"Is that true?"

This Little Cafe

 Hana Jung 

 "Is that true?"





She opened her eyes and turned to her left. Her clock read '7:00AM'. She sighed as she sat up in her bed and removed the covers from her body.  "Another day, another dollar.." She got up and walked towards the bathroom. In front of the sink, she was still out of it. She looked at herself in the mirror and splashed water in her face. "Come on, Hana!" She encouraged herself. "You need to wake up! You have clients that need you!"

Hana then smiled and proceeded out of the bathroom. She was feeling particularly happy today, so she skipped along the corridor from her bedroom into the kitchen. She usually doesn't eat in the morning, but today, she felt like she wanted to. She got some bread and put it in her toaster. Although she was just making toast, she was proud of herself since she never cooks anything. She looked down at her clothes and saw that she was still in her big white shirt that she wore as pajamas. "Maybe I should change.." she said to herself. She left the bread in the toaster and went back to the bedroom.

*ring ring* Hana jumped back at the sound of her phone. She was quite shocked because the only people who call her are her parents or employees in need. She walked over to her cellphone on the nightstand where he clock stood. She picked it up and checked the caller ID. Her eyes blinked in surprise and a smile crept up on her. "..Ch-chanyeol?? He's calling me? OH MY GOSH." She started jumping around her room filled with excitement. She then remembered that the phone was still ringing, so she calmed down and answered it.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hana? Are you awake?" Chanyeol asked.

Her smile grew wider at the sound of him saying her name. "Morning, Chanyeol! Yes, I've been awake. So what's with the morning call?"

Chanyeol laughed. "Um..Suho, the owner of the Love Cafe, wants to invite you over for breakfast with me."

"REALLY? BREAKFAST WITH YOU??" Hana was overwhelmed with excitement now.

"Y-yeah, I mean.. I understand if you're busy or can't make it-"

"No no! I'm not busy at all! I just need the address for it!"

"..Oh..Uh..Okay.. Here, talk to Suho," Chanyeol said.


"..Hi! Is this Suho?"

"Why yes, it is!" Suho chuckled. "Yah, I'll give you the address. Make sure you have a pen and paper to write it down."


Joonmyeon handed the phone back to Chanyeol. "She seems very nice. Also very excited to come here."

Chanyeol couldn't help but blush. "I'm pretty excited for her to come here too."

Joonmyeon smiled to himself. He could tell Chanyeol really likes Hana. And from the way she sounded on the phone, Suho could tell that Hana liked Chanyeol as well. He collected the finished dishes Chanyeol ate, and put them on a tray. "I'll be back after I clean this up. You should look out the window and be on the look out for Hana." As Joonmyeon went to the back, Chanyeol turned around in the stool and stared directly at the door. His heartbeat beat faster. It always did when he saw or thought about Hana.

"..Why would she come here today?" He asked himself. "Maybe she didn't eat breakfast yet. Maybe she wanted to check out the cafe." He kept assuring himself that she wouldn't come here just for him. "Yeah, this is all just a coincidence."

"Don't mistake fate as a coincidence." Joonmyeon said behind Chanyeol. Chanyeol, not expecting him to hear him, fell off of his seat. "Oh my, I'm terribly sorry!" Joonmyeon slid off the counter to help Chanyeol back up. "Didn't mean to scare you that much." He offered a hand and helped him up. That's when they both heard a quiet giggle behind the door.

Both of their heads turned to the door. Chanyeol's face turned beet red. Outside the door stood Hana. Joonmyeon and Chanyeol remained still. "That's her," Chanyeol whispered to Joonmyeon. "That's Hana."

"Wow," Joonmyeon whispered back. "She's pretty." He turned his head towards Chanyeol. "Get the door for her, I'll be right back." He winked and jumped over the counter and ran to the back room.

Chanyeol blinked and tried to process what just happened. He looked at the door again to see Hana smiling still waiting outside the door. "Oh, the sign outside says the cafe is still closed," he said to himself. He walked to the door and opened it with a warm smile. "Good morning, miss! Welcome to the Love Cafe!"

Hana giggled, which made Chanyeol's heartbeat beat faster. He loved hearing that giggle. "Do you work for Suho now? Are you leaving me for this cafe?" she joked. He walked her to the counter, where he offered his stool to her. She sat down and he sat down on the stood beside her. She turned her head to him and smiled. "I'm really happy that you invited me here, Chanyeol. This is a really nice cafe." Her eyes wandered around the place. She really adored how cute the place looked, and the fact that Chanyeol was with her made it better.

