Starlight Hidden Beneath the Clouds



Park KyuRi has lead a traumatizing life from a young age, but this... This is the worst blow yet. Always there for her despite their busy schedules, KyuRi’s best friends from High School Key (Kim Kibum) and Choi Minho are ready to drop everything for their friend. As whole, Key, Minho, and their fellow band members Kim Jonghyun, Lee Taemin, and Onew (Lee Jenki) struggle to turn her world around with their shining attitudes. But who will succeed in winning her heart?



Author’s Note:

Annyeong! This is my first fic, so I hope you all like it!! Constructive criticism is allowed and encouraged.
I got the title after thinking for a bit on it: It’s one of Jonghyun's lines in Quasimodo, one of my favorite songs. :)
Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you in the first chapter!
~I hope this is one for the records~
Sorry to delete the 'chose your own path' story plot guys. ^^' If you like that type of stories, please check out my U-Kiss one! Hoping to update soon!


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