
It's Your Problem... Not Ours!

I've been so busy but here's an update ^_^


ENJOY!!! ♥




It’s been six months since Jinki and I become official. When my parents knew about it, my mom was very happy but my dad…. Sigh. They know that I like Jinki ever since. I, myself didn’t know about my feelings but my parents knew. How come?! Well, they know me better than I know myself. They actually don’t have to ask me what I am feeling because they can tell it by just looking at me. I don’t know how they did that. Do they have powers? Are my parents immortal? OHMAHYGAAAAHWD!


“Hey. What were you thinking?” Jinki asked.

“What?” I asked in confusion.

“Aish! Nothing!” he said irritated.

“What’s wrong with you?” I really don’t know what’s happening. What am I missing?


“Why are you mad?” I asked but he didn’t respond.


We are here in my room sitting on my bed. We just finished studying for our entrance examination at Seoul University. We are going to graduate next month. He’s taking music major and I’m taking business administration.


“I told my mom yesterday that I’ve got a girlfriend” he said out of the blue. I was shocked.

“You just told your mom?!” I asked on disbelief.

“Yes. She wanted to meet you.” I’m super shocked now.

“We’re together for six months and you just told her?” what?

“Yes….. but I didn’t told her it was you.” He said in a low voice.

“WHAT?!” I don’t know what to feel right now. Really.

“That’s what I’m telling you but you never listened. You were drowning yourself on your own thoughts.”

“I’m sorry.” I pouted. He didn’t look at me.

“Hey, I said I’m sorry.” I turned his face towards me. I can’t read his eyes. It confuses me.

“Babe~” I cooed but really? He just stared at me.

“Yah. Are you still not going to---“ he didn’t let me finish. He suddenly kissed me. He put his hand on my lower back and put the other at the back of my neck then he pulled me towards him. He bit my lower lip for not responding.

“Ugh. Jinki” I said between his kisses. It hurts you know? I tried to push him but he didn’t budge. Instead, he continued what he’s doing until I responded. I felt him smile. He kept on nibbling my lips until we heard someone cleared his/. I was so surprised so I pushed him.


“Dinner is ready.”

“Yes, dad!” I said in a high pitch voice.

“Anyeonghasseyo Mr. Park” Jinki greeted. My dad just nodded.

My dad and I have a starring contest. I blinked then smiled awkwardly. Uh-oh

“Aren’t you two going down stairs?” Jinki and I look at each other

“Don’t tell me you want to continue what you were doing before I came.” My dad said in a serious tone. Jinki and I both stand up and quickly walk towards the door.


Dinner dinner dinner dinner


“Jinki-ssi” My dad called.

“Yes, sir?” he nervously asked. My dad cleared his throat. I looked at my mom with a question look.

“I’ll talk to you after dinner.” He said in a stern voice.

“Y-yes, sir.” He gulped.

“You look so nervous, Jinki-ssi. Just relax, sweetheart.” My mom said then patted his hand. He just smiled.





I helped my mom washing the dishes.

“Mom, what do you think they’re doing?” I asked nervously.

“I don’t know but I’m sure it’s not bad.” She smiled.

“But mom. I know dad doesn’t like Jinki.” I protested.

“How did you know that? Did he tell you?” she stopped rinsing the plate.

“No, mom but—“

“Oh he didn’t. How did you say that he doesn’t like him?”  she looked at me.

“Remember when I told you that Jinki’s my boyfriend already?” I told her. She hummed then nodded.

“He didn’t smile. He was just looking at me with no emotion, mom. What does that mean?” instead of answering me, she just laughed.

“Really, mom? What’s so funny?” I asked in annoyance.

“You are funny, dear.” She said between laughs.

“Thanks mom. You’re such a help.” I said mockingly. She continued laughing. I really have a crazy mom. I still love her tho.





“Mom, what took them so long?” we are watching The Heirs.

“Molla.” She responded with her eyes on TV.

“Mom~” I whined.

“What?” she asked annoyed. I didn’t respond.

“Look, dear. Stop being so worried. Your dad will not kill him.” She said patting my back.

“MOM! You’re not helping!” she just laughed.


The front door opened and we saw the boys laughing their heart out. I looked at my mom with my mouth open she smiled with I-told-you-so look. She stood up and walk to my dad with her heart warming smile.


“You made our daughter so worried, honey.” My mom told my dad while taking off his coat.

“We just talked.” My dad said looking at me.

“Right, Jinki?” He said looking at him.

“Ne. Your dad and I just talked.” I was just staring at them.

“So, we’ll leave you two alone. Okay?” My dad said. I looked at my mom and she just smiled.

What’s wrong with my mom? She always was smiling. Weirdo.

“Jinki, remember what I’ve told you.” My dad said pointing his finger on Jinki.

“Yes, dad.” He resonded. My mom and dad left us two with my wide eyes and mouth. Dad? He called my father ‘dad’?! did I heard it right?


“Hey, you okay?” Jinki poked me.

“What? How? You?” there’s so many things on my mind right now. I don’t know what to ask first.

He walked towards me. He held my face with both of his hands then he kissed my forehead.

“We just talked……. about things.” He said assuredly.

“What exactly did you guys talked about?” I asked

“Boys’ talk, babe.” He chuckled then kissed my forehead again. I hugged him tightly.

“Yah. Why so tight? Did you miss me that much, eh?” He teased. I just hummed in response.


To be honest, I was so scared when my dad said he wanted to talk to Jinki. I was so scared that, what if my dad asks him to break up with me. I’m scared that what if my dad punched his beautiful face for kissing me. There’s so many ‘what ifs’.


We waste our time together on the couch watching Adventure Time (a/n: of all shows? Why adventure time? LOL).. We are not actually watching. We are cuddling. It’s already 10 pm but we’re still here appreciating each other’s presence.


“Babe” he called. I look at him.

“I should get going.” He smiled that same smile that I love.

“No.” I pouted then hugged him tighter.

“You’ll see me tomorrow.” He chuckled and ruffled my hair.

“But babe~” I whined.

“We’ll go to school tomorrow then after that, we’ll go on a date and meet my parents.”

“What? Will they like me? Your mother, will she accept me?” I asked in one breath.

“Of course they will.” He smiled

“Your mom will not like it if she’ll know that I am your girlfriend.”

“Don’t think too much, babe.” He kissed my forehead.

“Just trust me, okay?” he hold my chin and turn my head towards him waiting for my answer. I just nodded.

















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afiercesong #1
Oh my feels!
Chapter 4: yah who says we are not interested to your fics?

i dont care what u thinking about but i love your fic so much!

just please update it soon. im sure that i will continue reading this.

u know jinki is my bias and i love this cute story of him ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
shineeonewlove #3
lwyCarmen #4
Aigoo~ This is too cute~
I wish I was her, I have a huge massive crush on JinKi too~ <3
ShinKaeMi #5
Really like the first chapter~ it's cute but yet funny, all I need right now ;D hope you'll keep on writing ! Fighting !