End of a heartache Part2: Arms of Sorrow

Lock and Key: TaeNy short stories


Arms of Sorrow






*Riinnggg~! Riiinngggg~!* My Iphone was ringing; I was surprised when it’s Yuri who’s calling me.


“Yoboseyo? What’s up Yul how’s the barbecue?”


“Soo! I just saw Tae driving by…” I could hear the worried tone in Yuri’s voice.


From the background I could hear Yoona yelling…


“Babe! You go on ahead! I have a feeling Taeyeon-unnie is going to do something stupid!” I instantly felt that this is something serious.


“Soo, I really have a bad feeling about this, I could feel it in my gut.” Yuri’s voice started to crack.


“Yul, calm down arraso? Jessica and I will meet you and the others at the old house.” I tried to be calm; honestly I was more worried than Yuri.


“Thanks Soo, I’ll see you there… I’ll hang up now, bye.”





“TAEYEON!!!!!! NO!!!!! DON’T DO IT!!!!! TAEEEEE!!!! NOOOO!!!!!!”  I heard Yuri scream from the top of her lungs from inside the old house! She arrived ahead of all of us.





“Soo! Open the door quick… she’s still alive and barely breathing! Hurry!”


After hearing the gunshot the next thing I saw was Yuri carrying Taeyeon in her arms as she ran out of the house. She rushed to Taeyeon’s truck. I rushed to the trucks passenger door and opened it. Yuri got in the truck after she secured Taeyeon and frantically drove to the hospital. I watched Hyo fall down to her knees crying hard as Sunny comforted her. Yoona stood in shock with her hands on her tummy Sica stood beside her as she patted Yoona's back. This is bad Yoona’s already in her second trimester; I just hope she won’t be too stressed it’s bad for her and the baby.


We were too late even Yuri couldn’t stop her in time from pulling the trigger. Honestly I’m a little disappointed with Taeyeon. I thought she was strong enough…


“Why Taeyeon? I thought that you finally got over her but in the end I guess the pain was too much for you to bear.”


“Sica, I don’t really like to… but I think you should call her…” I balled my hands into a fist and gritted my teeth. I didn’t really think Tiffany should know but somehow I thought if someone can bring Taeyeon back to life it would be her.






Imprisoned inside this mind
Hiding behind the empty smiles
So simple (the anguish)
As it haunts me
Crawling back into the dark



“Yobo—” I was interrupted by Jessi, I couldn’t believe what she told me…


“Tiffany! Tae— she tried to kill herself! She shot herself in the head!”  I heard what Jessica said and I felt my chest tightening as tears started to stream down my face.


“NO!! Y-you’re kidding ri-right? Jess..?” I managed to ask Jessica again, I was hoping she’s just joking. Is this the price I have to pay for my infidelity?


“Tiff, *sob~* I’m serious… Yuri tried to stop her *sob~* but she didn’t get to her *sob~* in time before she could pull the trigger…” Jessica’s voice cracked I could hear her softly sobbing.


“I-I’ll try and catch a flight tonight! Just tell me which hospital she’s in… please Jess?”


“She’s at Seoul Medical Center…”


“Thanks Jess.”



Running, always running, into the distance
Stop me before I bleed, again
The echoes of my voice
Follow me down
The shadows I cast
Follow me down



As soon as the call ended I took a backpack and filled it with some clothes and a few other things I might need. I don’t exactly know what I put in there and after I was done packing I frantically tried to book a flight to back to South Korea. I don’t care if I had to pay for first class tickets, no matter the cost I need to be in Seoul as soon as possible. I was only thinking of Taeyeon. I know too well I caused her a lot of pain but I never imagined she would try to take her own life.


“Go to her… I’ll never forgive you if you don’t fix things with her.” My dad didn’t even look at me.


“Come on Tiff we’ll take you to the airport.” My brother Leo and my sister Michelle offered to take me to the airport.


I told my dad what happened to Taeyeon… he couldn’t help but shed tears for her. He was very close to her back then. Dad really liked her and was convinced that she would be the perfect daughter in law. He nearly killed Wooyoung when he found out about my affair with him. In his anger he literally dragged me all the way here to San Francisco. Until this very day he still hasn’t forgiven me for what I’ve done.




