The Girl of Legend .3

Mysterious Play

Jessica opens her eyes again to find herself back in the school’s library. She lets herself sit there for a few seconds in a complete daze, feeling like she just woke up from a dream. Her fingers rubbed her templels in thought. Jessica then jumps up as she remembers everything that had happen to her.
Wait- Taeyeon!? Taeyeon!!?” Jessica ran up and down the aisle between the bookshelf looking for her best friend, but she found no sign of Taeyeon anywhere.
Jessica about to give up, steps on the same old book from before. She looks at it questionably.
She hesitantly picks it up and, with nothing else to do, starts to read.

"The girl tried with all her might to rescue her friend from slave traders, but she was overpowered and when all seemed lost, a boy with the symbol of the ogre on his forehead appeared and helped them out."

Jessica thinks back to the young man who had rescued Taeyeon and herself.
Ogre symbol on his forehead? Impossible! That's exactly what happened to us! But wasn't that just a dream?

Jessica then kept reading, wanting to look for more clues about her friend’s whereabouts. Though she was a little skeptical about the whole thing.

"And so the girl left for the city on the back of a wagon to look for her friend and the boy."


Taeyeon laid down on the back of a hay-filled wagon, looking up at the bright blue sky. She had been laying there for a while now, after she hitched a ride unknowingly to the driver. She sat up in frustration as she thought about her friend and the young man.
That cute guy, he helped us but then he kidnapped Jessica... It's criminal! It's unforgivable.. Hmm... Where am I anyway?
She then looks at the people alongside the road giving her weird looks.
“Stop staring, weirdoes.”
She looks pass them to find an amazing city just below the side of the road. The view took her breath away. The city was like that of ancient China, the buildings topped off with traditional chinese red roofs.
“Ah! Beautiful! Like a painting, or a film set!” Taeyeon exclaimed out loud.
It got Taeyeon thinking.
Ah, could it be? Am I in that book?...No that’s impossible...
Taeyeon scans the city from where she sat and examined the busy streets of the place.
With a city full of people, I'm sure I can find them here!
Taeyeon then catches a glimpse of the young man in the crowd of people. She didn’t hesitate a moments longer to run after him.
“Oh! That's him! Got'cha!” Taeyeon exclaims as she jumps off the wagon cart and made her way into the city.
“Thanks for the ride!” She called after the driver of the wagon.
“What? Who?” The driver looked around himself in paranoia as he heard Taeyeon’s voice.


Sorry. Let me through please. Pardon me.” Taeyeon squeezed herself between the crowded streets. They either gave her a weird look, like she’s some sort of alien; or ignored her all together. As Taeyeon reached the spot to where she thought she had saw the young man, he was already long gone.
“I've lost him! Where'd he go? Oh, no!” Taeyeon’s shoulder hunched over in a defeated fashion as she brought her head down. Then suddenly her stomach began to rumble as she smells food around her. She sees a food vender just in front of her. She walks towards the food, mouth watering.
“Hey girlie, keep you eyes in your head and that tongue of yours in your mouth.” The vendor tells Taeyeon as she approached the stall. Taeyeon asked for one, as she digged into her pockets for her money.
Maybe you can help me, have you seen a good looking guy with an ogre symbol on his forehead?” She asked him as she handed him the money.
Ogre symbol? No, but you can call me good looking if you want to.” The food vender told Taeyeon with a smile full of broken teeth.
“Don't think so...” Taeyeon mumbles under her breath.
After looking at the coins Taeyeon used to pay with, the food vender looks at her angrily.
Hey you little thief! This isn't money!”
But it is money! Korean coins from the 21st century!” Taeyeon says while running away with the food.


Taeyeon searches for the young man for the next few hours. Asking random people if they’ve seen a guy with the ogre symbol on his forehead. Though no luck, no one gave her any leads to where he might be.
Taeyeon exhausted, sits down in one of the wooden crates lying around.
“Oh..Jessica, where are you?” She sighed sadly.
A young stranger approaches Taeyeon.
“Excuse me, miss, I couldn't help watching you...And since I'm on my own here too I was wondering to know if I could show you around the Konan Empire.”
Konan Empire?” Taeyeon flashed back to her old chinese history class.
Yeah.” He said confirming his statement.
So that's what this place is called. The Konan Empire.” Taeyeon thought out loud. Then her mind went to somewhere else.
Oh! Is he asking me for a date!? Ah, I think he really must be. I've never had a boyfriend before. In all my 17 years, have I finally made myself into the woman of all men's dreams!? I'll play it cool, like the popular girls, and I won't answer him right away. I don't want him to think I'm easy. So I'll keep him guessing and that way he's sure to want me!
Hello?” The stranger asks her, bringing her back to reality.
I'd love to, but I can't. I'm looking for someone actually.” Taeyeon tells him flatly, with her chin pointed upwards in a snotty fashion.
Oh, I see.” The strange guy then starts to walk away. Taeyeon grabs the guy’s shirt, pulling him back in front of her.
Wait a minute.” She tells him quickly.
You mean the guy with the ogre symbol.” The stranger tells her with a smirk on his face.
Oh, do you really know him?” Taeyeon asked hopefully, clasping her hands together.
The guy's a friend of mine as a matter of fact. Do you want to meet him?” The stranger ask her.
Oh yes! I do!” Taeyeon eyes sparkle as she follows the guy’s lead.

