The Girl of Legend

Mysterious Play


 Where the heck am I?

            The petite school girl frowned to her self as she scrunched her thin-haired eyebrows together in confusion. Her deep brown eyes, which contrasted with her milky white skin, nearly closed as she looked around in wonder. She found nothing but darkness. It surrounded her, making her feel lonely and a little afraid. The emptiness only mimicked her in reply as she called out a greeting. To the best of her ability she tried to remember how she ended up in this place and what she had been doing last.
I was in the middle of something important...something with my future, more or less...what was that again?
            Taeyeon stood there trying to key in her locked memories; but right in the middle of her concentration, her tiny nose began to twitch. A faint scent had distracted her, making her abandon the previous task at hand. The scent was pleasant, no matter how weak it was. It was something that she smelled many times before. A happy bubbly feeling emerge inside her.

            Without her consent, her tiny little feet started moving on its own. The scent became her guiding light through the dark. She closed her eyes intoxicated by the sweet aroma. With each steps the scent got stronger. Finally at its potent state, it disappeared without a trace. Her eyelids shot open disappointedly, as she snapped out of the trance. Taeyeon wiped clean, since she noticed that the front of her school uniform was now soaked with drool.
            “Wae!!!” Taeyeon cried out. She really wanted to know where that scent was coming from.
            She felt like she has just been cheated with false hope. In the middle of her moping, she heard what sounded like a light switch being flicked on. Taeyeon peeked to her right and noticed a spot light shining down brightly from some unknown source up above. Under that bright light, is what she had been yearning for. Just the sight alone, makes her feel complete. It is the source of her unlimited happiness. It was her first love, her only love. The only thing that makes her stomach churn and yell from so much wanting.
            "Food!!" Taeyeon eyes sparkled as she sprinted straight for the random tray of food on the floor, her brown reddish locks trailing behind her. She wanted to get there now and devour it all. She could already taste the fresh heated meal running down .
            As she ran, more spotlights shot down around her, revealing more food. Taeyeon halted to a stop, frustrated on what to do. In every direction she looked, foods popped out, screaming her name for her to go in their direction. The screaming started to fill her ears as more and more appeared every second.
            "Stop please!" she whimpered back at them. "Don't make me choose! I love you all equally!"
            It was no used; they just kept getting louder and louder. She closed her eyes as the noise painfully pierced her ear. She couldn't take it anymore.
            "I said STOP!!!"

            Taeyeon opened her eyes in annoyance, but it quickly turned to one of surprise. She was standing in the middle of her classroom, carrying her desk above her head, ready to throw it at the demanding nightmarish food. Everyone the room, excluding her strict teacher Mr. Park, looked at her with wide-eyes.
            "Really Taeyeon?" whispered a voice behind her. "You could have picked a better time to nap!"
            Even before Jessica finished what she had to say, she remembered that the College Entrance Exam was today. Right now, to be more exact.
            Her teacher cleared his throat and started talking in an unfazed tone, since this was something that happened quite often, though the desk thing was kind of new.

            "Taeyeon, go to-"
            Before he even finished, Taeyeon already made her way out of the room. She had familiarized herself with procedures, though she didn’t expect to be doing it today, of all days. She was left, out in the halls, all alone; while everyone else went back to finishing their exam.

Aishhh! Why am I so stupid? Whywhywhywhywhywhy? The biggest test of my life and I fell asleep! All that studying I did last night only backfired at me! Now there's no chance of going to the school I want!
            Taeyeon stood there miserable. She wanted to attend the same school as Jessica, her best friend. She knew how little her chances was to begin with, since Jessica was far smarter than her, and the school they wanted to attend only accepts her kinds. Those chances became even slimmer now, practically non-existence as it flushed down the toilet never to be seen again. She could never be the same level as her friend no matter how much studying she did. She was just avarage, nothing extraordinary. 

            On the contrary Jessica, her best friends for almost all her life, was perfect. On top of being smart, she was also pretty. Some time ago, Jessica had decided to cut her beautiful long blonde hair, boyishly short. She wanted to make her self less undesirable, but that didn't stop all the boys from noticing her. As a matter of fact it made them crazier, head over heels in love with her. Though now her hair had grown back a little, but still so many admirers. Taeyeon felt a little sad for most of the more determined ones. Jessica personally told Taeyeon being in a relationship would only distract from the goal she set in life. So there was no chance that she would answer any of them. Though Taeyeon though that maybe she wouldn't be saying that after she finds an actual guy as perfect as she was.

Taeyeon sulked even more.
She'll just have to find a new best friend...

            The bell ending the school day sounded and Jessica walked out of the classroom first. She was the only one smiling confidently. Her other classmates were ready to drop dead in sweat from the test as they walked out the door. Jessica went straight to the sad looking Taeyeon spacing out by the wall.
            "Ya! Kim Taeyeon!" Jessica called out her friend's full name, letting Taeyeon know that it was scolding time.

            "Why-" Jessica started to say.
            Taeyeon cut her off with a shake of her head and finished the question herself, since she had a feeling what she was going to say.
            "-Am I so stupid? Because I just am..." Taeyeon pouted. The pain intensifying in her heart...and in her arms?
            Jessica chuckled at her friend.
            "Well Pabo, that wasn't what I was going to say at all!"
            Taeyeon looked at her friend questionably. For some reason she was beginning to feel tired.
            "I was going to ask you, why you're still carrying your desk over your head?"
            Taeyeon looked above her. No duh she was getting tired she had been carrying the desk all this time. Her emotional pain had momentarily overpowered her physical one. Taeyeon cursed herself for looking like an even bigger fool and went to set the desk down gently.

