Teen Angst and Frustrations.

Dance Class.

​Hey guys, here is chapter 5

​this chapter in kinda crappy..
Okay like really crappy. but I need it since its knida a trigger :3

LOL so please enjoy... or atleast try to ;A;

hopefully you'll like it more than I do D: - sorachannn




I spent most of the night up being pissed off at Zelo and at Daehyun but mostly, at myself. Like I'm such a hot head! Why'd I get so mad over absolutely nothing? 
Well, so now I have to go to school and I have super big dark circles, no big deal right? Yea, yea, I know. I deserve this for being a total douche yesterday. Go ahead, laugh at my misery. 
I need to apologize, for shouting at Daehyun. A billion things were racing through my head after I saw him and Zelo together, and I felt like I was hit by a truck filled with unwanted emotions. I really didn't mean to raise my voice.  I really didn't mean to hurt him. I really didn't. Please believe me.
A puff of smoke leaves my mouth as I sigh into the cold morning air. I take out my phone for the billionth time to check my face on the reflection of the screen. It's like I think my dark circles will just magically disappear or something. Almost like how I constantly check the fridge for more food to just appear when I'm hungry.
So far, no luck. I still look like the walking dead.
Then there's a tap on my right shoulder; it's Zelo.
"Morning Jongup, so how'd it go with Daehyun-hyung?"
"Morning, and what do you mean?"
"I mean did you guys kiss and stuff?"
"Huh? Of course not!" I reply, shocked. 
"So he didn't confess his feelings?"
"No, why would you think that?"
"Because he was rushing towards you so urgently, like he wanted to tell you something."
Pshh, more like he was rushing towards you! I think, as I remember the change in Daehyun's face the moment he saw Zelo standing with me.
"Nope" is all I manage to say.
"So you confessed your feelings?"
"What? Zelo no. There was no kissing, no confessing, no nothing. We left right after you left so nothing happened" I explain.
Zelo looked at his feet. He looked embarrassed, but also a little bit upset. Why? Was he sad that his accusation was incorrect?
"No confessing? But you still like him right? I mean you're always staring at him during dance class."
He noticed that? Shoot! I have to do something. Think Jongup THINK!
"Ummm, well how do you say this. I actually like somebody else" I lie.
"Wow really? And I even left you guys alone and I winked at you and everything. Man I feel like an idiot!" he continues to say.
"Yea, I don't know why you you left so early. Daehyun actually really li -
"I KNOW!" Zelo cuts me off, pointing his right index finger into the sky like he just discovered the cure for cancer or something.
"Maybe hyung likes you!"
Are you crazy? You have no idea Zelo. Ugh man, how do I settle this? Lie again? 
"Daehyun-hyung actually likes somebody else too. You've got it all wrong dude" I tell him and it hurts, because this time it's the truth.
Lunch time came around and I notice Zelo outside my classroom door. I walk towards him and he looks up,  his eyes automatically brighten and he smiles.
"Jongup! I'm sorry about this morning. I must've made things awkward for you."
I accept his apology and it makes me remember that I still have to apologize to Daehyun.
"Well, Daehyun is really handsome. Whoever he likes is really lucky" Zelo blurts out.
Hmmm, it's worth a try!
"So you like him Zelo?"
"No! I also like somebody else." Zelo answers, laughing.
Well I tried... sorry Daehyun!
I start laughing too. Not for the same reason as Zelo though. I felt kind of, sort of, really relieved. Relieved? Relieved that Zelo doesn't like Daehyun? Even when Daehyun likes Zelo so much? WOW, what a great friend I am.
We arrive at the cafeteria and I spot Daehyun and the others at our usual table.
"There they are" I tell Zelo as I point to the guys.
"You, you eat lunch with him?" Zelo asks, maybe a little too loud cause the drama kids start to give us looks.
"With who?"
"My crush!"
"Who is it?"
"Him" Zelo says, and points to the table.
I was confused for a moment because I though he was pointing at Daehyun.
