
My bestfriend's older brother is my husband

Chapter 16

Author's POV

"Hey! May I come in?" Jinri peeked her head inside Kris's office.

A smile was immediately shown on Kris's face and he nodded, he got up from his leather chair and walked towards Jinri enveloping her into a hug as he smell her vanilla scent.

"Hey gorgeous. What made you visit?" 

She took out the paperbag behind her and showed it to Kris "I came here to feed you because I've been hearing that Mr. Wu isn't eating lunch.''

Kris pouted "Those people. Tell me who they are?"

Jinri chuckled as she placed her finger on his lips "Just be quiet, who cares if they told me what are you gonna do fire them? Oh please. You just need to eat.'' she placed the bag on his table as she took out the tupperware showing different types of dishes.

Kris smiled "Did you cook this?"

Jinri shook her head "Ani. I didn't have time to go back home and cook, I just got out of class and I went to the nearest place and got you food.''

"It's obvious.''

"Stop teasing me. Here you can eat.''

Kris walked to the table and sat down "I thought you're going to feed me?"




"Why do you seem so sad?" Jaejoong asked Changmin who was sitting alone in the couch lost in his thoughts.

After a couple of minutes Changmin realized that Jaejoong was beside him "Uh. Can you repeat what you said. Mianhe.''

Jaejoong shook his head in disbelief "Oh goodness Min what happened to you? Are you sick?" he placed his bare hands on Changmin's forehead but he doesn't have a fever.

"I'm alright. Just tired.'' Changmin lied

"Alright whatever you say. Eunji is coming soon.'' he announced as he walked away to go with the other guys,

*What's the point of being here when she's not even going to come.* Changmin thought to himself as he stood up from the couch.

"Where are you going?" Junsu asked

"I'm leaving, I realized that I have some paperwork to do. Goodbye.'' he bid goodbye and walked out of the place, while walking out he bumped into someone. He looked up to see Eunji.

"Oppa! Where are you going?" she asked too enthusiastically 

"I'm leaving.''

There was a frown in Eunji's face "B-But I just came.'' her face fell.

Changmin held Eunji's shoulder "I'm sorry. The guys are waiting for you.''

He waved at Eunji a goodbye and walked out but before he could even step out of the place he was held back by Eunji's tight grip on his wrist, he turned around and his eyebrows were raised at Eunji's weird behavior.


"Can't you stay.'' Eunji said

Changmin sighed "I'm sorry Eunji-ah, I'm not really feeling well.'' he lied

Eunji's eyes bolted and she immediately touched Changmin's forehead "Is Oppa sick?''

Changmin chuckled "Nope. I'll just see you some other time. Goodbye.'' with that said Changmin walked out in a faster speed.




Jinri's POV

I'm meeting up with Fei today it's been quite a while since we last saw each other and I could actually give her a bear hug the moment I see her.

"Jinri~'' I heard a familiar voice, I turned around to see Fei with Tao.

My jaw dropped. Ok, are those two in a relationship or what?

I ran towards her and hugged her tight causing her to make a ooff sound "I miss you!" I said

Then I looked at Tao eye-ing him, then I whispered to Fei's ear "Are you going out with this gucci freak?"

Fei bit her lip and slowly nodded "Ne, gege doesn't know that Tao and I are in a relationship and I don't want you to even blurt anything to your husband because he might get shocked and come home immediately and scolding me. Arasso?"

I laughed "Oh geez don't tell me he swoon you over gucci.'''

Fei pouted "He did. He bought me this really nice gucci bag and he even showed me his skills in wushu. If ever a byuntae comes Tao would be there to do his wushu, isn't that romantic?" she squealed

I rolled my eyes "Oh God! Let's go eat, I'm hungry!"




"Tao, what did you see in Fei?" I asked him

I could see Tao's adam's apple move "S-S-She's very nice a-and caring and beautiful.''

"Is that all? Beautiful? Tell me what you know about Fei.''

"She's really smart and she's funny plus her cooking is daebak.'' Tao said

"Yah! Jinri-ah, you're starting to become like gege. Stop being so cold.'' she scolded me

I chuckled "I'm just seeing if this Tao gucci lover freak actually loves you for who you are.'' I told Fei

Fei pouted "Tao is get friends with gege, so hopefully you get along with him.''

I playfully hit her arm "Of course, I just want to see if he really loves you.'' I smiled cheekily


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I apologize for not updating sooner. I seriously forgot that this fanfic existed.... LOL

I'll try to update again tonight... 

Anyways, please support my on going stories~~~~ 




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#MBOBISMH - I just got back from tdot couple of days ago and I took a rest, so I wasn't able to update. But, I'm currently writing it rn. So wait for it~


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Chapter 28: Ah seem like they will be a new couple and kid soon :)) New subscriber. Please update soon.
Chapter 28: I wanna see and jinri and kris junior soon~~~ OMG THIS STORY IS DAEBAK! Update soon!
Chapter 25: CHANGMIN! You know Jinri has a husband -___-
I hope Eunji and Changmin will be a couple <3

And... AT JEJU? ;)))
Chapter 24: OMG OMG is the next chapter finally the moment we've all been waiting?????!!!!!!
chosarang #5
Chapter 24: Oh oh next? ~

Chapter 22: AWWWW~~~ THEY MADE UP! :)
chosarang #8
Chapter 22: Finally make uuuuuuuup~
Chapter 22: it's good that finally they've made it up.