Bora the Earth Bender

Avatar: The Powers Within || Apply Closed ||

Poopoo is back again with another teaser! DUN DUN DUNNNNN. :3 This time I decided to put this one in first person P.O.V since it was easier to portray her (the grandma's) feelings that way. I hope you all enjoy~! OuO
 As you all can see up there, this was supposed to be my teaser #2, but I decided to make this my first chapter! Go ahead and read on to find out who the first featured character is... THE CHAPTER YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR HAS FINALLY BEEN COMPLETED! DUNUNUNNN~



I walked into the town, wondering the question I always wonder when walking into a new town: Could this be one of the towns?

Although, no town is new to me anymore. I've been to them all.

I've been traveling for over 50 years now, yet I've found nothing. Every time I went into a new town, that one question is the one always on my mind. For 50 years, traveling and searching was my only passion. For what? Specific people. Why? Someone very wise once told me that this was my purpose in life. How did that person know? I'm not sure. Who are these people I have to look for? I absolutely do not know.

Remembering my memories at this town made me smile with my crooked teeth, worn out by the years. It was one of the towns that really made a good impression on me. Ah! I should visit my favorite tea shop first!

I walked for about 30 minutes and reached my favorite tea shop I haven't been to in years. I sat down and waited for the waitress to come take my order. As I waited I looked around the place, thinking about how it didn't look any different from before. "Annyeonghasaeyo~ Welcome to Kyoshi Tea Shop, what can I get you, Ma'am?" A polite young lady interrupted my thoughts.  She had white make-up all over her face with a lot of red and black make-up on the eyes. Her lips were tinted red with lipstick... It was a beautiful shade of red. Of course, her make-up made sense because this was Kyoshi Tea Shop.

"Ah, I'll have the Ginseng tea, dear." Her face turned apologetic.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, but we don't have the tea you speak of..."

"Really? Well that's a bummer, your Ginseng tea back then was definitely the best tea I have ever tasted!" She smiled once again and asked if I wanted something else on the menu. "No thank you, sweetie. I have a question for you. What is your manager's name?" Her expression told me I caught her off guard.

"His name is Bang Yong Nam..."

"Ah, perfect! I'd like to talk to him."

"Err, Ma'am? May I ask why you're asking for him?" Her face was filled with anxiousness.

I sensed the worry in her voice and comforted her. "Just visiting an old friend." I smiled at her, giving her a sign that she's not in any kind of trouble. She seemed to relax a bit and went to go call the manager.

He came out grumpy, head down and murmuring to himself, "Who the heck does this person think she is, disturbing me from watching my favorite soap opera? And I was just getting to the good p-"

"Yong Nam?" I interrupted the grumpy grandpa from his grumpyness. He looked up and his eyes brightened up as well.

"Haneul? Kim Haneul is that you?" I smiled as I went up to him and gave him a hug. It didn't even feel like 20 years had passed... I still remember the day I arrived here and the two weeks I stayed here as clear as if it happened just a moment ago. "How have you been?"

"Oh, I've been well, still strong from my everyday excercise," we both smiled at the inside joke we shared at that moment.

"I see, I see~ So how did you know I'm still the manager of this old shop?" He gestured to the worn out wooden walls and paintings. I shrugged.

"Lucky guess~" He nodded and said something to one of his workers (who I think was the one who was serving me before) before turning back to me.

"So you wanted the old usual, huh? Sadly, we don't sell that here anymore..." I was about to ask why when he smiled and abruptly continued his sentence which I thought was done. "But you're the only exception,"

Narrator's P.O.V

While Haneul and Yongnam caught up with each other's lives, the waitress who served Haneul was ending her shift and taking off her costume/uniform. Her thick makeup was taken off of her face and her regular clothes were now covering her body. [LOL. I don't know what to put here XD] 

She knocked on Manager's door to say her goodbyes and be on her way. "Excuse me..."

"Come on in," Yong Nam's deep voice was heard from inside the room. She opened the door and just peeked in.

"Ah, my shift already ended, so I just wanted to say that I'll be leaving now,"

"Alright, Bora. You can take your leave now, don't forget anything in here like you did last time!" He laughed at her clumsiness. She also respectively laughed lightly and said her goodbyes again, all the while eager to leave. She closed the door and rushed out of the tea shop as fast as she could.

"That girl's name is Bora? Yang Bora?" Haneul asked.

"Yes, why? How did you know? Do you know each other?" Haneul was bombarded with questions.

"Whoa, calm down, Yong Nam. I just remember a little girl from when I was last here at this town. She always used to look for me everyday, although I didn't and still don't know why... She always used to give me little cute vegetables, such a sweet little girl," She smiled as she remembered the little Bora.

"....." Yong Nam bursted out laughing. "How can vegetables be cute?" Haneul glared and rolled her eyes at him as she answered.

"They were small, tiny, vegetables. I find tiny things cute! What's wrong with that?" The two began chit-chatting like they were young again, forgetting the fact that they were at a very old age.