            Though for the millionth time today, things didn’t go to plan. She should have seen it coming her way. Her arms finally reached its limits, and she drops the desk. It wouldn't be so bad if Mr. Park didn't appear at that moment; He was just as unlucky, picking the wrong time to go and talk with his disruptive student. The desk landed hard on Mr. Park's foot, maybe breaking a few toes in the process.

            “Aaaaahhhhh!” Mr. Park screamed in pain.
            Taeyeon realized what she had done. She squeaked out an apology and in panicked took Jessica’s hand and ran off. She ran no where in particular. She just needed to get far away; as she felt like any moments Mr. Park would be chasing behind her, breathing fire down her back.  
            They ran in to the library, with people glaring at them for being too loud. Taeyeon paid no attention to them, and kept running forward. But something inside her, a voice of some sort, told her to turn the next corner. In a place that seemed to be left alone, forever forgotten.
            She didn't know the school's library was this big. To come think of it she had never really spend that much time in the library.
            From the corner of her eyes, Taeyeon caught a glimpse of a reddish shimmering light, not far from the two girls. In that same light, a glimpse of what looks like a flowing red feathered tail rounded the corner of some old book shelves. But once she reached the same point, nothing was there except an open door. It was to another part of the library that seemed to be left forgotten. They stopped ones Taeyeon was finally sure they were alone. The two teenagers collapse on the ground exhausted.
            "Taeyeon! What-" Jessica was panting hard, trying to catch her breath.
            “I panicked ok?” Taeyeon let out a breath trying to recover.
            They took a few more seconds to return back to normal, since they had run all the way to the other side of school in just a small amount of time. When they had finally calmed down, Jessica stood up and kicked Taeyeon harshly.
            "Ya! Taeyeon! Don’t ever do that again, understand? I kept my eyes close the entire time, praying we wouldn't hit a wall with how fast you were going!"
            Taeyeon just gave the angry one an apologetic look. She knows there's no reasoning with Jessica ones she's mad.
            "Wait so you didn't see that tail feather?" Taeyeon suddenly thought out loud.
            Jessica still a little angry just gave a look that says she thinks Taeyeon was going crazy.

            "Whatever..." Jessica stated a little lighter in tone. It seemed her anger was dissipating faster than Taeyeon previously thought.
            "Where'd you take us anyway? I've never been here before.” Jessica blew some dust that had previously been lying on the bookshelves for who knows how long.
            "Seemed like no one has for some time now." Taeyeon stated, watching Jessica scan the bookshelves. Taeyeon who was still sitting down grew worried as she spotted Jessica making a funny face.
            "Sica, you-" Taeyeon didn't get to finish what she had to say, as the blonde one let out a loud sneeze.
            The bookshelf that Jessica is currently holding on for support began to rattle under her unstable hands, creating more dust.
            An old tattered looking book fell down from the top of the book shelf; hitting the shorter one's head.

 Ow! Hard cover! Very hard! Taeyeon screamed out mentally as she pressed down with both hands on the crown of her head, trying to suppress the pain.
            "Sica! Stop! Before more books fall on me! I don’t want my head all bumpy.” Taeyeon complained to the younger one by only a few months. Jessica looked up at the ceiling to stop her sneezing, since someone had told her that before. She tested it out to see if it was true.
            Meanwhile Taeyeon reached for the beat-up looking thing that fell and examined it. She couldn't quite read the words, since it had faded a little. The letters that were once gold were now an ugly yellow beige color.  There were some rips and holes that prevented her from reading the title out right. Taeyeon guess the missing letters one at a time, using anything clues. Satisfied and still a little unsure, she concluded that the book’s name went by, along the lines of, Universe of the Four GodsThe title was in Chinese, so she was a little proud of herself for actually being able to read the words. Since she almost failed Chinese class before, Taeyeon was surprise that she actually learned something out of that boring class.

Ya! That’s it! It fits in so perfectly! Taeyeon mentally praised herself and went to stare at the book again.

Huh, Universe of the Four Gods...Taeyeon flipped the book to see what it was about.

Hmm… She thought.


Sounds boring.


Hello thanks for reading. I tried my best...tell me what you guys think! Hopefully you liked it and stay tune for the next chapter. :D Please comment and subscribe! 

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Chapter 3: wah.. who is the young boy. but I'm guessing it's Baekhyun..
WAh~~ they meet again!!
pinkmonsterr #2
Chapter 3: update soon !!~~ ^^
Chapter 3: That was an awesome update!
So whatever is happening in the book, happens with Taeyeon.
I hope to find out soon who's the young man with the ogre symbol! c:
Even in ancient China, the people are just like today =.="
Aish poor Taengoo! She's all alone. They sent Jessica back :p
I wonder who's the young man. Sehun? Kai? Suho? Hehe hwaiting for your next update! :)
michthao1689 #5
Sehun I part of the seiryu warriors? Damn. I'm guessing baekhyun is tamahome while suho is tasuki? Lol. Cute.
woah. woah. woah.
poor taeyeon! lolol i would die if i did that to my teacher! D:
yay! they're going to get in next chapter.
i want to see how this would turn out ^^
omg omg omg.
another exotaeng done by you.
lemme read the first chapter.
Well, that was embarrassing, to say the least. Poor Taeyeon. Still utterly hilarious though. Can't wait to see where this story goes. :)
i <3 this story ^^