Mom why did you quit music?

One For Me


Disclaimer: Everything goes to their rightful owners.


“Did you see that performance on tv last night?”

"Yeah I did Kikwang was so y!"

“Me too, Dongwoon was amazing!”

“I think all of them were amazing.”

“You would, You want them all to yourself anyway.”

“WHAT?! I do not!” This is how my mornings were. I would wake up shower, get dressed in my uniform, eat breakfast and meet my friends at the coffee house to walk to school. We would talk about the recent events of the celebrity life of music artists and the new dramas, or movies we saw or that were coming out....Well, more like they would talk and I would listen. This type of thing never really caught my interest, but I liked listening anyway. My friends were the most amazing friends a girl could have in her life. Ayano was 18 like me, she had long brown hair and chocolate eyes, she was petite, but athletic, she was a team player with big dreams and always positive. Her sister Yumi was a hyper girl with long brown hair and playful brown eyes, Yumi was also petite, she was 17 and always doing something, she never did the same thing twice, everyday was something different. Life was never dull with Yumi around for instance today she was wearing her jacket inside out and walking backwards. Megumi and Sumiko were twins both were 17, but acted like they were 12. Like Yumi and Ayano they were always positive and hyper. They loved playing sports and eating sweets, they were a handful to take care of because they never could sit still they were always moving even in class which got them in trouble a lot. They would even try to change places on people just to confuse them they were always plotting something, to tell the truth they reminded me an awful lot of the Hitatchin twins from Ouran Host Club. Megumi and Sumiko had long ebony black hair with dark eyes they were always shining with mischief it worried me sometimes. “Hey Misaki did you see Beast performance on Mubank last night?” Yumi looked at me with a hopeful look on her face and I sighed, “No I was studying for the test coming up.” Yumi looked disappointed. Ayano laughed attracting all of our attention. “It kinda figures you wouldn’t see it Misaki, I mean your so focused on school these days it’s hard to see you doing anything else.” When I saw the others nod and continue walking, that got me thinking. Had my life become so dull it was predictable!? If so then maybe I should think about taking a break and getting back to the way I used to be. Megumi slung her arm around my shoulder and smiled, “It’s ok Misaki none of us think your boring, just super serious.” Sumiko nodded as did the others.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AT SCHOOL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

For me it was a normal pattern in school, go to your locker, hang with friends, go to class, got back to locker, go to next class, eventually go to lunch, then eventually go to locker room to change then go to gym, then change back into school uniform, go to locker get books, then head to last couple of classes, get things needed for Homework go to after school club meetings, and student council meetings, library for a little cram study time, meet friends outside at the front of the school building go to the cafe two blocks down talk about our day and then decide who is going to pay for the bill, then go home, and study some more. Only sometimes if I finish early would I go to the studio that I have in my house and write some music, or sing. The studio was one of the places in the house I spent most time in besides my room. “Misaki, I thought you would be down here.” My mom Kyoko walked in and smiled at me. I smiled back I was happy to see my mom home I could always talk to her about anything and know that she would be honest with me. “Hi mom, how was your day?” She smiled and hugged me, “It was, eventful I guess.” She kissed my head and asked me what my day was like, 

“Just the normal pattern for me.” When I saw her smile it made me really happy, truth is my mom always could make me happy. “So mom did you save any lives today?” My mom laughed and kissed my head again, “I always am sweetheart, that is the point in being an experienced surgeon you know.” I smiled my mom was my hero and always will be, she was more than a mom, but my best friend I wanted to be just like her, and I still do. “Oh no, are we having some kind of ‘girls only’ moment down here?”  Me and my mom laughed as she turned around and looked at my dad. “Only if you don’t want to be included dear.” My dad walked downstairs with a smile on his face and kissed my mom on the lips and me on the head. “Tempting offer, but I think I will pass this time.” I loved looking at my parents together they were so deep in love that sometimes it was impossible to imagine them ever separated. “Well, mom I’m gonna go and get some sleep now.” My mom looked at me and smiled before kissing my cheek.

“Okay sweetheart sleep tight.” My dad hugged me tight and kissed my head,

“Don’t let the bed bugs bite.” I smiled they had been saying that to me since I was little. I walked past them in the living room cuddling again and shook my head at how much affection they showed for each other, it was nice. I was laying around in my bedroom when my cell phone went off. “Mushi Mushi.” 

“Hey Misaki are you near a tv?” I was confused by what Yumi was saying

“Yeah why?”