Bora was now free from being respectful. She wanted to have fun and play some pranks. The first thing that came to her mind was cabbages. She went to the best place to find the funniest people to prank. It was an outdoor market, an isle in the middle and hundreds of stands selling varieties of food. She approached the old man that is always nagging at little kids who steal his cabbages.

Bora would usually respect the elderly, but he never respected her. She focused on her feet which had perfect contact with the earth and firmly moved her foot forward. A rock pierced the wooden wheel of the stand. The old man started to push it because he wanted to move somewhere else and get away from all the bratty kids. 

Right when he pushed, it didn't budge an inch. He tried and tried but nothing happened. Bora tried to hold back her laughter at the sight of an old man trying to figure out why he was so "weak." 

"I gotcha again!" She laughed out loud and he glared at her. 

"Bora! Stop fooling around or I'll tell your parents! Go find someone else to prank!" Bora moved her foot back and the rock went back into the ground. The old man started to walk away grouchily. Bora was still a bit giggly.

"Why were you messing with an old man that didn't even do anything to you?" 

Bora turned around to see a woman with her hands on her hips and she could tell that she wasn't happy. 

"Why do you care?" Bora fought back. 

"I don't like people answering my questions with another question." The woman stepped forward, making Bora do the same thing. 

"You didn't even answer mine." 

"Tch." The woman scoffed and rolled her eyes at the unintelligent young lady.

Bora was now losing her temper. She was about to attack with a boulder but then found herself trapped in the earth. She couldn't move.

"You can't just suddenly attack without thinking about a possibility that I'm an earth bender too." The woman shook her head at the common sense that Bora didn't have.

"Hey! Get me out of here!" Bora yelled, her head was sticking out of the ground. 

"Can you earth bend yourself out of the ground? You are an earth bender too, right, Miss Sassypants?" The woman smirked. 

"..." Bora stayed quiet, feeling defeated. 

"That's what I thought." The woman stood in a stance and punched up in the air. Bora spun up and landed on her with a thud. She cursed under her breath. 

"Hey, watch your mouth or next time I'll scrub it with soap." The woman asked fiercely. "What's your name?"

"Bora, Yang Bora." She cooperated because she didn't want to get humiliated out in public by this woman again. 

"I'm Kwon Kwojin." Kwojin walked to Bora and held her hand out. Of course Bora took it and stood up with Kwojin's help. 

​After the tea shop, Haneul decided to go for a trip down memory lane and happened to see Bora as she bended the earth under the cabbage cart. "Bora is an interesting young lady..." Haneul thought. Haneul approached the two and introduced herself. She then told them to follow her, which they questionably did. They followed her into an empty corner.

"Bora, you have an important role to play in this world." Haneul started to speak. 

Bora just stood there and blinked at the sentence, waiting for it to sink in. Kwojin stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to even think at that sentence. 

"When I was young, about your age, there was a man who talked to me, telling me that my purpose in life was to travel the world in search of some people. Of course, I was confused and asked him who exactly would I be looking for, but he said he didn't know either. All he knew and explained to me was that I needed to look for people around the world... Special people I guess you could say. He said I didn't need to know right then and there who I needed to search for, because I would know who they are when I see them. I became frustrated at his words, not accepting them because who would believe that without reason, right? So I told him he was crazy and walked away. That man died 3 days later. Coincidentally, that third day was the day I decided I would do it. I would look for the people. I went over to his house to tell him the news, but no one answered the door. One of his neighbors saw me waiting outside his door. She came up to me and said, 'I'm sorry for your loss.' I was confused at first, so I just went home. I opened the door to hear people crying. I asked my brother why everyone was crying and he told me... He told me our grandfather had passed away. Yes, that man who told me of my purpose in life was my grandfather. To this day, I haven't found any of the people he was talking about, and there were times I have thought about giving up several times, but I decided to persevere. Bora, I am talking to you right now to tell you that you are one of the people I am looking for."

Bora looked shocked and could only say, "What?! You're crazy!" Haneul smiled.

"That's exactly what I said to my grandfather." Bora ignored Haneul's memory.

"What's makes you think I, of all people, am one of those people you were talking about?"

"Well, Bora, I don't think you're one of the people I was talking about."

"What?! Then how can you just drag me here and say that I-"

"I know that you're one of the people I was talking about." Bora was speechless as more information tried to sink in. "I saw the way you moved when you earth bended, even if it was just a simple move. You were moving perfectly with the earth, as if you were one. I, myself, have encountered many many earth benders, but I have never seen one move like you. The only thing there is to change about you is your use of earth bending." Haneul turned to Kwojin. "Kwojin," Kwojin's expression on her face changed from feeling awkward to feeling shocked. How does she know my name? Kwojin's thoughts were endless as the elder continued to talking to her. "I can say the same for you, young one. Except, you are currently more powerful, and you have the right intentions." As... Of now? She turned back to Bora. "Now. I have something to ask you. Do you believe in what I said to you?"

"I... Uhh..." Bora just nodded, knowing that nonsense would just come out of if she tried talking.

