 29: Nooooo i hope she's okay :0

ehm, finally I cought with you ^^'
Omg, this is really cute~ Keep up the good work author-nim! <3 I can't wait for your next updates and I'm anticipating on more Kairang~~ (: DAEBAK! <3
Chapter 29: what happened to his mom? O_O Btw, new reader here. :)
rainae #8
allb1a4 #9
Chapter 29: Bwwwwwwwwoooooooo?????? Dude, cliffhanger!!! Updateeeeeeeeeee!
Chapter 29: Oh sh*t. Kai's mom?!
Better be not part of Ami's plan!
Update soon, author-nim!