“No time to explain just change it to channel 7 quickly!” I my tv and looked at what Yumi wanted me to see. “So tell us more about this contest.”

“Well, it’s very simple, we from Sony Music want to hold auditions for the next big thing.” “Really, just how does this contest run?”

“Well, it’s a simple process we will hold auditions and who ever pulls the best audition will win.”

“What are the rules?”

“You have to be 16 or older to audition.”

“So when are the deadlines for the auditions?”

“The deadline is one week from now.”

“Wow, you guys aren’t wasting anytime are you?”

“Ha ha, afraid not.”

“Well, thank you for coming, and I hope you have success in this contest.” I turned off the tv and put the phone back on my ear, “Yumi why did you tell me to look at that?” “Come on Misaki are you really going to act like you don’t know? So you can enter it!”

I froze what did she mean so I could enter it? “What are you talking about Yumi?”

“Exactly what I said, we all discussed it and you need to enter that contest.” Now my mouth fell wide open, “Why? Why me of all people?” I could see Yumi rolling her eyes at my stupid question, but I couldn’t help but ask that question. “What the hell do you mean ‘why’ this isn’t 20 questions it’s obvious why. Misaki you are crazy talented and we know you will win that contest hands down, plus we know you want to, and this can help you open up more and show the world what you can do.” I didn’t believe that my music was that good at all, I didn’t want to embarrass myself and music probably didn’t end well for my mom because she quit, but how was I supposed to know why she quit after all I never asked her. “Let me think about it okay Yumi, I’m really tired.”

“Okay night?” I hung up and sighed and fell back on my bed. What a day.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This is crazy! I spent two days avoiding Yumi, Ayano, Sumiko, and Megumi, and all day yesterday avoiding my mom! What kind of black magic is this? Why am I avoiding them? Well, okay I know why I’m avoiding Yumi and the others, with their join the contest or we will push you off a freeway bridge attitude, but why am I avoiding my mom? I’m barely at the house anymore I feel scared and guilty, but Why? Okay why am I asking myself all of these questions, this s a bad habit of mine. Geez Yumi was right I am unstable and now I see that I am going to have to hide again. I’ll finish my interrogation later.....GREAT now I’m interrogating myself and setting appointments with myself too, when is this going to end!?” It’s finally happened I’ve been caught by my mom, and there is no escaping...Okay you know what I’m just going to stop talking now because if I do any further I’m going to need to check myself into a mental hospital.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AUTHOR”S POINT OF VIEW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Hey mom I’m sorry that I haven’t talked to you lately.” Kyoko smiled at Misaki

“It’s okay honey but I can tell something is on your mind.” Misaki bit her lip,

“Mom why did you quit music?” Kyoko looked thoughtful and smiled at her daughter.

“Is this about that contest your friends want you to enter?” Misaki looked away from her mother embarrassed.

“I just don’t know why I should enter this contest, I’m only going to embarrass myself.” Kyoko pulled Misaki closer and smiled,

“Sweetheart how do you know that you will embarrass yourself if you don’t even try?”

“I just don’t think there is a future in music for me.”

“How do you know if you’ve never tried, what have I always told you about trying to predict the outcome of every situation?” Misaki sighed,

“When you try to predict everything it is like going on with only water, You can only stay alive for so long before your body finally gives up, and if you continue on without stepping out of the safety line you can never learn from your mistakes and or try to accomplish something.” Kyoko smiled,

“I don't remember saying all of that, but to answer your question, I quit music because I wanted to, not because I had to.” Misaki looked at her mom confused,

“What is that supposed to mean?” Kyoko smiled again.

“My career was on a roll, but I fell in love with your father, and we soon after got married.”

“Yeah but mom, plenty of stars get married and are still performing.”

“True but I quit because I wanted to have children and I didn’t want my child growing up as a celebrity’s child and not have a normal life, with constant moving and having the wrong type of friends.”

“I don’t get it mom, I mean people still know who you are and I thought you liked performing?”

“I do sweetheart, but I love my daughter more, It may be hard for you to understand right now, but when you have your own children one day you will understand why.” Misaki looked at her mom and nodded. “Good now I want you to show the world your talent by entering that contest.” Kyoko kissed Misaki’s head and that was the end of the conversation. Misaki went to meet up with her friends later that day. “So Misaki are you gonna do it?” Ayano asked with concern. Misaki took a sip from her drink and looked at them. “Yeah I’ll do it, I’ll enter the contest.”

Thank you for reading my first chapter I will update soon please Read & Review!

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