
Words Beyond Words


Only if you knew how far your words have carried.

Or how how deep these cuts really go.

You tried to say it was unbelievable that I am a fairy

I find it unbelievable that you are now a troll.

Why can't you just realize

That you're the reason I tried to end it all

Just look to see, deep in my eyes

That this was both of our faults




Explanation: This was written sometime around March or so and the reason for it was an old friend and I were at war and I mean WAR, threats, hair pulling, ect. She had what seemed like everyone on her side and I felt even smaller than usual. I got to what I call "the snapping point"  or in other words, I was getting ready for suicide. Where it says "fairy" I'm talking about my uality and where it says "troll" I was talking about how she was acting at the time.




Author's Note: I love how nobody is reading this story haha Or if they are, they are silent readers. I don't know anyways, I am no longer wanting to commit suicide, and that old friend and I are okay now. Oh yeah one more thing before I go... Please remember to comment~!

Peace And Love, BlytheForever12


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Chapter 32: i love reading your poems, even if they show your struggles they prove you dealt with them....
i feel like getting into poetry now ^^
Chapter 2: as long as you and your friend are okay ^^ your poetry really nice to read... sadly i can realate to a lot of it... T^T
nalgaewings #3
Chapter 32: I read everything :] I'm caught up haha. I love your poems cause they say something. Stay strong!
nalgaewings #4
Chapter 27: For this poem... I just wanted to let you know that taking your life is not going to solve any problems or make any one person more happy. If you think that leaving is going to make one person happy, what about all the other people that actually care for you? You'd hurt them as well... Dying is never the way to solve anything. I hope you feel loved <3 The people that are reading your works are giving it to you. I hope you feel it and get well soon <3
i love poetry and your poetry is daebak...
please be well soon...
nalgaewings #6
Chapter 20: I like that school poem! XD Way to stand up to your teacher. Boss xD
Marianations #7
Guys, the author of this story has tried to commit suicide. PLease, don't unsubscribe or say harsh things to her. Thank you.
Chapter 11: Awwww~ You're very good at poems~! I love this already!
Chapter 32: Hey, I'm a big poetry person, and I've been reading through many of your poems! The themes are great, the writing is amazing, and I'm super happy you've decided to write this sort of story on AFF. Sure, AFF is a site for fanfiction, but in my personal opinion, it's a site for all kinds of writing, for budding writers, and for non-judgemental friendship. Keep up the good work, the poems are great.