Chanyeol put his hands together. He was contemplating. Should he confess now? Should he confess to her at work? Should he even confess to her today?

"Oh, hello," a voice said from behind the counter. Out popped Joonmyeon with a tray and a dish covered with a white lid. Hana and Chanyeol both jumped back from shock. "You must be Hana. Nice to meet you in person." Hana offered to shake Joonmyeon's hand, but instead, he took her hand and kissed the back of it. Hana took her hand back slowly and blushed. Chanyeol stared down Joonmyeon as he pufffed his cheeks. Joonmyeon ignored in and presented the both of them a dish. "I assume you didn't eat breakfast yet, Hana?" Joonmyeon asked. She shook her head as her stomach started to grumble. "Well, I think I have something that both of you will enjoy this morning." He lifted the lid to show what was on the dish.

There lied one of the cake rolls Chanyeol was staring at earlier. It was the Two Moon's cake he looked at earlier. It was cylinder shaped and the outside was a rich dark brown chocolate. The outside was also patterned with white circles that went around the cake. It smelled really delcious. Chanyeol glanced at Hana whos eyes sparkled as she saw the cake. "Aw, it's so cute!" she exclaimed.

"Hang on," Joonmyeon said taking out a knife. "Wait 'til you see the inside of the cake." He then carefully sliced the cake right down the middle in half. He put the knife down and got out two small forks underneath the counter and placed them on a small brown coaster. Joonmyeon then seperated the two halves from each other and revealed what was inside.

Hana gasped in amazement. "Oh my gosh, that's amazing! How did you do that?" She questioned as Joonmyeon handed her a plate with half of the cake on it.

"A chef cannot reveal his secrets," he replied as he handed Chanyeol the other half of the cake. Both of them started to eat the cake. Joonmyeon saw that for a pretty lady, Hana ate like a boy. She stabbed the middle of the cake and smooshed the inside around and then grabbed a big piece of it with her small fork and stuffed the whole thing in . Joonmyeon then looked at Chanyeol who happily watched Hana eat as he slowly began to neatly cut his cake from the end and work his way in. Joonmyeon knew that Hana was happy she could be herself while she was with Chanyeol. "So, Hana?" Joonmyeon asked.

"Mmm?" Hana responded as she lifted her head up with full and her lips decorated with frosting. Chanyeol couldn't help but snicker.

"What made you decided to come to the cafe at such an early time?" Joonmyeon asked.

Hana's eyes grew wider. She swallowed the cake that was in and wiped clean of frosting. "Well..I wanted to see Chanyeol."

Chanyeol gave her a surprised look, which she didn't seem to catch.

"And why did you want to see him THIS early? I mean, don't you see him at work? Why didn't you just wait until then?"

The cafe was silent for a moment until Hana spoke. "Well, first off I didn't eat breakfast yet, so I figured I would come by and grab something to eat. Second, I like seeing Chanyeol, so why not have a little date with him before work?"

Chanyeol nearly choked on the food in his mouth after what she said. "DATE??" Chanyeol gasped.

Hana looked at him. "Yeah..? Isn't that why you invited me over?"

"Yeah, that's why he invited you here," Joonmyeon responded. Hana and Chanyeol both looked at him. "He was talking to me earlier about you, actually," Joonmyeon added. Chanyeol mouthed him to stop but Joonmyeon kept talking. "See, he likes you a lot. And from what I heard, your relationship began to gradually become less 'friendly' and more 'couple-y.' But he didn't want to ask you out because he felt like it would be bad for the media to hear about a successful young women dating an intern at her company."

Hana glanced at Chanyeol. "Is that true?" she asked him. Chanyeol couldn't answer but only blushed.

"No need to blush, Chanyeol," Joonmyeon said. "She likes you too." Hana then shot Joonmyeon a look.

"Hana, here, told me on the phone that she hopes that today will be a special day. The day that she's been waiting for." Joonmyeon said.

This time, Chanyeol looked at Hana who was now blushing. "What have you been waiting for?" Chanyeol asked.

"Um.." Hana hesitated. "I've been waiting for the day that you would ask me to be your girlfriend." Both of them looked away from each other and blushed. "But I never knew that you were scared to because of the media and how other people would think about this. Now that I think of it, I'm a bit scared of what the media might say about this."

Joonmyeon chuckled. "I think you both are missing the point here." Both of them looked up at Joonmyeon once again. "See, I don't think you two should care what the media thinks about your relationship. I mean, do you both like each other?" Hana and Chanyeol both nodded in unison. "Then, why would you two let something like the media get in the way of it? You obviously both like each other a lot, and you two would make a nice couple, to be honest." Both of their faces flushed after hearing that. "Plus, I think the media will understand and let you guys date without any trouble. I mean they are people, they have hearts, they should know what it's like to be in love."

