We Meet Again


 I went upstairs and changed into pajamas. As I was brushing my hair there was a knock at my door. I put down the brush and walked slowly to the door knowing exactly who it was. As soon as I turned the doorknob he pushes the door, and myself, out of the way and walked into MY room like he owned the place. "excuse me" I say to him  as he makes himself comfortable on MY bed.


 "what the hell do you think you're doing in here?"



 "well, since you won't come into my room, I thought I should come into you're room."


I just stared at him like he was crazy. He just sat there, smirking at me. I briskly walk over to him, pick up my pillow and start beating him with it. As he's yelling at me to stop, I would yell at him to leave. As I was about to hit him once more with the pillow, he grabs it and pulls. Catching me off guard, I fall on top of him. His arms are placed around my wast...I can feel him staring at me. I slowly look up and meet his gaze..he's looking at me with this curious gaze that softens into this loving gaze. I regretted looking into his eyes. Mesmerized by his shining doe eyes, I just kept staring. When I finally came to my senses a few seconds later (felt like hours) I swiftly pulled his hands off me and stood up and walked out of the room leaving him confused ont he bed. I walked downstairs, put my shoes on and grabed my jacked and walked outside. I needed fresh air...I needed to think.


It was a beautiful night tonight. full moon and no clouds. Too bad i couldn't pay attention to it..I had other things on my mind. As I turned the street corner I found a little park. I walked across the wet grass over to the swings and sat down. Swaying back and forth, I started to think about what exactly happened just a couple minutes ago. Why was he looking at me like that? What was going on in his mind? It was just weird. I don't know what to do. I looked at my clock and noticed it was 2am. I had been out here for almost 3 hours. Oops.


I got up from the swings and slowly made my journey back home. I went through the neighborhood just to waste time. I was still stuck on what was going on. Finally on my street, only a few houses down from my own, I hoped to the high heavens Donghae was asleep. Yeah, he wasn't...... -____- As I walked up the sidewalk I saw the livingroom light on and through the window I could see Donghae pacing back and forth. Opening the door, I take off my shoes and start heading up the stairs. I didn't want to face Donghae at the moment and I was super tired. Buuuut, of course, Donghae wouldn't leave me alone. a couple seconds after i closed the dore i hear footsteps coming towards me. "Sarah??!" oh great....here he comes. I enter my room and take off my jacket to put in the closet. Donghae enters my room. 





I just stand there staring at him. I quietly say, "I needed some fresh air. I went for a walk." I went towards my bed and lied down. 


"How could you just leave like that?"

"Do you know how worried i was?" he stated.


"You don't have to worry about me, Donghae. You're not even my friend....So, just leave me be." I turned off the light to signal the end of the conversation. My mind was going crazy at that moment. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep while I thought things through. I felth him slide into the bed and get comfortable. It was quiet for a while. I finally felt sleep start to take over. As i drifted off into dreamland i felt a hand placed gently on my shoulder and a faint "I'm sorry" accompanied by a deep sigh. He pulled away and i fell into darkness. Hoping tomorrow is a better day.





I'm back!!!! Sorry I was gone so long. I've been a bit busy. Now, i finally got a chapter up! yaaaaaay! It's a little on the short side, but i hope you like it. ^_____^

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candyriver1993 #1
Chapter 5: oh thanks for continuing :D thought you had quit :/ anyways, nice chapter, i hope they'll get together soon ;)
candyriver1993 #2
Chapter 4: hehe this story is gonna be interesting i guess :D like it so far :)
candyriver1993 #3
can't wait for the next chapter :>