The Visitor
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Knock Knock.


Two heads turned to the door.


“Come in!” said the older.


A lady walked in and bowed before saying,“Your Majesty, Soon-to-be-Mrs. Kim is here.”


That instant, the two smiled. “Let her in.”


She bowed once again and opened the door, ‘soon-to-be-Mrs. Kim’ aka Stephanie Hwang or Tiffany as she preferred to be called stepped up in a model style walk. The three can’t help but laugh at her dorkiness. She bowed to the two royalties before giving off her signature eye smile. The in-house secretary took her leave and that instant; the brunette laughed and hurriedly hugged the old Kim, the highest royalty of the country, her fiancé’s father, The King, Kim Appa.


“I missed you so much, Dad!!” she said.


Kim Appa roared in laughter before patting her back. “I miss you too, sweetie.”


She smiled and held up few bags. “Here, these are for you Dad.”


“Wow such a thoughtful daughter. Thanks Tiffany.”


“You’re welcome Dad.”


She turned to her fiancé, Kim Taeyeon, and quickly frowned after seeing his puffy face.


“What’s with you, boo?”


Kim Appa once again roared in laughter while the younger Kim huffed more.


“I won!!!”


“I lose.”


Tiffany went back and forth looking at the father and son.


“We made a bet,” explained Kim Appa, answering her unsaid thoughts. “And I won! Yay!!”


“What bet?”


“We bet on who will you hug and greet first,” answered Taeyeon.


“And it happens to be me,” celebrated the old man.


“What’s the pr-“




The in-house secretary once again walked in and bowed. “Your Highness, Secretary of Cultural Arts is already here.”


“Oh, good. Thank you,” he said and stood up. “I guess I’ll go ahead now, kids.”


The couple nodded.


“Thanks for the gifts, Soon-to-be-Mrs. Kim and the price is that the two of you are going to be my representatives for the event tomorrow. Haha, your old man wants to play in doors.”


The two chuckled.


Seems like father is being lazy again, thought Taeyeon, shaking his head.


“We’ll see you later, Your Highness.” The two bowed.


Ushered by the in-house secretary, Kim Appa walked out of the room. The two decided to leave and went to Tiffany’s room, which is not too far from Taeyeon’s.


“So.. Where have you been?” sweetly asked Taeyeon, fixing his fiancé’s bangs.


“I visited a friend. Then I walked around for a while, visited our old place and happen to crossed path with our former classmate, Gyuri.”


Her fiancé snorted. “Park Gyuri. How can you call her a classmate?”


“How do you know her?” Tiffany asked arching her brow.


“I know what she does.”


“Y-you knew? How? Did Sooyeon-“


He shook his head. “My sister is not like that. I saw it myself. And by the way, that’s my first time seeing you.”




He nodded. “But you might not remember me. You fainted.”


She frowned. She can’t remember.


“Anyway, what do you guys talked about?” he asked as they take a sit and snuggled.


“They are planning to have a class reunion,” answered Stephanie, thinking if he knew Gyuri and what she did before, he might not want for her to attend.




“No date yet. But she told me she’s going to give me the invitation in the next few days.”


“Are you going?”


“Maybe?” she hesitantly answered; she can sense the sharp edge on his voice. Everything about Sooyeon is a sensitive topic for him. “G-gyuri said that I must attend and anyway, I want to see my friends too.”


“They need you to attend because of your current social status,” he grumbled. “Can’t you remember you were bullied by them too?”


“I have to protect Sooyeon from them. And it’s all in the past now, so it’s okay,” she assured him. “Tae-Tae,” she purred. “Don’t get angry.”

He sighed and closed his eyes. “I’m not.”






“Prince Taeyeon!!! You sneaked out again!” said his father’s secretary. “Your Highness, your lessons for today are very important.”


Being the nation’s crown prince, next in line on the thrown, the King, his father had decided for him to have home schooling. But nevertheless, the outgoing person he was, he found it boring. Ditching and sneaking out, is what he does most of the time.


“You’ve been away for a month; it’s time for make-up classes.”


But no matter how hard the old man talked to the 16 year old Taeyeon, it was all ignored by the blonde guy. “I’ll be back before dinner. I brought Jong kook Hyung with me and few securities. I’ll see you later? Bye secretary Nam!!”


