Kiara (Kira) the Water Bender

Avatar: The Powers Within || Apply Closed ||

I'm so sorry for the loooong wait, guys. I've been having writer's block for the longest time now. I know, I was like "RAAAGGGEEE. /flipsatable (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ "    But, my foo of a brain has finally started working again! 8D Kind of ._. OTL I'm really really, sincerely sorry to all of you guys out there who's been waiting for the next chapter, I was also very disappointed in myself when I checked this story again and saw that I only had one chapter done :/ I hope you guys aren't too mad nor do I hope you have lost interest in this story...
Let's see... Am I forgetting something? Oh yeah, hold on .___. /
putsthetableback ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)
I hope you all enjoy this chapter! ^-^


"Kira! Kira!" I hear my dad's voice fading into my ears as my consciousness kicks in.
"Hmm?" I slowly open my eyes, still groggy from sleep. Wait... Is it past 6:30 already?! I shot up from bed, thinking I was late to wake up, my eyes wide.
"Whoa, whoa. Calm down there, miss always-have-to-be-on-the-ball, I just want to let you know you have healing training right now because Pakku's not gonna be able to be here later." At 6 in the morning?! Ugh, I don't even want to gooooo. 
"Okay." I got up, not wanting to separate with my beloved bed so early in the morning.
"I know you don't want to go, Kira. Just do what your mother says for now and just bear with it for a little more."
"Mmm." I started walking to get ready and nodded my head with my eyes still closed.
"I'm back!" I shouted as I went through the door.
"Welcome back, Kira, ready for some training?" My dad grinned.
I grinned back, "So read- WHOA!" I dodged his surprise attack and shot it back at him. He bended the water into the sink before it hit the floor.
"Ohoho! You've gotten better, my daughter!"
I bowed, pretending I was receiving an award and grabbed a spoon, about to recite my pretend speech when my mom cleared .
"Kinto, I thought we agreed no water bending in the house except for healing purposes only."
"Sorry, Honey~" My dad said.

