
Avatar: The Powers Within || Apply Closed ||

Song Minki (Min) the water bender

She is a kind hearted girl who uses her bending for good purposes only. But sometimes, she'll use it for fun because she loves pranks! -insert evil laugh here- Min can be a really weird girl to the ones she's close with. Min is not the kind to gain enemies easily, but if someone sasses at her, she will get uber mad and make the situation somewhat worse. She will get strict when mentoring someone, so if you goof off and get distracted, get ready to be yelled at... Or maybe even hurt. Min believes in living your life freely, how you want it to be, without letting anyone affect your decisions. Unless, of course, either you're not mature enough to make your own decisions... Or you're making the wrong decisions.


Kwon Kwojin the earth bender

Kwojin is a bit bipolar. She will be hyper and happy for a moment, then next thing you know, you don't hear a word coming out of . Kwojin is the awkward kind. She tends to avoid people because she doesn't like all the awkwardness she causes. When Kwojin does speak, she is very straightforward. No one knows what will come out of , and neither does she. Kwojin can't control her violence. She will hurt you with or without knowing, either way, you'll get hurt. When she teaches, she likes to explain and let her student know what she is talking about.


Hwang Jaemin the fire bender

Jaemin is a guy with ADHD. He cannot stay still. He is the craziest one out of all the mentors. He's weird most of the time, but when it's time to get serious, then he will get serious. Jaemin can be really good with his words. His choice of words will make people look at him differently. He is the kind of person to get distracted easily, but he is very social. He will talk to anyone, bad or good. He tends to be very violent with you the more he gets comfortable. Jaemin does have his secrets that he will not share with just anybody. He doesn't want people pitying him.


Lee Ae Chan the air bender

Ae Chan is a very quiet girl. She could be awkward at most times. Even though she's quiet, she's a little scary too. If you get her mad, Ae Chan will turn into a different person. When teaching, Ae Chan likes to focus a lot. And she will not deal with someone who is easily distracted. If you get her out of her comfort zone, then she'll be a really fun and talkative person. Ae Chan uses her bending whenever she wants. With her enemies, Ae Chan will just ignore. She's not the kind to start the fight first, but when the other starts the fight, she will fight back well. Ae Chan is a very shy girl, so don't expect her to talk to you right away.

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UMM GUISE I JUST (kind of) UPDATED ._. XD I just finished the water bender's chapter, and I'll (hopefully) be working on the other characs soon! -Poopoo❤


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LOL Oh boy I missed this story
Chapter 7: Omg look an update. I wonder how long I have to wait for the next one? Lol just kidding, just kidding~ Splashing water all over Kai means wet shirtless Kai keke. I mean, if he is shirtless. But that's pretty gosh darn hot XD
But seriously Kira's dad. "OOOO KIRA YOU WERE LOOKING AT THAT ____TLESS GUY OVER THERE WEREN'T YOU?" My dad would come up and cover my eyes then walk out. I think I'm old enough for shirtless men LOL
Anyway, I think this was a good update~! Maybe even enough to make up for the face that you haven't updated in a while. But I'll be waiting again~ ^^
lalalaapoopoo #3
Err, so this couldn't fit in the story feed so I shall just post a comment here. Hopefully, you'll all see it. Here goes:

I'm so sorry guys. I never thought high school could be this stressful. When I was in middle school, I had LOADS of free time after school, no stress whatsoever. I knew high school was going to be hard, but I didn't know it was going to be this stressful! I'm like dying OTL Sadly, our co-author is either too lazy or has writer's block to write a chapter. I'll try my best to write chapters during school, but I can't promise they'll be up soon :/
All you high schoolers know what I'm talking about; keep strong, guys! It'll all be over in no time :)

P.S. Anybody wanna donate money to the poor poopoo? 8'D LOLJK. I wouldn't ask for money from you guys XD I hope you guys don't lose interest in the story, and I laa chu all~ ♥
Oh wow, i didnt even realize you guys split up the parts. The story followed very well.
YES CABBAGE MAN'S CAMEO! One of my fav avatar characters of all time~
Great job guys (and i have school too...-sigh-, someone shot me XDD )
HinataSnow #5
Woohooo!!! First chapter up!!! Cant wait for more!!! Totally loled at the cabbage man's cameo!!! XD
Ahhhh~ Thank you so much for choosing me and congrats to the other members! :D
congrats to the chosen applicants~
and lol at the messages from the mentors. lol
anyways, can' wait to see the story start!!
=OO~ Thanks for choosing me and congrats to all the people who got chosen! Gah, I can't wait to this to start. So excited ^^~
OMAIGAWD. Thank you for choosing me.
ermergerd, out of all the other Fire Applicants, gosh, thank you.
Harhar, nice quote, /silent tears/ I'll be waiting for the story to start!