Their car had already stopped in front of the Seoul All Girls High School. He then wore his disguise today. And he planned on using this on his future visits to his sister. With the help of his own secretary and Hyung, Jong kook, he wore his long brown wavy wig, a pair of reading glasses, and a girl’s dress. Taeyeon walked into the school’s entrance, with Jong kook following behind.


“May I know what can I do for you, little miss?” asked the receptionist.


“I’m here to visit Jung Sooyeon,” she, well, he said.


“What’s your relation with student Jung?”


“I’m her cousin and this is my father,” pointing to Jong kook.


“May I have your ID sir?”


Jong kook nodded and hand in his ID. The two of them was asked to come in and the two comfortably walked at the empty hallway of the campus and stopped in front of Sooyeon’s classroom.




“Yes Mister? What can I do for you?” the class teacher asked.


“May I excuse Miss Jung Sooyeon for a moment?”


The girl mentioned looked up and saw the familiar buff guy.


“Student Jung, someone’s looking for you.”


Quickly, Sooyeon stood up and walked towards the door. That instant, she engulfed the buff guy in a bear hug.


‘I miss you,’ the blonde haired girl expressed through sign language after releasing her Oppa.


Jong kook smiled, “Me too, Miss Kim.”


“Me three Sooyeon-ah!”


The latter’s eyes widened along with her dropping jaw as she saw a brown haired girl next to Jong kook. She silently shrieked and ran to her Oppa, hugging him too, very tight.


He chuckled and patted her back.


“You still have class?”


She nodded.


“Until when?”


’11 AM.’


He nodded. “Good timing. I’ll stay on your room for now. Can I ask for your key?”


Sooyeon nodded and fished out her key.


‘Wait for me, okay?’


He nodded. “Be quick, Sooyeon-ah. Yeonie Oppa just sneaked out from class.”


The twins chuckled before hugging for the last time. She waved her hand at them and went back to her class while the two went straight to her room. It’s been a while since he last visited his sister. He was with his father for their overseas visitation.


Bringing down his gifts for his sister, Taeyeon suddenly noticed a stack of clothes on one corner of the room.


“Seems like Miss has a dorm mate now.”


He turned to Jong Kook and nodded.


“I’ll go to the accounting office, sir.”


He nodded again. “Thanks Hyung.”


“I’ll be back soon, sir.”



Taeyeon waited and carefully looked around the stuffs of his sister, fixing them on process. Since his sister is not living with him and his father, this is his only way of taking care of her. Visiting her once or twice a week, cleaning her room, catching up, and somehow looking after her.


Time passed and before Taeyeon knew, it’s already 15 minutes passed 10 am.  While tapping his feet, he suddenly heard a commotion outside. Frowning, Taeyeon opened the door and many students passed the room, running towards for some fight.


“What’s happening?” he asked one of students.


“Gyuri’s punishing the Stupid Mute and the transfer student again.”


‘Punishing? Mu-‘


“W-where?” he stuttered.


“They are there on the restroom, west wing.”


Along with the students running, Taeyeon followed them until they stopped in front of the stinky restroom. Everyone is cheering. His eyes widened.


Six girls are surrounding the two girls, locking the two, making them unable to move. “This is a warning to everyone who plans on going against me.”


A certain yellow liquid placed on two bottles are respectively poured on the heads of the two girls. Some of the watchers wanted to puke at the sight while the others, cheered and applauded. It was then Taeyeon heard that the yellow liquid is urine of the group, after hearing it from the girls next to him.


 One of the two girls has her cheek already reddening with all the slaps she had received earlier, lips bleeding. While the other just glared.


‘PARK GYURI!! PARK GYURI!!’ the girls cheered.


The girl named Park Gyuri raised her hand and everyone was quiet in an instant.


“My oh my, look at the glare Hwang is giving us.”


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never knew that the story is almost 2 yrs in the making already. huhu


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Chapter 25: i was just reading the replies on the comments i made and suddenly just click the story and wow it's been years
will you still update this 😭
yeonniestan94 #2
Author nim, i hope you're still okay... You know I'm still waiting... Pls stay safe and come back when you are ready
gabiel #3
Chapter 25: author-nim please dont give up on this story .......
ànd update soooooooon !!!!!!!!!
gabiel #4
Chapter 25: Update soon author-nim
11 streak #5
Chapter 25: Wellcome back author! Errr... Did you delete two last chapters and post it again? Because I think I've read it before
Seobaby T.T
Chapter 25: NOOO baby seooooo
Chapter 24: Who's she?
I almost forget this story