I'm Going to Sing the Song I Wrote

One For Me


Disclaimer: Everything goes to their rightful owners. 


“So will you do it Misaki?” Ayano asked with concern. Misaki took a sip from her drink and looked at them. “Yeah I’ll do it, I’ll enter the contest.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Misaki's house~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Misaki sat in her room totally and completely lost. “What am I going to do I only have about 4 days left before the deadline and I’m still confused.” Misaki fell on her bed exhausted from thinking so much. “I have to come up with something or else I’m going to hear about it for the rest of my life.” Misaki saw her dad walk in her room and she pulled a pillow over her face in distress. “Hi sweetheart whatcha doing?” Misaki sighed and then sat up revealing a cute pouty, and distressed teenage girl. “Daddy I need your help.” Misaki whined making her dad coo at her and sit beside her with his arms engulfed around her small frame. “What is it sweetheart?” Misaki looked at her dad and said, “I don’t know what to sing in the audition I have coming up, and I have to get rid of my stage fright too on top of that.” Misaki’s dad nodded his head in understanding.

“Well, sweetheart why don’t you do something that shows your many talents, but not all of them so you have some surprises left when you win.” He winked at Misaki before getting up and walking toward the door. “Wait, dad what about my stage fright?”

“I don’t think you really have stage fright sweetie your just convinced that you are going to fail that’s all.” Misaki pouted when he left she let everything her dad said, including her mom and friends opinions sink in. “They all believe in me so why can’t I?” Then it hit her, “I know what song to sing in the audition!” she was so happy that she fell out of her bed laughing. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Your going to sing what?” Yumi asked confused as they were walking to the cafe from school.

“I said I’m going to sing Toki Wo Kizamu Uta.” Misaki said with a smile on her face. “Why that one of all songs, I thought you didn’t finish it?” Sumiko asked as they sat at the booth in the cafe. “It compliments my voice and I can play the piano while singing, so its perfect, plus I can finish it too, so it shows off some of my other talents.” The girls nodded as their lips formed in the shape of an “o”. The waitress came to take their orders and then left. “I see so you can show them that you are more than a pretty face with a nice voice.” Ayano said with a smile as she took a sip of her lemonade. Misaki nodded her head with a smile on her face. “You should show them your dancing moves too while your at it.” Megumi said with a smile and her silly impersonation of the robot dance. Misaki smiled at her friends, she was so lucky to have them around. Once the waitress brought the food they ate their fill and then told Yumi it was her turn to pay the check. Yumi whined about it, but the girls ignored her. “Hey did you guys see Oh My School last night?”

“I did!” 

“What Misaki you were watching TV last night?”

“Yeah why is that a shock to you guys?”

“I don’t know maybe because you haven’t watched TV in forever.”

“Well, I watched it and I loved it, the show was hilarious.”

“That's good to hear I hope it was as good for you as it was for me.” Misaki walked home with her friends and when they parted ways she got started on her song for the audition.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Misaki’s Parents~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“She locked herself in the studio again Kyoko.” Kyoko walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn and smiled. “She wants to surprise us with her song that she chose.”

“I know but she is spending quite some time in that studio and it’s worrying me.”

“I don’t know why, It never worried you before, besides she is finally getting out of those books.” Chang-su sighed in defeat and cuddled up with his wife on the couch.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In the Studio~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Misaki sat in front of the piano in a daze till her phone woke her up from it.

“Mushi mushi.”

“Hey Misaki how are you doing?”

“Oh hey auntie.”

“What do you mean ‘oh hey auntie?’” Misaki smiled at her aunt’s reaction.

“Sorry Auntie I was thinking about Yumi calling me.”

“Mm hmm sure that’s what you were thinking about, Is this about that contest your entering?” Misaki was surprised,

“H-How did you know about me entering the contest?”

“Sweetie I’m your aunt you can’t hide anything from me, plus your mom told me.”

Misaki giggled at her aunt’s silliness. “Well, that would explain the sudden psychic powers you now have.”

“I know huh you know I could totally pull off the psychic thing, so what song are you going to sing?”

“I’m going to sing the song I wrote recently, however it is incomplete so I have been trying to finish it.”

“Oh okay then I’ll call you later then.”

“Okay auntie I love you.”

“Love you too kiddo Ja ne.”

Misaki hung up the phone and smiled with new inspiration and continued writing.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Three Days Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Misaki woke up to find herself in her bed, ‘That’s weird I don’t remember falling asleep in here.’ Misaki looked at the clock on her bedside table and saw the digital numbers on her alarm clock read 8:30a.m. Misaki got up and showered in her bathroom and then she changed, she stood in the mirror and stared herself down, then she took a deep breath and said to herself "You are going to have a good day today." Misaki walked downstairs and saw her mom and dad eating. “Morning.”