Have you heard?”
Heard what?”
They say a young girl in strange clothing has been hanging around town and no one knows what to make of it.”
Oh yeah. I heard about her, she's looking for a guy with some kind of symbol on his forehead, right?”
They say she paid for some food with foreign currency and then ran away.”
A young foreign girl here all alone. Where did she come from?”
An old couple sat in a table of a bar, gossiping about the news going around town. The same young man that rescued Taeyeon and Jessica sat near them, hearing everything they had said.
Excuse me, but can I ask you something?” The young man asked the old couple.
Yeah.” The man answered him.
Was the girl you were talking about with someone else?”
Well, I don't know all the details, but I heard she was alone when she stole the food.” The old woman answered him.
Alone, huh? Well I guess she's not one of the girls I met earlier.

Taeyeon just stayed quiet as the strange man led her to the person she had been looking for all day long. Taeyeon became increasingly worried, looking around her surrounding. It seemed like she was in a bad neighborhood of the city. The guy led her to an alleyway.
Excuse me? How much longer before I meet your friend?” Taeyeon asked breaking the uncomfortable silence.
We're here.” He shouts out loud.
Three guys come out of the neighboring building. They were all members of some sort of gang. Taeyeon looks at the strange guy that had brought her here, confusingly.
Well, well, well. Look what he brought us this time. Something a little different too!” one of the gang members says.
“Different isn't she? Her clothes alone will bring a good price.” The man that lead her told the other guys.
Is it true that women traveling alone are looking for excitement?” One of the gang member came towards her with a playful smile on his face.
You tricked me, didn't you?” Taeyeon told the stranger angrily.
It's your own fault. You shouldn't have followed him.” One of the gang member told Taeyeon, while he lifted up her skirt to have a look.
Taeyeon punches his hands away.
Back off!” She muttered under her breath.
“I think she likes me!” The same guy said with a smirk on his face.
Taeyeon backed up against a wall with the gang member surrounding her.

It's unbelievable to find punks in old China, and I fell for it. Wait a minute, I'm in ancient China now, that means no teachers or bad behavior reports. So I can't get demerits here!
Taeyeon takes off her jacket and pulls up her sleeve in a manly manner.

Oh right! Listen up you sleazebags, I, Kim Taeyeon, will punish you in the name of heaven, and demonstrate on you thugs the fatal blow I saw on the pay-per-view satellite program 3 days ago! Oh, yeah! The female professional wrestling challenge!”
Taeyeon tackles one of the guy closer to her, making him fall to the ground.
Hip attack!” Taeyeon shouted as she bumps her hips harshly to the second guy coming after her.
What the hell is she?” The gang leader announces.
I've never seen martial arts like this!” The other members panicked.
Hey! I'm not half bad. If I tried, maybe I could compete. Taeyeon thought in her head. Distracted, the gang leader knocks Taeyeon down and pins her to the ground.
You're gonna get it now.” He told her through gritted teeth.
“Ah! No! Help me!” Taeyeon started to scream, as she started to flail around wildly, but it was no use the man was pinning her down in a strong hold.
A rock flies through the air and hits the gang leader in the back of the head. Making the guy let go off Taeyeon, while he turned around to look for the person responsible.
Ow! Hey! Who's there?” The gang leader asks. They all look up to see someone standing high up, on top of the wall, catching and throwing a pebble with one hand.
You need four men to handle one girl? Come on!” The same young man from before stood there. He stopped throwing the pebble as he squeezed it between his hands, turning it to powder. The symbol on his forehead glew a bright red color.
“Let's make the odds more even.” He grinned towards the gang members.

Jessica kept on reading the book.

"When the girl was in imminent danger the boy with the ogre symbol on his forehead appeared on the scene and defeated all the villains."

Aaa! Oww! Ugg! I've had enough of this. I know when I'm beat.” One of the gang member exclaimed out loud, running away from the scene.
“Me too. I'm outta here.” The others followed him, disappearing into the distance.
The young man watches them run away, and then turns to look at Taeyeon, who sat huddled on the floor.
Taeyeon looks helplessly to the same young man, tears b her eyes.
They stayed there a moment looking at each other.


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Chapter 3: wah.. who is the young boy. but I'm guessing it's Baekhyun..
WAh~~ they meet again!!
pinkmonsterr #2
Chapter 3: update soon !!~~ ^^
Chapter 3: That was an awesome update!
So whatever is happening in the book, happens with Taeyeon.
I hope to find out soon who's the young man with the ogre symbol! c:
Even in ancient China, the people are just like today =.="
Aish poor Taengoo! She's all alone. They sent Jessica back :p
I wonder who's the young man. Sehun? Kai? Suho? Hehe hwaiting for your next update! :)
michthao1689 #5
Sehun I part of the seiryu warriors? Damn. I'm guessing baekhyun is tamahome while suho is tasuki? Lol. Cute.
woah. woah. woah.
poor taeyeon! lolol i would die if i did that to my teacher! D:
yay! they're going to get in next chapter.
i want to see how this would turn out ^^
omg omg omg.
another exotaeng done by you.
lemme read the first chapter.
Well, that was embarrassing, to say the least. Poor Taeyeon. Still utterly hilarious though. Can't wait to see where this story goes. :)
i <3 this story ^^