Love Struck

Crystal Clear

A week went by and he still wasn't back yet. For some very odd reason, I missed him. I feel sort of empty when he's not near me. However, I didn't tell any of my friends because I didn't want to jinks it. When I got home my dad yelled to me. Apparently I had a phone call and my dad was already in a bad mood. I didn't know why and at that moment I didn't really care, I just wanted to know who was on the phone. 

"Hello?" I whispered.

"Hey. What are you doing later?" he asked.

"Who is this and how did you get my number?" I asked curiously.

"It's me... Derick... the new kid." he said so innocently.

"Oh... Hey." I said sounding a little excited. He giggled and so did I because i never thought that I would ever hear a guy giggle.

"so... what are you doing later?" he asked again.

"Well, how did you get my number?" I asked him again curiously.

"I have my ways, and please stop changing the subject. Answer the question." He said starting to get upset.

Without trying to sound a little startled by the tone of his voice i told him "nothing, that i'm aware of." 

"Great, then you are coming with me tonight. And tell your folks that you are going to be out late." he said excitedly.

"But..." I tried to say something but he had already hung up the phone.

I wasn't sure what time he was picking me up, but I didn't care. I was just really curious. The doorbell rang and at that moment my heart sank, and I was so nervous. My parents didn't really like the idea of me staying out late, but they agreed to let me go. When i opened the door, he was so stunned. His eyes got so big. It was like he was speechless. I still didn't know where he was taking me, but I really didn't care... I was happy , and I felt normal. I felt like I was in love, but I didn't want to jinks it.

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nice fic~! update soon!
wolfgirl143 #2
im working on ch. 6 it aint done yet but its getting there.. give me a little more time
wolfgirl143 #3
I updated chapter 5... i will keep updatin eventually but give me time
lionsrule2015 #4
wolfgirl143 #5
yeah i know that there are prolly a few but they will get fixed
lionsrule2015 #6
I love your story!!! Few spelling mistakes which I'm sure you know about but I still love it!!!!