The two lovebirds looked at each other and smiled. Chanyeol took Hana's hand in his and squeezed it. "Hana Jung, I have a question for you."

She giggled again. "And what is that, Chanyeol?"

He stood up from his chair and knelt on the ground right in front of where she sat still holding her hand. "Would you be my girlfriend?" he asked.

She smiled from ear to ear. "Of course I will!" she exclaimed with delight. He got off of the floor and stood back up, only to be attacked by Hana giving him a hug and bringing him down on the floor once again. She got up from on top of him. "I'm sorry, I got excited."

He laughed as he got up. "It's okay. I like it when you give me hugs."

Joonmyeon stood there and started to clap. "HOORAY FOR THE NEW COUPLE!" He took out a small box from underneath the counter. He put his hand in and took it out, making confetti fly everywhere. "CONGRADULATIONS TO CHANYEOL AND HANA!" he yelled as he continued to fill the cafe with confetti.

The new couple laughed together and began catching the confetti. Hana took her handful of confetti and threw it at Chanyeol. Chanyeol blocked his face to make sure he wasn't blinded by it. He then took his handful of confetti and dropped it on Hana's head. Hana tried to get the confetti out, but Chanyeol helped her by brushing her hair everywhere, making it a mess. "Yah!" she screamed. "I need to look nice and pretty for work!"

Both of them paused for a moment. "WE STILL HAVE WORK!" they both yelled.

Joonmyeon checked the clock above the door. "It's 8:45 right now, so you both can still make it on time." 

The two fixed themselves up and brushed the confetti off of themselves and each other. "And by the way," Chanyeol said, "you're always pretty." Hana tried to hide her face that was red and brushed the last pieces of confetti from Chanyeol's shoulders.

"Oh, I have a present for the new couple," Joonmyeon said as he went to the back room again. The two were curious, so they went up to the counter. Joonmyeon came out of the room and had a white bag with a big pink heart on it. "This is a present from me. And don't worry about the mess and food. I'll clean it up, and you don't need to pay for anything."

"Are you sure?" Hana asked as she took the bag. "We could stay a few minutes and help you gather the confetti on the floor."

Joonmyeon shook his head. "No worries, I've got this. Now you two love birds should head to work!"

Chanyeol looked and Hana and offered his hand. She put his hand in hers and they intertwined them together. The two walked outside hand in hand, smiling as they exited and entered a new journey they faced in life together.


*ding ding* Two satisfied customers.


Chanyeol opened the bag behind his desk at work. He saw two heart shaped sugar cookies. He smiled at himself as he took one cookie and bit into it. It was still warm. The cookie was crunchy on the outside, but soft and delicate on the inside. He reminded himself that Hana had to try this cookie as soon as possible. He looked inside the bag again to see that there was a note inside. Chanyeol took the note out of the bag and opened it.

Chanyeol and Hana,

I'm very proud of you both. You two got the courage to profess your love for each other. Even if I did help a bit :)
Please enjoy these cookies and think of it as a sweet beginning as your new journey together as an official couple.
Remember, I'm here if you need anything at anytime.

Much love,
Love Cafe; Suho

Chanyeol smiled as he took another bite of his cookie and looked up at the building's high cieling. "Thanks, Suho. You're the best."




 author's note 

» Yay for Chanyeol and Hana! Please wish these two well! /claps and throws rice in the air/ Aha, they've only just begun.



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Chapter 14: OMG SO HAPPY I LOVE YOU!!!
Hehe, AND you're update of course. ^_^
Kaisoo moment so KYOPTAAAAA!
Chapter 14: i'm happy you updated! ALL DEM FEELS
Mwuahxoxo #3
Chapter 14: Yey, you're back! Excited with your updates. Update please!
Chapter 14: Oh Gosh that's surprising! Kyungsoo's gay! Although thats far more interesting than just plain girlxguy. This story's getting more interesting. I wonder how you'll intertwine minseok into this...
Chapter 14: Aawwww I liked the Kaisoo :D and welcome back! ^^
please update ^^ the poster is really pretty

also this fic is extremely cute and i really like it. suho is such a caring dude man and all the boys god where do i even start. so far my favorite is chen's love story, but who knows? we still have kai, xiumin, and tao
Chapter 13: OMG, author-nim! Are you going to put in the wedding as well? Cause that would be so cute, and the fluff would KILL ME. Also an avid reader and subbie of "Chef Shenanigans"! Love your work!