Changing Times

Merry Christmas Cass

As inevitably happens, days fold into weeks, months, years ... the lives of all that were present that night moved on and changed.

Hyukjae's group expanded and contracted as the members worked solo projects or sub-groups, left for and returned from national service, married and began families. They were all together only once or twice a year for large concerts or an occasional TV special.

When they were fortunate enough to have everyone together, they made a special effort to have all of the families join them for a days long reunion. Schedules permitting their two 'other brothers' were always included in these events.

Yunho and Changmin, no longer considered to be rag-tag remnants, had morphed into a top-draw power duo whose on-stage style and presence was unrivaled in the entertainment world.

Off-stage, their drive and work ethic helped them become an insider force, thought of industry wide as staunch company men. Any speculation that they would split off to join their former members died slowly, but with painful finality.

When the duos management announced, several months before Yunho's thirtieth birthday that he and Changmin would go on hiatus for national service, no one was surprised. Even the fact that Changmin had chosen to do his own national service at the same time instead of continuing as a solo act wasn't unexpected.

The months leading up the pairs departure date was filled with a hectic series of appearances designed to give them maximum exposure and their fans as many as possible opportunities to see them.

Jaejoong's announcement that he would return home to do national service, though he resided almost exclusively in Japan, caused only passing speculation, even among the original groups most hard-core fans. In his press release Jae stated that he wished to complete his service 'as is fitting any man proud to be a citizen'. Yuchun and Junsu began to take only short-term solo contracts in anticipation of the three man group's performance hiatus. The three completed all contractual obligations almost simultaniously.

At a press conference before leaving Japan, they thanked all their fans and staffs, saying that they would accompany Jaejoong home in order for them all to spend time together and with their families before Jae's scheduled check-in date.


The day that Yunho and Changmin were due to report for service was a banner day for the country's press corps.

The two arrived at a location not too close to the gate of the government installation, that their future commander had strongly suggested would be optimal in prevention of traffic congestion and operational disruption. Access to the area where they would actually enter the installation was restricted to family and very few selected media outlets. This caused grumblings among some of the unselected press that were aware of the actual size of the entrance area. With only Yunho and Changmin's parents and siblings allowed, there should have much more press access given.

As the grumblers watched the restricted area covertly, hoping for a chance to make their way over, they began to have an inkling that more was happening than they had been given notice. Family members kept arriving that belonged to neither of the men they were covering.

Yunho and Changmin said their final farewells and with last waves to the throng, made their way to the entrance area. They were greeted there by people that the outside press recognized as their families. And then also by the other people allowed inside.

A multitude of telephoto lenses began taking long distance shots and finally, one veteran reporter began to laugh as he recognized first one, then another well-known face.

Faces not only of Yunho and Changmin's siblings, but the brothers of both Yuchun and Junsu were there for the family send off.

Before Yunho and Changmin had stepped more than a few feet into the cordoned area, a long black SUV with darkly tinted windows pulled up near the secured area.

Three very familiar figures, all with hair shorn close and luggage in hand emerged.

They paused for a moment, all apparently speaking into Jaejoong's cell phone. Smiling brightly and waving for the unlucky ones with long lenses, Jae spoke a few words into his phone before breaking the connection, and still waving graciously, the three made their way into the restricted zone.

Footage of the next few minutes was seen may times over during the days to follow, not just locally, but carried by news outlets around the globe.

Entering the restricted area, the three dropped their luggage and made their way through the crowd to the two waiting.

Cameras of all descriptions created a mild stroboscopic effect as two and three once more became five. Falling together in what had before been their 'celebratory hug', no one moved as the years of separation began a slow healing process with tears and touch.

They broke the embrace only to hold individual members, not seen in such a long time.

Finally, joining hands and arms, they moved to pose in front of the large sign with the facilities name. They stood in their traditional alignment and stretched out their hands in a finger spread five sign for photographs.

None seemed to care that all their faces were wet with tears and their noses were red. There was no make-up here today to mind about.

Too soon for the press' liking, they stopped posing for the cameras and made their way through the assembled families. They were showered with love and good wishes until they once again claimed their luggage and with one last wave of farewell made their way through the installations gate.

A good many of the reporters present that day were disappointed to discover that they did not, in fact, have a breaking news story dropped into their laps. By the time any of them filed their stories with their various agencies, news of the reunion of the five was going viral on the net.

The first mention of the reunion was in a special live-stream internet broadcast. The three had spent the last few minutes of their ride to their check-in point on the phone with Hyuk and Teuk in an exclusive interview.

As word spread and web searches began, the first pictures of the five were not professional photos, but 'tweets' posted on the accounts of all five, taken by siblings holding their phones.

The first comments sent out by the reunited five were also 'tweets', this time to their ever loyal and loving fan clubs that had kept faith with them for so many years.

It was those same fans, not the press, who pointed out hours later, that there was no surprise on any of their faces. Only expectant anticipation....

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