Then, I slowly follow the invisible line from his finger to -
Bang Yongguk?
"You like Bang?"
Zelo looks down to his feet and lets out a shy "Yea".
"I know the age difference is almost 4 years but I still like him. I spoke to him on the first day of school since I was lost. He walked me to my class and even drew me a map of the school!" Zelo adds, his eyes sparkling and his cheeks glowing like an innocent child, hopelessly in love.
I suddenly feel a knot form in my stomach; an uneasy feeling. Ha, love triangle much? I think. Thank goodness I'm not part of it.
I grab Zelo's arm and I pull him over to the table, introducing him to everyone. Zelo slides to sit between Bang and Daehyun. I take my seat between Youngjae and Himchan,  observing Daehyun carefully.
"Don't make it too obvious" whispers Himchan, startling me.
He smirks at me and I start to feel my blood rush to my face. I quickly glance at Daehyun to see if he noticed, but he was too busy looking at Zelo; talking to Zelo. To think I was actually going to apologize to him! ​​* AN: tsk tsk, so angsty Jongiee baby <3 HAHAHA *
And it's this moment, that makes me feel the awakening of something. Something monstrous inside of me. Something cruel and mean, and I hated it. It wasn't right. I needed to stop it, and get away... so I did. 
It's been three weeks since I've eaten with Daehyun and them. I don't really remember how it all stopped. I just told Zelo the lamest excuses since he waited for me after second period.
- Zelo, my stomach hurts, I'm going to the nurse.
- Zelo, I'm on a diet.
- Zelo, I have to poo.
- Zelo, the teacher needs extra help.
- Zelo, my dog is sick and I need to go home.
Then it all came to a stop. Zelo stopped coming to pick me up, and my contact with Daehyun, or any of the guys, ended. I was alone, once again.
I lie on my bed, wide awake, but too lazy to get up. 
It's Saturday afternoon. I can see the sun shine through my windows and can hear the kids down the street, laughing and screaming. 
Mom and Dad were out of town for a business trip so that meant the whole house for myself ALL weekend. Which wasn't really exciting since I never did anything over the weekend anyways. I've always lived a quiet life. I don't want to stand out, in fact I sorta want to blend in; disappear.
~We got the Power~
My phone rings under my pillow, snapping me out of my daydream. 
"UGH, who the hell is texting me? NO ONE EVER TEXTS ME!" I shout, angry that someone has disturbed my peaceful afternoon.
I grab my phone and read the text over and over again, trying to convince myself that this wasn't happening. There was no way he was texting me.
The text consists of four words. Four powerful, life changing words.
Text message: Dec. 24 2012 1:47 PM
From: Jung Daehyun
We need to talk.
Ugh so here it is, chapter 5.
​anyways, how does the future look for Jongie and Dae?? you'll find out in chapter 6!!!
sorry if I made Jongup a little angsty keke like he's always jumping to conclusions!! ><"
why so hasty, broski??
Lol sorry I'll stop ;A;
. please subscribe and comment, even though I'm not super happy with this chapter WAHHHHHHH :c 
​- sorachannn
p.s: hopefully I don't have any grammatical errors ... it's late =.= LOL
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Hyrichi #1
Chapter 5: Cliffhanger much, dont leave us hanging like that authornim please continue this story plase please please
Chapter 5: So far, its pretty good! Good job author ^^ but I hope you'll update sooner. You already promise
Chapter 5: Whoa! Please update soon!! I gotta know what daehyun had to say! Daehyun you idiot! Can't you see that Jongup likes you!?
Anyway I love your story! ^^
Chapter 5: I love it ^^
Update soon, please.
I'm so excited...DAEJONG is my favorite couple >_<
Wow, 4 INDEED-POWERFUL words!!!>___<
No smiley faces or emoticons, kinda signifies that something is wrong!!!!!!-___- omigosh!!!
Great chapter and I can't wait, such a cliffhanger!!!T^T
AAA! U killed me T^T How could u leave it here? I'm dying T^T Stupid Uppie, Stupid Daehyun!!!! Please update soon *in soul's voice*
auuuww.. Hyunniee.. Jonguppie, fighting!! aahh.. I love this story so much~~~