Deeper I'm falling
Into the arms of sorrow



Leo, Michelle and I are now in the car, the ride was mostly silent even the stereo was turned off. I just stared at the window. I kept thinking of all the times I betrayed Taeyeon, I don’t know what happened I couldn’t explain it. I loved her and yet I cheated on her with Wooyoung.


“Hey Tiff, do you know that our new photographer Wooyoung has a crush on you?” One of my co-workers told me.


“Come on! You know I’m not interested in guys, and besides you know I have a girlfriend.”



Blindly descending
Into the arms of sorrow



For months that followed my co workers didn’t relent on teasing me and Wooyoung. I don’t know if it was their fault or mine but one day… we were having a company night out. I didn’t invite Taeyeon because she always felt awkward being around my co-workers. We were out drinking and singing at a karaoke bar.  I guess Wooyoung and I were too intoxicated… I remembered I was already inside his car he offered to give me a ride back home… but I was surprised when he kissed me… I knew it was wrong but… I was starting to enjoy it.


“S-stop… uuhhhh… W-Wooyoung we shouldn’t”


“Come on Tiff… I know you want it too…” Wooyoung smirked confidently


I was surprised as a moan escaped me, I was really enjoying this. I could feel myself going crazy as Wooyoung d and kneaded my cloth covered mounds. That night I got home and pretended that nothing happened. I didn’t tell Taeyeon that Wooyoung and I did it in his car.



There must be serenity

The echoes of my voice
Follow me down
The shadows I cast
Follow me down


“Tiff *poke poke* we’re here… Yah! *poke poke* Stop spacing out will you?” Leo poked my cheeks


“Hey! I-I men uhm… sorry Leo… I’ll go now arraso?” I got out of the car and picked up my backpack.


“Tiff… I know you still love her, win her back even if it takes a long time… I know you can bring her back.”  I was surprised and just nodded; she gave a hug before sending me off.


“Go now you mushroom… like dad I won’t forgive you if you don’t win her back!” I was surprised when Leo said that. He wasn’t particularly close to Taeyeon but he did miss her. They were after all best buddies when it comes to playing call of duty.


Nobody said it’s going to be easy but I feel that I must do whatever it takes; I also know that Yoona, Sunny, Yuri and specially Hyo won’t take my apology easily. I don’t even know if I can face them.


*Da~Da~Da~* The PA of the airport sounded off then I heard the announcement…


“Flight KA1439 bound for Incheon International Airport is now boarding, passengers please proceed to Gate 6. Thank you.”


After hearing that the flight’s now boarding I quickened my pace towards the counter and boarded the plane. As I boarded the plane and I quickly took out my phone and sent Jessica an SMS.


To: Best Ice Princess Jess


Jess, I’m now on the plane, Korean Air flight KA1439. The plane’s gonna be landing at Incheon International Airport tomorrow morning.


After 30 minutes our plane finally started to taxi on the runway and took off for South Korea. As the plane flew higher and higher, I stared at the dark cloudy sky, I couldn’t help but think of all the times I cheated on TaeTae. I could never take back everything I’ve done but if I could, I would turnback the hands of time and stop myself from breaking TaeTae’s heart.


“Hyo, Yul, Soo, Yoong, Sunny, Seo… I don’t know if you guys would forgive me for what I’ve done to TaeTae… I just hope you could find it in your heart to forgive me. I didn’t know how lucky I was to have her… If only I wasn’t weak… if only I stayed faithful to her… This wouldn’t happen to her. My weakness nearly killed her.”


Deeper I'm falling
Into the arms of sorrow


The plane finally landed, I only managed to sleep for a couple of hours. I couldn’t stop thinking about TaeTae and how I’m gonna face Hyo and our friends. More than anyone I was afraid of facing Hyo; I know she wouldn’t forgive me. I lifelessly got out of the plane and exited the arrival area of the airport.


“Yah! Tiff! Over here!” I heard Jessi’s voice as always her voice is sharp and loud. Beside her I saw Sooyoung. I could see that she isn’t particularly happy to see me.


“Hi Jess… Soo I— *paakkkk~* ” I was surprised and didn’t see that one coming. My left cheek felt like it is burning from the sudden pain.


“Soo! Why? You promised you wouldn’t hurt her…” Sica could barely speak as she looked at the pained expression on Soo’s face.