"And you, Kira. You know I don't like it when you use waterbending for battling purposes." She gave me the I-expected-better look.
"Sorry, mum~" I bowed and apologized.
"It's okay. Oh, before I forget, can you go with Kovu to the market? He wants to get something, but I'm kind of busy right now." She handed me some money.
"Neh~" I sent a quick glance to Kovu signaling that we should go. As we walked out, my parents patted my right shoulder blade... Well, right next to my shoulder blade anyway. I have a tattoo there that they did for me because it apparently protects me from 'evil spirits'. Kovu and I walked to the market when I realized I didn't even know what I was going to the market for. "Hey, what are you planning to get?"
"Just some food. I'm craving for some snacks..."
"Ahh~" I nodded my head, and as soon as I looked up from Kovu's face, I saw Kai walking by, talking to his friend. Ever since that time, he's been avoiding me.
"Jae Cho-yah!"
"Oh, Kai!" I heard talking as I was waiting outside while my dad talked to the receptionist and I decided to look inside the training room. Well, I guess it's not really a room since it has a waterfall and... it has a huge platform and... the fact that it's... outside .___. Anyway, I peeked inside saw that the class was on break time. I wandered in and scanned the room. There were mostly guys, probably because most of the girls were too busy taking healing lessons, whether it's against their will or not. Just then, a voice, followed by my vision of non-uniformed clothes.
"Hey, I haven't seen you in a while! So I was wondering..." There were two guys, one was the guy without the uniform and another was a student... Who I just noticed didn't have a shirt on. AAHHH MY EEYYYEESSS. Oh wait, oh wait, oh wait. Ignoring that fact, the guy who's not a student is pretty cute~
"Kira, you want to take a look around?" I jerked as my dad surprised me from the back.
"Huh? Oh, yeah sure." He raised a brow at me and looked at me weirdly, and then...
"OOOH, KIRA, YOU WERE LOOKING AT THE SHIRTLESS GUY OVER THERE, WEREN'T YOU?" I shook my head lightly as my dad tried to make a scene and embarrass me. I just tugged him out of the room and he laughed at me as we began to follow our guide to explore the many rooms the building held.
"And here is our last room to see. This room is rarely shown to anyone, but you guys are an exception," said our guide. She began to talk quietly, "Sir, I see potential in your daughter. She will become a great bender, I see it," she turned to me. "Normally, I wouldn't really care if our girls in the tribe are healer benders or battle benders, but you, sweetie. You have to be a bender, no matter what anyone says. I see the passion in your eyes," she talked to me like she's known me all my life, and I saw that she meant what she was saying. "Now go ahead and take look, but I'll have to cut your time in this room short because I might get in trouble! Kekekeke~" She laughed.
"Oh. My. Goodness." I marveled at what I saw.
"Beautiful, isn't it? This is called the Tal Room. As you can see, there is a fountain over there and inside that fountain, there is a special kind of water, it is powered by the moon itself. In fact, this room has the moon's very power inside of it. A long time ago, a piece of the moon landed there where the fountain is, and they didn't know that when they built the building. This building is very old, around 100 years old, but there was a grandma who passed by here around 10 years ago and she told the manager that he should build a fountain in this room. He was hesitant to do it, but he did after she told him the reason why. No one knows the reason why this room is here except for the manager and me... Because I am the manager's daughter." She put a shameless smile on and laughed. "What's even more special about this room is that where ever the Earth may be facing, the moon's light will always hit the fountain. No one knows why, no one knows how, it's just like that. That is why the power of this room, to waterbenders at least, is tremendous. The same goes for the water, the power of that water is immensely huge, and no one can touch it. Even if I have trusted you both to look and step into this room, one thing I will never do as long as I live is to let anyone touch that water. I believe in my whole self that that water is very special." She stopped after that sentence and hurried us out, telling us that someone was coming.
She left us alone and we said our thank yous and goodbyes. "Hey, Kira. You want to go back to the training room, maybe that shirtless guy is still there?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me, teasing me again.
"Dad!" He laughed at me and said, "Just kidding, Kira. I was thinking we could train a little and I could teach you a new move! Their training sessions are done, and I'm sure Pakku wouldn't mind."
"Umm, sure Dad, why not?" I grinned, excited to learn a new move. We walked into the training room. I didn't notice how big it was when all the people were in here. It's quiet, only the sound of the waterfall masks the true nature of silence.
"Hmm. It's the perfect place for waterbenders to train and practice! The waterfall sound is soothing, and it's an endless supply of water! Ha!"
I laughed, "Exactly what I was thinking, Dad."
"Alright, you ready, Kira?" I nodded my head and he bended some water out of the rapid falling water.
"Water is the element of change, Kira. When you waterbend, no matter what, you must change with the water. Position, chi, everything must become one between you and the water you are holding, actually, it doesn't even have to be the water you are holding, just become one with the water around you." His voice becomes calm, his body moving as one with the water. 
"Mmmm..." I get into the waterbending process, as I always do.
"Aaand......" Suddenly his arms are clothed with water, making them look like two octopus arms without the tentacles.
"AAAHHH!" I scream as I see a giant water arm come face to face with me.
"Hehehe, Kira, we need to get your reflexes up." He stopped right before the water touched my head and probably slice through my brain, then he laughed at me. "But let's focus on that later, for now do you want to learn Water Cloak?" I nodded my head.
"Okay, so I have to focus my chi on my arms... Move as one with the water..." I closed my eyes, hoping I would finally do it. I felt the water cloak around my arms and most of my chi flowing inside of them. "I did it!" I grinned and turned around, hoping to see my father there, but instead the cute guy from earlier was there and I lost focus of the flow, making me let go of the water. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I apologized as the water splashed on him.
Narrator's P.O.V
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Kira apologized to the wet Kai.
"Oh, no, it's totally fine," Kai tried to tell her it was all okay, but she was already through the door before he could say anything else. "Hmm. Interesting girl. Wish I had a better look at her face before she left." He bended the water off of his body and threw it into the waterfall.
Feel the chi flowing... Become one with the water... Water is the element of change... "OW!" Kira was out by the river again, secretly practicing her water bending in the middle of the night for the hundredth time. She managed to hit herself on the forehead with the water, although she was aiming for the boulder in the river in front of her.
As Kira was trying to recover from the sting the water gave her, she suddenly hear surpressed laughing behind her. She quickly turned around saw a person whom she's never seen before, sitting on the grass. "Great job... with... with that... 'WATER WHIP'! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" The stranger burst out laughing as she remembered how hopeless Kira's form was, not to mention the water trick that could barely be even called a water whip and her facial expression that made her look constipated. Kira blushed as she remembered the accident not long ago.
"Umm, can I help you with something?" Kira shyly asked as the stranger's laughing slowly went away and stood up.
"Actually, no, that performance of yours was satisfying enough!" The person was face to face with Kira now, grinning as if no teasing had just gone on moments before. "I really like the way you show your passion about water bending. Usually water bending is strongly discouraged when it comes to girls, no?" Kira nodded. "Wow. You don't speak much, do you?" Min sighed as she realized she was meeting yet another personality that was obviously from the water tribe. "Anyway, would you like me to show you how to do a proper whip?" Min grinned again, this time along with Kira.
They both faced the water, Kira watching Min intently while taking mental notes on her perfect form. Her expression was serious, but calm; it was like she was with someone totally different. Min gracefully lifted a perfect amount of water out of the river and started moving her arms, hands, and feet in harmony. The water seemed to follow her unsaid commands perfectly. After she whipped the boulder out in front of them, she exhaled and grinned at Kira once again, whose eyes were bulging out in awe and motivation at the finest water bending she's ever seen. "Hey, Spookfish, so you want to learn how to, or not?"
"My name is Kira."
"Oh, nice nam-"
"Please teach me how to waterbend!" Kira bowed. Min was surprised for a second by Kira's outburst, but grinned again and said, "Sure!"