"Good. I want you to listen to me very carefully. To fulfill your purpose in this world, you have to find a mentor who is capable of teaching you more than you could've ever thought you would know, and practice your bending, make yourself stronger, teach yourself things you think you would never be able to do. Improve for the sake of the world. Bora, do you understand me?" Bora just nodded with wide eyes, anticipating, her imagination going wild. "Perfect. I will leave you with this," Haneul gave her a necklace with a unique symbol that only Haneul knows the meaning to and started walking away.

"Wait!" Bora finally found her voice. Haneul turned back.

"How do I know where to contact you? What if I have questions in the future?"

"Earth is the element of substance. The people of the Earth Kingdom are diverse and strong. They are persistent and enduring. Bora, I know you will be able to make it through anything. As for your first question, we will know when the time comes." The elder started walking away again.

".... What am I supposed to do now?" Bora exclaimed, frustrated. She looked at Kwojin with hesitating eyes for a few seconds then started walking away.

"Wait!" Kwojin ran after her.


"Well... Don't you need a mentor? Why don't you let me?" Bora blushed.

"W-what?! Nooooo, nonononononono. You just embarrased me out there 10 minutes ago, you expect me to ask you to be my mentor? No way!"

"Oh, really. So if you don't want me to be your mentor, then who else is going to teach you? You heard the elder, she said I was better than you!" Kwojin left out the part that was still stuck to her mind. 'As of now.'

"Listen, I really don't like your attitude. I'm hot-headed too so if we spend a lot of time together, I'm sure we will get nowhere and it'll end up in some earth bending mess, henceforth I'd rather not."

"Oh come on. There is nothing wrong with letting people who love you, help you. Err, not that I love you. I just met you."

Bora sighed and agreed to let Kwojin become her mentor. "Alright, alright. But I won't guarantee that I'll act nice."

"Fact accepted. Shake on it?" Kwojin held her hand out and Bora took it.



And that was the beginning of... Well let's just say an adventure full of... adventure.


One more note! ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS check your story feed! It's quite helpful when it comes to getting information (from this story at least) OuO Give me some feedback on how you liked this chapter, and thanks for supporting this story! ^-^ ♥
P.S. If you were wondering about our writing styles, my writing style is above the cool logo thingy, and upmybum's is below it~ Although I wrote the rest when it came to Haneul explaining to Bora about her past and stuff and yeah ._. What I just said might confuse some of you OTL In that case, don't mind me .___.

I held back from the intense earthbending. Wait until they train. :3 I won't say something long like Poopoo. So... BYE AS SUBBIES.


"There is nothing wrong with letting people who love you, help you. Not that I love you. I just met you."
-Uncle Iroh

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UMM GUISE I JUST (kind of) UPDATED ._. XD I just finished the water bender's chapter, and I'll (hopefully) be working on the other characs soon! -Poopoo❤


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LOL Oh boy I missed this story
Chapter 7: Omg look an update. I wonder how long I have to wait for the next one? Lol just kidding, just kidding~ Splashing water all over Kai means wet shirtless Kai keke. I mean, if he is shirtless. But that's pretty gosh darn hot XD
But seriously Kira's dad. "OOOO KIRA YOU WERE LOOKING AT THAT ____TLESS GUY OVER THERE WEREN'T YOU?" My dad would come up and cover my eyes then walk out. I think I'm old enough for shirtless men LOL
Anyway, I think this was a good update~! Maybe even enough to make up for the face that you haven't updated in a while. But I'll be waiting again~ ^^
lalalaapoopoo #3
Err, so this couldn't fit in the story feed so I shall just post a comment here. Hopefully, you'll all see it. Here goes:

I'm so sorry guys. I never thought high school could be this stressful. When I was in middle school, I had LOADS of free time after school, no stress whatsoever. I knew high school was going to be hard, but I didn't know it was going to be this stressful! I'm like dying OTL Sadly, our co-author is either too lazy or has writer's block to write a chapter. I'll try my best to write chapters during school, but I can't promise they'll be up soon :/
All you high schoolers know what I'm talking about; keep strong, guys! It'll all be over in no time :)

P.S. Anybody wanna donate money to the poor poopoo? 8'D LOLJK. I wouldn't ask for money from you guys XD I hope you guys don't lose interest in the story, and I laa chu all~ ♥
Oh wow, i didnt even realize you guys split up the parts. The story followed very well.
YES CABBAGE MAN'S CAMEO! One of my fav avatar characters of all time~
Great job guys (and i have school too...-sigh-, someone shot me XDD )
HinataSnow #5
Woohooo!!! First chapter up!!! Cant wait for more!!! Totally loled at the cabbage man's cameo!!! XD
Ahhhh~ Thank you so much for choosing me and congrats to the other members! :D
congrats to the chosen applicants~
and lol at the messages from the mentors. lol
anyways, can' wait to see the story start!!
=OO~ Thanks for choosing me and congrats to all the people who got chosen! Gah, I can't wait to this to start. So excited ^^~
OMAIGAWD. Thank you for choosing me.
ermergerd, out of all the other Fire Applicants, gosh, thank you.
Harhar, nice quote, /silent tears/ I'll be waiting for the story to start!