Not A Eunhae Fic ... Really...

Merry Christmas Cass

The rest of Hyuk's visit with Junsu was filled with the warmth and comradeship of old friends long separated. A balm to heal the ache of lives too busy and too bound with work and other obligations.

A freak weather system, that plummeted temperatures and covered a good portion of the island with ice, gave them extra time to reconnect. He departed Jun's house, two days later than expected, laden with gifts and food to share with his own members, the 'message' still unmoved from his jacket pocket.

At the hotel where he was to rejoin his group, he walked past the usual guantlet of press and fan cameras, smiling and waving ... and ignoring any and all requests for comments on his visit with Junsu. He and Jun had laughed together about the internet speculation on their relationship, knowing full well that they would be the flavor of the day, until a new flavor came along tomorrow.

Emerging onto the secured floor where the hotel staff had escorted him, he was greeted by a flying missile that resolved into a dark haired man that wrapped himself, arms and legs. around Hyuk's torso.

He was unable to respond to the "Finally, finally, finally..." being repeated in his ear until he had loosed the stranglehold that had cut off his breathing.

"Didn't I call you less than two hours ago?" He asked the limpet in his arms. "And texted you in the car on the way here..."

"Yes, but it took a really long time for you to get back and the roads are still bad in spots." Hae's face was close enough that his genuine worry shone through clearly.

"I would have stayed at Junsu's if there was any danger." Hyuk put all the reassurance he could muster into his response. The possibility of hazardous road conditions was something that none of s took lightly. With one final squeeze, Hae allowed himself to be detached from Hyuk's torso and moved under his right arm.

"Sooo... What did you bring me?" Grinning at the anticipated question, he slapped at the hands that had begun to pat him down.

"Other pocket," he laughed taking hold of the hand about to slide into his right pocket where the 'message' resided still.

Hyukjae's attempt to keep them moving down the corridor was thwarted, yet again, by Hae enthusiastically reaching completely around him to get at the promised goodie in the left pocket. Resigning himself to not reaching the suite until Donghae was appeased, he stopped in the middle of the hallway and motioned for the staff, that had been unobtrusively following, to continue on with the luggage and packages.

"You can't open it until we're alone." he said quietly as Donghae extracted a beautifully wrapped cube shape from the indicated hiding place.

Hae set the small package on the palm of his hand and gazed at Hyuk, worlds of speculation dancing in his eyes.

"Should Junsu be jealous?" Hae's grin only got wider when Hyuk punched him in the arm.

"Of course..." Hyukjae's reply was full of the laughter familiar to myriad radio listeners.

"Jun and I are yesterday's scandal," with a quick glance up the hall to the staff entering the suite, he continued with a smile and a near silent chuckle, "you and I are tomorrow's."

Giving Donghae's shoulder a little shake, he turned his back to the other man and bent down. Looking behind him, he patted Hae's leg as a signal to climb aboard. Hae complied without comment, pulling himself up to the familiar position on Hyuk's back. They arrived in the suite with no more delays to be greeted by the members and staff assembled there.


In the next few days, the delays and cancellations caused by the inclement Japanese weather, were rescheduled or rebooked. All of the interviews were handled with professional courtesy on both sides. All of their appearances, concerts and fan events were accomplished to the great satisfaction of members, company and fans.

Questions about his relationship with Junsu became fewer and finally ceased. Questions about his relationship with Donghae were never-ending and as always, he and Hae handled these with minimal non-answers, usually with a smile and a shrug. Questions from the company about what had been discussed between himself and the three in Japan were not a pointed as he feared they might be.

And still, the 'message' rode along with him. It became a habit to make sure his right pocket, whatever he was wearing , was secure enough that there was no chance they would be lost.

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