Okay guys, so I thought maybe I should stop being a butthead and post this part of Kira's story ._. There will be two parts, but because this chapter is so long, the second part won't be long at all. I'll even just add it on to this chapter because in my head the chapter is going to be really small~ But for now, I shall leave you all with this!
(P.S. Yes the gray part is all a flashback :3)

UMM UMM HAI? ^^" So today is February 12, 2015....... Wow. Yeaaah, I know it's been a (loooong) while, and idk what happened.... High school (blegh), writer's block (which I still have btw, it won't leave me alone), and life. Just. Life. Yeah, well I'll try to at least write the rest of the characters' intros because I know it's not fair to them :(( I feel really bad for making the first ever Avatar based fanfic and not continuing, but life happens, na mean? Anyway, thank you all for reading, and I hope you'll all be hearing from me soon! XD



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UMM GUISE I JUST (kind of) UPDATED ._. XD I just finished the water bender's chapter, and I'll (hopefully) be working on the other characs soon! -Poopoo❤


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LOL Oh boy I missed this story
Chapter 7: Omg look an update. I wonder how long I have to wait for the next one? Lol just kidding, just kidding~ Splashing water all over Kai means wet shirtless Kai keke. I mean, if he is shirtless. But that's pretty gosh darn hot XD
But seriously Kira's dad. "OOOO KIRA YOU WERE LOOKING AT THAT ____TLESS GUY OVER THERE WEREN'T YOU?" My dad would come up and cover my eyes then walk out. I think I'm old enough for shirtless men LOL
Anyway, I think this was a good update~! Maybe even enough to make up for the face that you haven't updated in a while. But I'll be waiting again~ ^^
lalalaapoopoo #3
Err, so this couldn't fit in the story feed so I shall just post a comment here. Hopefully, you'll all see it. Here goes:

I'm so sorry guys. I never thought high school could be this stressful. When I was in middle school, I had LOADS of free time after school, no stress whatsoever. I knew high school was going to be hard, but I didn't know it was going to be this stressful! I'm like dying OTL Sadly, our co-author is either too lazy or has writer's block to write a chapter. I'll try my best to write chapters during school, but I can't promise they'll be up soon :/
All you high schoolers know what I'm talking about; keep strong, guys! It'll all be over in no time :)

P.S. Anybody wanna donate money to the poor poopoo? 8'D LOLJK. I wouldn't ask for money from you guys XD I hope you guys don't lose interest in the story, and I laa chu all~ ♥
Oh wow, i didnt even realize you guys split up the parts. The story followed very well.
YES CABBAGE MAN'S CAMEO! One of my fav avatar characters of all time~
Great job guys (and i have school too...-sigh-, someone shot me XDD )
HinataSnow #5
Woohooo!!! First chapter up!!! Cant wait for more!!! Totally loled at the cabbage man's cameo!!! XD
Ahhhh~ Thank you so much for choosing me and congrats to the other members! :D
congrats to the chosen applicants~
and lol at the messages from the mentors. lol
anyways, can' wait to see the story start!!
=OO~ Thanks for choosing me and congrats to all the people who got chosen! Gah, I can't wait to this to start. So excited ^^~
OMAIGAWD. Thank you for choosing me.
ermergerd, out of all the other Fire Applicants, gosh, thank you.
Harhar, nice quote, /silent tears/ I'll be waiting for the story to start!