First Day

Crystal Clear

When I was walking down the road with my younger brother, Kevin, both of us minding our own business, this car comes up beside us and starts to really slow down. When we stopped, so did the car. At first we were a little creeped out, but as soon as the driver rolled the window down all I could think was... "OMG...EEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!" He was so gorgeous. I felt like i wanted to faint. 

He had short blackish-brown hair and the most beautiful hazel eyes i had ever seen. Plus, I could tell he was tall. When we got home, I immediately told my mom what had happened and all she could say was, "you stay away from the kid. you hear me? I mean it. I heard  about the new people moving in and their good for nothing son. He's nothing but trouble." 

It took me a while, but i finally got her to calm down. i went upstairs, and for some odd reason i couldn't shake the feeling that i was being watched. But the next day was the first day of school, and I had to get some sleep.

The next morning was busy. Mom, and Dad both got up and got ready for work. I had to get Kevin up. Busy, busy, busy. But I still couldn't shake the feeling the I was being watched last night. Anyways, off to school we went. By the time we got there, he still wasn't there. I thought he's still be in school. He didn't look older than 18. Just as I thought that, here he comes pulling into the school parking lot with his gorgeous Audi R8... Silver and Black of course. When he got out of the car is when all my worries went away. 

He walked right by me, and it looked like he smiled, but then I thought that he's probably not the type of guy who smiles a lot. throughout my whole day i couldn't get him off my mind. But then again, it doesn't help that he is in every single one of my classes... literally! Ninth mod rolled around, and I couldn't wait to get out of there. However, I finally did go up to him, and just as I was about to say something... I froze. Nothing came out. No words at all. It was humiliating.

That night at home, I got that feeling again, and I couldn't forget how stupid I looked earlier. I couldn't believe i froze right there in front of him. A few weeks later, he left school early. One of his friends told me that he went on vacation with his family. But I still hadn't talked to him. But I really needed to. However, when the time came it was to late. He was gone.

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nice fic~! update soon!
wolfgirl143 #2
im working on ch. 6 it aint done yet but its getting there.. give me a little more time
wolfgirl143 #3
I updated chapter 5... i will keep updatin eventually but give me time
lionsrule2015 #4
wolfgirl143 #5
yeah i know that there are prolly a few but they will get fixed
lionsrule2015 #6
I love your story!!! Few spelling mistakes which I'm sure you know about but I still love it!!!!