I held my cheek and I looked at Soo, tears were visibly falling down from her eyes. I know I deserved that one. Soo always looked out for me in the same way she looked out for TaeTae.


“Mianhe~ *sob~* Tiff… but I just needed to do that *sob~* I’m not good with words especially when I’m angry but Tiff I hope you felt *sob~* what I’ve been keeping inside since day you cheated on Tae.” Soo kept on crying and Jess went to her and comforted her and tried to calm her down.


“Soo… I understand… I deserved every ounce of that and I’m prepared for everything that will happen today. I’m really sorry for all the pain I caused everyone especially TaeTae.”



Blindly descending
Into the arms of sorrow



After a couple of hours we arrived at Seoul Medical Center, Jessica was concerned and thought I shouldn’t go to the hospital immediately.


“Tiff, are you sure? HyoNy, YoonYul and Seo are there right now.”


“Jess, I have to go there now… It’s time I do that otherwise for what reason did I fly back here immediately.” I smiled weakly for Jessica I hope she would believe me that I’m prepared for the worst.


“Don’t worry Jess, I’m sure she can handle everything, and besides I know Taeyeon will need her.” Soo held Jessi’s hand and smiled for her. She looked at me nodded her head gesturing me to go to Taeyeon’s room.



The demon of my own design
This horror must not remain



I opened the door slowly, as the door creaked open I slowly revealed myself, I took a deep breath and braced for everything that will happen next. This is my entire fault. My sins have comeback to haunt me and now I must pay the price.


“What are you doing here?! How dare you show your face!” Hyo quickly lashed out and dashed towards me. She grabbed my collar and pushed me against the wall.


“Are you happy now? Look at her! Look at what you’ve done to her!” tears were falling down her face. I couldn’t help but start to cry… 


Yuri had an angry and pained look on her face; luckily Yoona held on to her. Seo was surprised and was stunned to see what’s happening in front of her. I looked at TaeTae lifelessly lying on her bed with all the medical equipment hooked up to her. I couldn’t describe the pain in my heart; seeing her like this kills me a thousand no… ten thousand times. I watched Sunny slowly standing up; she ran to Hyoyeon’s side and tried to calm her down. Hyo eased up and let’s go of my collar.


“Hyo, I-I’m sorry I know that an apology… not even a lifetime of apologies can make up for my mistakes but… please forgive me… I’m sorry for hurting your sister.” I apologized to Hyo hoping she would hear me out.


“Tiffany-unnie stop apologizing, we’re all sick and tired of your apologies we’ve heard all of that before.” Yoona coldly spoke, she wanted to stand up and Yuri helped her up from her seat. They both walked out of the room. I was a little surprised to see that Yoona’s actually pregnant. Yuri didn’t even bother to say a word let alone look at me. There was an awkward silence that filled the room the moment Yoona and Yuri left.


“Tiffany-unnie… you’ve caused Taeyeon-unnie so much pain… I don’t know if we should even let you be here… but we think Taeyeon might need you… don’t ask for our forgiveness just yet… because right now… we just can’t…” Seohyun broke the silence,


It was uncharacteristic for her to speak out, but her words gave voice to what all of them have collectively felt… I looked down and cried helplessly. I realized how nonchalantly I apologized toTaeTae whenever I disappointed her.


“All I ever did was apologize and yet I never made up for it.”



Deeper I'm falling
Into the arms of sorrow



“Tiffany… don’t ask for our forgiveness… you need to ask for hers…” Sunny pointed towards TaeTae.


Hyo finally settled down and sat between Sunny and Seohyun. They sat silently and watched me take a seat at the chair next to Taeyeon’s bed. As I sat down I lowered my head; I can’t seem to find the strength to look at her. As I sulked and looked down at the floor, I remembered the promise I made to TaeTae, the day she asked me to be her girlfriend.


It was night time and TaeTae took me Seoul N tower, I was gazing at the pretty lights from the different buildings around Seoul. Suddenly I felt TaeTae grab my waist, she turned me around and greeted me with her dorky smile.


“Pani Pani Tippani~! I love you, from the moment I first laid my eyes on you, I knew I had to make you mine. Please be mine? Tiffany, Hwang Miyoung would you take me your one and only lovable cute, sweet, irresistible, y, pretty, smart and talented dork as your girlfriend?” Taeyeon got down on her knee and presented a single white rose.


