
My bestfriend's older brother is my husband

Chapter 8

Author's POV

"Thank you Changmin-ssi for the ride.'' Jinri thanked him as he stopped in front of COEX mall.

Changmin smiled, before Jinri could even get off he grabbed Jinri's wrist but not too night. Jinri looked back and waited for what Changmin was about to say "I hope we see each other again.'' he said

Jinri nodded and smiled "Of course! Why not, who knows you might be my friend's namjachingu later on the days.'' Jinri teased causing Changmin to frown.

"B-But I d-don't-'' but before Changmin could even continue Jinri cutted him off.

"YAH! What's not to like about my friend, she's pretty, nice, talented, what more can you ask for? A perfmect girl right there. Anyways, I really need to go. It was a quick date, but it was fun. Bye Changmin-ssi~" with that said Jinri got off and she hurried to meet up with Kris.

Kris on the other hand was already parked in front of COEX for about 30 minutes and was furious at how Jinri isn't there yet, he kept looking at his watch a couple of times and his phone. He was about to call her when he heard a knock on the window, he looked and saw Jinri smiling apologetically.

He unlocked the door and Jinri went in, she had her head down and kept saying "Sorry''

Kris sighed "It's okay. Let's go, they might be waiting for us.'' was all what Kris said.

Jinri clinged onto Kris's shoulder and pouted at him "You're mad right? Okay, I'll tell you the truth.''

Kris tilted his head and had his sharp eyebrows raised "Truth?" 

"I was on a date.'' Jinri blurted

Kris's eyes widened and was surprised with his wife's truth "A date? Wu Jinri you are married for crying out loud, why go on a date?" Kris was ready to burst, but got stopped when Jinri pecked him on the lips.

"Don't get mad. I wasn't intending on finding a new love, I was just helping my friend. She begged me to come with her since she already planned the whole thing out. Plus the guy that I was on a date doesn't seem like he cares about my presence. Plus the other guy, we're just good friends. Alright?" Jinri explained

Kris sighed "Alright alright! I trust you. But please tell me you're plans next time.'' Jinri nodded and smiled at him.




The married couple arrived at the Wu's house, Kris went in first and followed by Jinri. 

"Jinri-ah~" Fei greeted her bestfriend in a tight embrace

"Doesn't even greet her older brother.'' Kris rolled his eyes and went straight to the kitchen to greet his parents.

Fei just chuckled at her brother's jealousness "Is he always like that?" she pointed

Jinri nodded "All the time.'' 

The two were giggling

"I heard that you didn't come home last night, where were you?" Fei asked Jinri

Jinri explained everything and Fei's eyes budged out "D-Does gege know?" 

Jinri bit her inner cheek and shook her head "Sadly no. I don't think I should tell him.''

Fei sighed "Alright, let's go. Mom and Dad are looking for you.''




Dinner started and everyone was enjoying their meal, Kris kept putting dishes on Jinri's plate. Jinri held onto Kris's hands meaning to stop, since there's many dishes plated on her plate and she don't think that she'll be able to finish it.

"I'm good.'' she said

Kris brought his hands back and continued eating.

"Look at this cute married couple.'' Mrs. Wu started

Jinri smiled at the elder and continued to eat.

"When are you guys giving us grandchildren?" Mrs. Wu asked causing Jinri to choke on her food.

Kris reacted fast by taking the glass of water and bringing it to Jinri, Jinri drank it until she felt a bit better.

Mrs. Wu bit her lip at her fast remarks "I'm sorry. I'm just excited to have a grandchild. So when are you giving us a grandchild?" she asked once again.

Kris looked at his wife's reaction and she was just shocked.

"Mom, I think we'll give you the grandchild as soon as we're both ready. It's a bit too early right now, Jinri is still going to school. I don't think we both have time for kids at the moment.'' Kris said

Jinri looked at Kris and she pouted. She just finished her food, and when she was done she excused herself.





Jinri's POV

I felt suffocated at that moment. I sorta felt a pang on my chest when Kris said that he wasn't ready to have kids, I think I'm ready but I don't think Kris is ready for a child yet.

"Are you okay?" I heard Fei's voice, I looked back and she had ice cream on her hands and gave one cone to me.

"Thanks, I really need something sweet right now.'' I thanked her and the ice cream off the cone.

"Getting back to the question. Are you okay, you seem a bit off during dinner.'' Fei started the conversation once again.

I sighed "I don't know.'' I shrugged

"Come on you should tell me.'' Fei said

"I'm just thinking, is Kris really not ready to have a child yet. I think I'm ready, but him it seems like he's not. By what he just said during dinner.'' I told her.

Fei laughed and I just looked at her weirdly, she noticed and stopped.

"Sorry. I got carried away. Gege is probably thinking about you too, since the way my Mom brought it up was too sudden and the look in your face says it all. You were also surprised and Kris probably thinks that you're not ready.''

I nodded "True. I shouldn't think too much, I just want everyone to be happy.'' 

"Well let's get going. Kris is looking for you.'' she said




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#MBOBISMH - I just got back from tdot couple of days ago and I took a rest, so I wasn't able to update. But, I'm currently writing it rn. So wait for it~


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Chapter 28: Ah seem like they will be a new couple and kid soon :)) New subscriber. Please update soon.
Chapter 28: I wanna see and jinri and kris junior soon~~~ OMG THIS STORY IS DAEBAK! Update soon!
Chapter 25: CHANGMIN! You know Jinri has a husband -___-
I hope Eunji and Changmin will be a couple <3

And... AT JEJU? ;)))
Chapter 24: OMG OMG is the next chapter finally the moment we've all been waiting?????!!!!!!
chosarang #5
Chapter 24: Oh oh next? ~

Chapter 22: AWWWW~~~ THEY MADE UP! :)
chosarang #8
Chapter 22: Finally make uuuuuuuup~
Chapter 22: it's good that finally they've made it up.