
Five Six, Seven Eight


Two days after visiting Lay, you woke up that morning feeling absolutely downright terrible. You laid there for a good ten minutes before doing anything else.

You sat up, but the room spun round and round.


You put your hands on the sides of your head, hoping that would steady things a bit. You didn’t normally get sick at all, but when you did, you were very stubborn.

Whatever, I’m probably fine.

You got up and made yourself walk to the bathroom.

After washing up, you got ready for school as usual when your mom came up.

“Do you want me to drive you to school today? I’m leaving work a little later.”

You accepted the offer because you didn’t feel like walking, and it looked like dreary day anyways.

“You okay? You’re a little pale…” asked your mom in the car.

“I’m fine. It’ll wear off, or maybe it’s the lack of sunlight or something.”

She didn’t bug you for the rest of the short drive, and you got there just in time. The students were filing into the building.

During homeroom, your body decided to throw a gigantic headache at you. It made your temples pound like the African drums Kris liked to play.

“Ugh…” whispered, using your fingers to massage your temples.

“You don’t look very good…” commented D.O.

“Thank you captain obvious.”

You knew you looked like a poop that rolled out of a dumpster. You tend to become very sarcastic when you were sick or when you had your period.

Speaking of period, you forgot that you were supposed to get yours pretty soon.

By lunchtime, you were basically just the walking dead. You didn’t feel anything, and you were cold, tired, hot, and sweaty. You were sick.

“Hey Sara—what happened to you?” said Kris.

“What do you think?”

Lay put his hand on your forehead and frowned.

“You’re really warm. I think you should go to the nurse or something.”

“No. I can’t be sent home. My mom can’t pick me up. I can make it through a few more hours.”

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, as if he felt guilty.

You didn’t know it, but Kai was watching you intently. He worried about your health even if he didn’t show it.

I hope she’s alright…

Lay’s action of feeling your temperature made something burn hotter than your fever inside of him. He felt like he should’ve been the one to do that.

“What are you looking at?” asked Sehun. He looked at the direction of Kai’s gaze over to you. At that time, you were staring blankly at your lunch, feeling like you needed to puke looking at the pile of vomit like substance piled high.

“Why are you looking at Tharang?” He looked at Kai once more, “You like her, don’t you?”

Kai snapped back from his fantasies and replied.

“What? No! I’m taken anyways…”

Sehun laughed, “Dude, it’th okay. She’th pretty anywayth and seems cool. She could be a model like you.”

Oh yeah, that photo shoot hasn’t been released yet.

“But she theemth a little airheaded…”

That made Kai want to hit Sehun. To him, you weren’t airheaded, just bubbly. You tried your best at dance, and that day where you shared your with him even though you two didn’t get along made him realize how good of a person you were. Your photo shoot together made him see the beauty even more. He believed in you.

“Dude, shut up, you don’t know that.”

“Woah there...protective much?”


After discarding your untouched lunch, you went ahead and suffered for a few more hours, sitting in stuffy classrooms.

During science, you felt something warm and wet. It was something you definitely didn’t need in your life at the moment.

Excusing yourself, you went to the washroom and faced the horror of the bloody mess in your underwear.

“…” you cursed your luck.

You used a folded toilet paper as a pad until you got home.

Home was the only place you wanted to be, and when the last bell rang, you got out as fast as your slow body and clogged up mind could.

After five minutes of wobbling on the sidewalk and not making it very far, your stomach churned one last time before your stomach couldn’t take it anymore.

You ran over to the closest bush and let what little that was in your stomach up and onto the ground.

After spitting out the last of it, you sat on the grass beside the concrete and put your head between your knees because you heard that it helped with the dizziness.

The slight autumn breeze felt more like a gust to you, and you were chattering your teeth while shivering. You felt like an idiot sitting like this out in the open.

Kai was walking home, listening to his mp3 player when he saw a girl throwing up into someone’s bush.

That’s disgusting, isn’t she embarrassed?