“TaeTae~” I pouted and puffed my cheeks.


“Can’t you ask me to be your girlfriend without being a dork?” I raised one of eyebrows at her. She was stunned and was confused, she got up and started to pout.


I grabbed the rose from her hand and pulled her closer to me. I wrapped my arms around her neck and leaned in. I kissed her lovingly, and as I broke the kiss she looked at me still confused and was obviously waiting for me to say something.


“TaeTae~ I don’t know why I fell for a dork like you… may be it’s because you make me smile, you cheer me up, and you’re always there when I was down.”


“I trust you with all of my heart and all that I am, you’re my best friend and now you’re my one and only girlfriend.


“TaeTae, I can’t imagine being with someone else, you’re perfect for me, I can’t imagine holding someone else’s hand because yours is the only hand that perfectly fits mine. Saranghaeyo Kim Taeyeon!”



Blindly descending
Into the arms of sorrow

There must be serenity

There must be deliverance

Deeper I'm falling

Blindly descending



I am useless and I can’t even hold on to the words I swore to you. I broke my promises and ultimately your heart.


“TaeTae will you forgive me?Will you even take me back? Will you love me again?”

I mustered the courage to look at her face and then I was surprised because at that very moment.


“TaeTae!” I watched Taeyeon slowly open her eyes. Hyoyeon, Sunny and Seohyun stood up from the couch.


“Seo! call the doctor! Sunny can you call the others for me tell them, Taeyeon is awake!” I heard Hyo commanding Seo and Sunny; they just nodded and ran out of the room.


Minutes later, Sunny, YoonYul and SooSica came inside the room. Seconds after Seo arrives with Dr. Kang. I watched Dr. Kang check TaeTae, after a few minutes he turned to face us. We were all surprised with what he said…


“I fear for the worst, Ms. Kim is conscious but only to an extent. It seems that she isn’t responding well. We would have to conduct an MRI and some other tests to fully determine the extent of the damage to her brain caused by the bullet.”


We feared for the worst; Hyo was shocked and slumped down the couch as her tears started to fall. Sunny hugged and comforted her, Yoona sat down on the couch and tried her best to calm down; Yuri held her hand and rubbed her back with her other hand.


I can’t seem to find my voice. Slowly tears started to stream down my face, Jess stood next to me and held my hand. Soo stood beside her and did the best she could to stop herself from crying.


“I’ve seen cases like this before; I wouldn’t assure you of anything but in most cases it would take time before the patient would fully recover and gain all of their mental and bodily functions.”


“How long? How long will it take? Please Dr. Kang tell us?” I managed to ask, everyone including Yuri looked at me.


“Months… may be even years… it all depends on her… she’s going to need all of you to fully recover... it will take time but don’t give up on her.”



“I won’t give up on her! I’m gonna do whatever it takes to bring her back! Whatever it takes… and this time I’m not gonna break the promise I made.”

*Second part of the four part story, sorry if it took awhile, it’s been hard writing this one. I was so stuck that I couldn’t write an update for my other fics. Please read, comment and subscribe ^_^ *



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weekly updates will resume on october 14. I'm still reviewing for my CSE exam which will be on the 13th


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JJIY2270 #1
Chapter 42: don't forget to update soon

Chapter 39: Omo....I hope Yuri will be fine >.< WAH....Update soon!!! :D
troublemaker92 #3
Chapter 39: Your welcome author shi~
Hope yuri will be okay..update soon author ahi
troublemaker92 #4
Chapter 38: gahhhhhh~!~!~!~~!~! TaeNy~~~~Hot~!!!!! haha update soon author shi
angryjai #5
please update soon author-ssi i love your story!!!!!
sweetstrawberry06 #6
Chapter 37: OMO yes Hayeon she is *winks*
Kyaaaaa I love that question!! hehehe
TaeNy fluff i s jjang
troublemaker92 #7
Chapter 37: sooo cute~ "Is she your Wife?" gah so innocent little girl ...haha update soon author shi
Chapter 36: yeay taeny!! ^^
Chapter 33: LOL Byuntae! *shakes head* Thanks for the update!