The mission

Grace Heart

The cold chilly breeze of the night hit our skin as we were riding, the full moon's moonlight enveloping our surroundings. The sound of our horses galloping was like our hearts pumping. I looked at my watch its been three hours since we left Solidia's fortified castle walls. We had no idea where we were heading to only following our instincts in hope that it would lead us to safety but that wasn't the only thing going on through my mind and I'm sure it was the same for Tao. My brothers last words kept on replaying over and over.

Man with a knife....killed our parents...hide, run away from Solidia....Bring the 12 amulets...stop whatever killed our parents....

I glanced at sling bag which contained the amulets and then focused back on my riding.I remember my mothers words when I was a child. She told me the importance of the amulets but never told me what they where for. Soon enough the horses pace started to slow down, I gave a curt look at Tao and it seems he's noticed the change in pace as well.

The forest was dark and it would be hard to find a place to camp for the night. Not long after we found a small cave which we decided to reside in. Tao tied the horses to a large boulder inside the cave while I found fry would to set up a fire. A grabbed a match box and two pieces of bread from one of the provision bags Tao brought. I lit up the fire and waited for my companion. I tossed him the spare piece of bread and he sat down by my side near the warmth of the blazing fire.

I leaned my head on his broud shoulder and closed my eyes while he wrapped his arm around my petite shoulders giving me a secure embrace. I was thankful to Tao during times like this... even though he doesn't speak he knows how to make me feel safe. '' Thank you Tao, I'm so blessed to have a friend like you. If you weren't here with me right now I wouldn't know what to do'' I said almost in a whisper. He looked at me gave me a small nod and squeezed my shoulder gently.

'' I know its hard for you right now Celestia but you only gave me a brief explanation on what happened during the castle'' He starred at me, eyes demanding for an answer. I sighed, carefully analyzing the words I was about to say in my head. 

'' It's a long story but I guess I have to start from the very beginning..... Thousands of years ago, before Castella was even created, lived thirteen powerful forces and together they made the tree of life. That tree kept everything around it alive, every single living being needed the tree in order to survive. The thirteenth spirit realized this and thought with the tree he could control everything. He created an evil force which threatened the tree and it became wilted and dry. The other twelve forces, in the last attempt to save the tree split the tree in half and hid the trees split heart. To protect the two hearts the twelve forces split into two to guard each heart. After a long battle with the thirteenth force he was sealed inside the tree trapped in there for all eternity''. I looked at him, his face not able to believe all the information that I just told him.

'' If that's true then what does the royal family have to do with all of this''. He crossed his arms, his hand resting on his change trying to make a connection between the two.

'' Just wait I haven't finished telling the story...The seal of the thirteenth force took its toll on the other forces as making the seal used a lot of their powers. The twelve forces that they needed someone to look after the tree while they were recovering. They chose a humble young man and gave him twelve amulets which represent the twelve forces. The twelve forces gave that man a mission, that mission was to guard the tree, guide the first people of Castella and pass down the amulets to the next generation and thus the royal family was born.'' I said.

'' But why would someone want the royal family dead unless...'' His eyes widened he looked at me and we both made eye contact, the clogs in my brain began to turn and I soon began to realize what he haw trying to imply. '' Someone wants to free the thirteenth force from the tree and the only way to do that is to kill the Royal Family. Tao we have to stop that from happening or else the balance of magic in this world would become to unstable to control!'' I grabbed the amulets from my bag and scattered them on the cold stone cave floor. I watched as Tao began looking through the pile of amulets. He reached for one of the amulets, his eyebrows furrowed almost as if the amulet was pulling him towards it. As soon as the amulet was in the palm of hands it started to glow. His eyes closed, he squeezed my hand as his head started to ache immensely. Worried for my friend I asked if he was alright.

He gave me a small nod and started to loosen his grip over my my hand. '' What happened to you, why did your head start to hurt all of a sudden?'' I asked. '' I...I..had a vision... I was in a place, I think it was Hydrenia... and then suddenly a voice started to talk to me... it said to find the other Gracelings before the next lunar eclipse.'' he said his voice shaking because his head was still in pain.

I looked at his amulet and then at him, the amulet he was holding had an hour glass engraved on its stone grey crystal face. It all made sence now, every amulet has a symbol which represents the Guardians Grace. Tao who had the Grace of Time, it would only be befitting if he had the hourglass amulet.

''But Tao, the next Lunar eclipse is a year from now, how the hell or we going to find eleven more gracelings before the next Lunar Eclipse when we dont even know where to start!'' I said frantically. I looked at Tao his face covered in annoyance his body was tense and soon relaxed, he looked at me in the eye.

'' The only lead we had was the place from the vision, our destination is Hydrenia'' He then took a map and plotted our course.'' We're here in the Solaria Forest, Hydrenia's located near the Crystal lake, it would take us another three hours on horse back if we go straight there but it would take us atleast another thirty minutes if we stop by one of the small villages during our route.'' He said before drawing an imaginery line across the map.

I looked at my watch it was now three am in the morning, we would start riding at dawn which would be two hours from now. '' Tao its late and our journey begins at dawn'' I looked at the horses lying down '' The horses are asleep but their rider isn't if we don't ger rest now our journey would only get delayed even more'' . He nodded, our backs were against the boulder, our heads leaning on one another. Before I went to sleep I casted a small spell on the fire to stop it from going out yet still keeping the flame in control. We didn't want to freeze during the night not now, not when our journey has just begun.

I could feel Tao's warm steedy breathing hitting my hair, my hands brushed alongside his cold hands. I clasped his hand along side mine fingers interlocking with each other to keep them warm. With so many thoughts in my mind I decided to put them to a stop, just for now, I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep......

Annyeonghaseyo EXOticinspirit1 here this had been the first chapter of Grace heart, If you have any critisizms towards this chapter thats fine by me as long as its not to harsh. Compliments are also loved, please please please comment on what you think of the chapter and subscribe. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Grace heart and the many more chapters to come ^.^


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Chapter 2: I LOVE THIS
Your story is really interesting ^_^ Update soon! :D
Tao~! Fantasy~!
Great prologue! ^u^
this is how foreword should be, not just a little rant.
Haha, you made me wonder, who is the killer? N now i'm curious! Hahahahaha *crazy laughter
sounds interesting! please update soon~ ^_^