“Morning sweetie.” Kyoko placed Misaki’s breakfast on the table and told her to eat up the audition was today. That got Misaki moving “Itakimasu.” (Thank you for the food.)after eating her fill she washed her dishes and kissed her mom and dad before running out of the kitchen. “Arigato Okasan, Otosan.” (Thanks mom, and dad.) Misaki ran to the studio to get the lyric sheet so she could memorize the lyrics and get in the rhythm. Once she had the sheet she ran out the front door and straight to the Sony Music Entertainment building down the street to audition. On her way there she ran into her friends and stopped. “Hey guys what are you doing here?”

“Duh to cheer you on.” Sumiko said with a big grin on her face, making Misaki smile as well. “Thanks guys you’re the best.”

“We know.” Ayano, Sumiko, Yumi, and Megumi said in unison, as they walked Misaki to the studio.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the Studio~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Number 25 please come forward.” Misaki looked at her number she was number 25!

“Okay here I go.” Misaki walked into the room and saw a large table full of judges, she was getting nervous. “Hello I’m Kobayashi Misaki, its a pleasure to meet you.” Misaki bowed to the judges and they nodded and returned the bow. “So Misaki will you please tell us what you are going to do for us in this audition?” Misaki bit her bottom lip and smiled to reassure herself. “I’m going to sing a song I wrote.” The judges nodded in approval and one female judge asked, “Do you have the CD so we can play the music or are you going to do an a cappella?” Misaki shook her head,

“No ma'am I’m going to play this song on the piano by myself, if you don’t mind?” The judges shook their heads and signaled for her to continue. Misaki sat down at the piano and started the performance.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After the Performance~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“That was amazing miss Kobayashi truly. Will you please stay here for just one moment.”  Misaki nodded and watched as they all started talking to each other.

“Ahem, Misaki we would like to sign you on a contract to be our next idol how would you like that?” Misaki was speechless she never thought that she was going to win especially not with over 20 more people to try out, but they already picked her! She couldn’t believe it was even happening. “I - I would love to sign with you.”

“That’s good we have much to discuss, I hope you don’t mind coming to my office right now so we could get started?”

“Um don’t my parents have to be present for any contract signings?”

“Yes, but we are not signing anyone right now we just want to figure out your image and such right now.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Several Hours Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Misaki walked into her house to see her friends and family in the living room. “I’m home.” Misaki felt Yumi pull her into the living room and so she sat down on a chair. 

“Hey Misaki look I’m sorry about the whole contest thing when we heard that they were sending everyone home we went looking for you, but we couldn’t find you and we got really worried.” Misaki bit her bottom lip trying to figure out how to explain to them where she had been and what happened to her while she was there, but she couldn’t even get a word in. “Misaki I promise to never push you into anything ever again so will you look at us please. “Can I talk now?” Yumi nodded her head while the others continued to watch. “I’m not upset about the contest because I’m the one that won and I was shopping for my new image with my manager.” Yumi, Ayano, Sumiko, and Megumi’s eyes lit up while Kyoko, Chang-su, and Sayuri were smiling. “OMG! Misaki this is big I told you that you would make it!” Misaki rolled her eyes at Yumi’s comment.

“Yeah, that’s why you started that whole speech on why you were so sorry.” Yumi pinched Misaki causing her to jump out of the chair. “So you got some new stuff?”

“Yeah.” Misaki said with a smile on her face. Kyoko smiled and said, 

“Please tell me you didn’t sign any contracts yet.”

“Of course not mom, I know that I should have you or dad around before I sign anything.” Ayano grabbed Misaki’s hand and pulled her into the seat next to her.

“You have to tell us everything, from where you went, to what you bought.” Misaki laughed nervously, “You know guys I’m really tired and I think I should go to sleep now.” Chang-su smiled, and stood up. “She’s right come on sweetie, I’ll carry your bags upstairs for you.” 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Misaki woke up and showered, once she was out she changed and brushed her hair and teeth. When she went down stairs she saw her mom and dad waiting. "Are you ready to go Misaki?" Misaki nodded her head and they left to the SME building.

“Well, this is an amazing day for Sony Music Entertainment.” The CEO shook Misaki’s hand as well as her parents’ hands and then put the contract in a file folder and handed it to his assistant. “I hope you met Akira, Misaki’s Manager.” Kyoko nodded her head,

“Yes, thank you for understanding the way we felt about this, we would just rather she has a female manager.” The CEO shook his head and waved the problem away.

“Of course not I can completely understand, and believe me the parents’ concerns are always top priority to me.” Misaki stood there in a daze but was then quickly brought out of it when she heard her name being called. “Misaki, I look forward to working with you.” Misaki smiled and nodded as she shook his hand, “Yeah me too, thank you sir.”


Ok so this is the end of this chapter you can probably think of the first two chapters as a prequel to her life as an Idol, even though that might of been obvious. So I want to thank you for reading this far and I hope that I can continue to write and update this story. Also the song used in this chapter is not mine I do not own it! Please Read and Review!

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