He walked closer and realized that it was you. He immediately felt bad about what he had said. He knew you were really sick. He could practically feel the fever radiating from you in homeroom in front of you.

He walked over to you.

You heard footsteps coming up from behind you and a few people in cars stared as they passed.

This is it. I’m going to get taken away and die. Maybe I can scare him away with my puke breath…

Before you could put your plan into action, the person said “Get onto my back.”


You looked up and saw Kai blocking the sun.

“Why would I want to do that?” you said, looking back down because you were dizzy again.

“I saw you throw up. You can’t make it home like this on your own.”

You admitted he was right. In this condition, you only had a few choices. A) Lay out here and wait for your mom to notice. B) Get kidnapped or C) Get on Kai’s back and have him carry you home.

You chose C because you had to.

He crouched down and you climbed onto his toned back. He slowly stood up, elevating you to his height.

The view up here is nice…

Your head fell onto his shoulder because you didn’t have the strength to keep it up anymore.

He carried you in silence, uncomplaining as if it were his job.

The walk was silent until you encountered a problem at your house.

“The door is locked.”

You faintly remembered that your mom said she’d be home at around ten.

“I think I have a key.”

You dug around in your backpack, but found nothing.

You sighed, frustrated at how the day was going. First you had a fever, you threw up in a bush and Kai saw, and now you’re locked out of your own home.

You swayed a little with all the thoughts going on in your head. Kai put his arm out and supported you by your back.

“Okay, this isn’t going to work. You’re coming over here.”

He gently took you onto his back again and you didn’t have the energy to fight back.

Kai took you over to his house and carried you up the stairs and into his room.

You were basically asleep when he placed you in his bed and tucked you in.

He looked at you as you slept. Your cheeks were slightly pink from your body temperature and there was a thin layer of sweat on your forehead. Kai went and got a small wet towel and placed it onto your forehead.

He looked at you as you slept. He thought you looked really young and innocent when you were asleep. He still didn’t forget the time he caught you staring at him, and now, it was his turn.

He noted your long eyelashes and small ears, which he found adorable.

Kai hated being to mean to you. He never really wanted to be like that, but it just…happened.

I guess when people say that a boy is mean to a girl it means he likes her is true…but what about Lay?

He was secretly very jealous of Lay. He could dance, he was smart, and he could make you smile. If it weren’t for Ami, he would’ve made so many moves on you already, but your heart was already taken.

He looked at your lips.

He’s daydreamed about kissing them for a while now.

Maybe she won’t notice if I just…

He was leaning in midway when his door burst open.


. The witch has returned.


A/N: Hi! Here's a longer than usual one for you, and I put in extra Kairang moments for you shippers. Oooohhh Ami's here :p

I have just started another fanfic, featuring you and Baekhyun. Click here if you're intrested in reading it, and comment and sub if you like it! If you don't then you can just leave it alone. :)

Thank you for all the love and support! 



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Chapter 29: Updaaaate pleaasee ;AA; I'm already rotting away ~.~
Chapter 29: Authornim; where are you now? ;A; Please update.
Chapter 29: Oh my goodness, what's going to happen now? Sobs >O< saranglay is so cuuuute ~ (he's my bias xD) but poor Kai...Ami you little--- omomomo this is sooo good, please update soon!
exo_1219 #4
NEW READER HERE! great fic :)) love it! Can't wait for updates xD <3 LAY FEELSSSSS
Raghad #5
Chapter 29: Nooooo i hope she's okay :0

ehm, finally I cought with you ^^'
Omg, this is really cute~ Keep up the good work author-nim! <3 I can't wait for your next updates and I'm anticipating on more Kairang~~ (: DAEBAK! <3
Chapter 29: what happened to his mom? O_O Btw, new reader here. :)
rainae #8
allb1a4 #9
Chapter 29: Bwwwwwwwwoooooooo?????? Dude, cliffhanger!!! Updateeeeeeeeeee!
Chapter 29: Oh sh*t. Kai's mom?!
Better be not part of Ami's plan!
Update soon, author-nim!