Old Friends and New Accessories

Merry Christmas Cass

"From what we've heard, the company has pretty much left them on their own since the last manager refused to go back."

Hyukjae paused to take a sip from the stemmed goblet that had been sitting on the low table beside him. He studied his friend closely over the rim and swirled the drink. What had started out as two old friends catching up, had quickly run through old times and company gossip to the real news Junsu needed to hear.

"Of course, no one knows if rumors of the company's 'security specialist' being found unconscious on Changmin's bedroom floor have any basis in fact." Jun's concerned expression relaxed a bit when Hyuk glanced up at him with a wickedly demure grin.

"And we're all pretty sure that the stories about months of rehabilitation that have been circulating among the staffs are pure fabrication.  We are all, however, fairly certain that the company is having trouble getting managers willing to ride herd on a group upper management was afraid would go renegde."

Hyukjae gave a studied gaze worthy of his Hee hyung at his most mischevous and meddlesome. After a few moments, Junsu seemed to take reassurance from Hyuk's expression. The tension... that may not have been noticable to anyone else, but was all too apparent to the man that had known him since elementary school... slowly began to seep from Jun's body.

"So, was no one warning them about Changmin's waking temperament?" Junsu was curious about how a fact that had been well known among the members - and most of the dormitories - had become such a company-wide issue.

Hyuk shrugged and replied," I think that Yunho made it a weapon in his arsenol." His voice became even quieter as he continued," Personally...I think anything they can do to protect themselves is always at the back of his mind...anything he can do to protect Changmin."

Both men watched the liquid in their glasses for a contemplative moment until another voice interjected from the kitchen area of the condo.

"He did threaten to stop waking Min up himself for years," Jae's tone carried a hint of satisfaction behind the light words. "I guess he finally made good on his threat."

His cohort, dishing up the sides for the meal they would be sharing, gave a soft laugh.

"I would like to have been a fly on the wall the first time, just to see their reaction when he sat up out of stone-dead sleep with murder in his eyes." Yuchun's chuckle was accompanied by a slight shiver at the memory. There were very good reasons to leave some things up to their leader.

Three glances were exchanged as memories of the maknae they had raised from adolescence to manhood stirred. Jae reached to smack Yuchun's chest with the back of his hand when he caught a glimmer of tears. "Always," he whispered quietly, tapping Chun's shirt over the tattoo that they mutually carried.

"I know, I know...", was the equally soft reply. Jaejoong held his gaze until Yuchun gave back one of his patented devilish grins. "I'll just think of the stories they'll have to tell..."

Hyukjae watched their byplay surreptitiously from his seat on the couch. He knew from experience how painful separation could be when there was no contact from the ones missing in your life. Speculation had run rampant about what exactly had transpired between the five who had been so close for so may years. Even he, who was closer than most because of his relationships, didn't know all the details.

Sitting here watching the exchanged looks of these three, he suspected that the bonds that many supposed were irrevocably shattered were not so sundered as they might seem.

"Anyway," Jaejoong continued at his most acerbic, "there will never be a need for 'riding herd' on Yunho. His work ethic and sense of honor are all that will ever be required for him to give his very best, whatever the circumstances. If they're too stupid to figure that one out for themselves ... they deserve to be put in a room with a sleeping Changmin!"

He abruptly ceased his stirring of the pan in front of him, which had become increasingly agitated as he defended their erstwhile leader. Laying aside the large wooden spoon, he took a deep, calming breath as he reached for the knot of the dark barista-style apron he had worn to prepare the food.

"Come have a taste before I serve," he called to the two seated in the living area. "I promise I didn't season it to suit my own tastebuds."

Everyone moved to the kitchen as Jae passed out long handled spoons for tasting. Hyuk's sip was more cautious than the others eager sampling. He had sometimes wondered if Jaejoong actually had tastebuds or if they had been seared off long ago by the fiery foods that he preferred.

The heat that filled his mouth was not overpowering and accompanied by a wonderful flavor that spoke to him of home. Jae had not lost his touch with the traditional foods that they missed so often in their hectic lives. When he had the time and opportunity to cook for them he did so with love as a vital ingredient.

They spent the next few hours enjoying the food and conversation that ranged from airline service and flight delays to small shops in countries where showing your face was not a bar to wandering around in public. Stories of being recognized in odd places (a middle-aged American woman in a small cafe in Germany had greeted them in their native tounge to tell them how much she enjoyed the way their music had grown and matured) to shopping bare-faced in a store not ten miles from Jaejoong's home town with not even a batted lash in their direction (they still couldn't believe it, even with the three large bags of junk food they brought back for the staff).

Time passed quickly for friends that seldom had the opportunity to bond like this anymore. Whatever time they were able to spend together now was treasured, even while all were aware that Hyukjae would probably be questioned closely about his visit.

Hyuk, for his part, was less concerned with any future questions from management, and more with absorbing atmosphere, feelings and impressions to take home to the two most deserving his best efforts.

The late hour finally moved Junsu and Hyukjae to leave for Jun's place where he would be staying. As they wrapped themseves in layers to combat the freezing Japanese winter night, Jae appeared from the kitchen with a large cloth-bound bundle. While Junsu was protesting the amount of food that Jae wanted him to carry home, Yuchun pulled Hyuk aside for a quiet farewell.

He nonchalantly slipped two of the three rings from his left hand and pressed them into Hyuk's palm. Giving him a one armed hug he spoke softly into Hyuk's ear.

" This is our only message." A small nod was the only reply he gave Yuchun in return and tucked the rings into his jacket pocket without ceremony.

With fondness and good wishes for their health and safety, the two older men saw them into the elevator. Before the door had closed completely, Hyuk noticed Jae reach for Yuchun's left hand. He only nodded and waved them off.

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