Puzzle Piece


Each and every person is existent on the earth because he or she has a place to fill. There is no extra piece. Even the piece that gets placed in the wrong box has its own rightful spot amongst the others. He or she might be the piece that get's lost underneath the rug until it's swept out. He or she might be the puzzle jammed into another piece - mistaken for another - but ultimately never fitting until the player sees the big picture. The goal of life is like any other puzzle: each piece must find itself properly fit into the larger puzzle that is the universe.

When a wealthy gentleman's picture-perfect life comes to a screeching halt, the image shatters and all he's left with are pieces. Pieces he only wants to remember, but never assemble. He's given up. Stuck in a point between time - a limbo between what was and what is - Seung-hyun lives every day without meaning. Will Seung-hyun forever remain in this time between past and present - unmoving, unchanging, or will he put the puzzle pieces together and move on to another picture of his future?


“A fight out of hand, Mr. Jang?” he asked, with a raised eyebrow. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you its not nice to hit girls?” He was finding it hard to believe he didn’t do anything; his story, or lack thereof, was a quick made attempt at hiding the bruises he laid on her. He looked like a drinker.

“Did you have anything to drink that night, Mr. Jang?” Under the table, he shortly kicked the opposing chair leg. “Take a seat.”

The man complied. His tall stature showed no signs quivering or shaking— anything that showed he was lying. None. At least, none that he could pinpoint. “No. Not that night. I would’ve never—I was planning on—” The man choked back words.

Once he watched Jang take his seat once more, the officer relaxed, throwing down his pencil. He arched his back away from the low table that stretched in front and he interlaced his arms between the wooden spindles of his chair. Letting out a chagrin sigh, he tilted his head back, staring at the dim fluorescent lights. “I’m tired of playing these games with you... We’ve been at this for hours. What did you plan on doing?” He cautiously asked, gritting his teeth. “What did you do?!” He asked, his volume escalated.


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keyolie #1
Good luck guys! <33